Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager Performance Monitor 1.0 Getting Started Guide

Getting the Performance Monitor 1.0 Software

Performance Monitor 1.0 is available to Sun customers with any of these entitlements:

To get the Performance Monitor 1.0 software, follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Read and accept the SunSolve License Agreement.

    The SunSolve home page appears.

  3. Locate and click the "Log In" link, situated on the right below "Sun support customers:".

    The Log In page appears.

  4. Enter the user name and password of the Sun Online Account associated with your entitlement. Then, click "Log In".

    The SunSolve home page appears again, with a welcome message on the right instead of "Sun support customers:" and the "Log In" link.

  5. Locate and click the "Patches and Updates" link.

    The Patches and Updates page appears.

  6. Locate the PatchFinder box, enter 140749 in the box, and click the "Find Patch" button.

    The patch page for the latest Performance Monitor 1.0 software appears.

  7. Click the "HTTP" link next to Download Patch and save the patch file ( to a directory on your system.

  8. Log out of SunSolve.