Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Administration Guide

Installing Samples

This section provides the instructions to install samples, which is a bundle of sample communities, users, and some portlets which are not yet officially supported by Sun. Customers can use samples, depending upon their need and interest.

ProcedureTo Install Samples

  1. Download the zip file for add-ons and copy it to the Web Space Server installation directory.

    cp webspace-for-gfv2/

    cd webspace-for-gfv2/

  2. Extract the zipped folder for samples.


  3. Change to the /webspace/samples directory.

    cd /webspace/samples

  4. Install the samples.

    • To install a single sample (for example, socialspace.psar), type

      ant -f install-gfv2.xml

      Buildfile: install-gfv2.xml
         [input] Ant must be 1.7 or greater. JAVA_HOME must be set to JDK 1.5 or greater. 
      [RETURN to continue or CONTROL-C to stop]
         [input] Enter GlassFish Directory  [/opt/webspace-gfv2-sunos/glassfish2]
         [input] Enter GlassFish Domain (include full path to domain)  [/<install-dir>/glassfish/domains/domain1]
         [input] Enter psar file (include full path)  [samples/sample.psar]
    • To install all samples, type

      ant -f install-all-gfv2.xml

      Buildfile: install-all-gfv2.xml
         [input] Ant must be 1.7 or greater. JAVA_HOME must be set to JDK 1.5 or greater. 
      [RETURN to continue or CONTROL-C to stop]
         [input] Enter GlassFish Directory  [/opt/webspace-gfv2-sunos/glassfish2]
         [input] Enter GlassFish Domain (include full path to domain)  [/<install-dir>/glassfish/domains/domain1]
          [echo] Stopping GlassFish...
          [echo] Execute /477/glassfish/bin/asadmin stop-domain if install hangs.
  5. Restart theGlassFish server.