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Installing Sun Java Enterprise System 6

This document is maintained by the Java ES team.

This document provides information about installing the products in Sun JavaTM Enterprise System (Java ES) 6 Base, the core offering of Java ES. For information about the other offerings in Java ES 6, including the various Java ES suites, see

This document is updated as needed. See Revision History to learn about these updates. The most recent version of this document can be found in the Java ES 6 documentation collection at

This document covers the following topics:

Getting the Java ES 6 Software

The Java ES 6 software is available as a free download at, and as an orderable CD/DVD media kit.

You are welcome to use the Java ES 6 software for free without support or indemnification. Purchase a Java ES subscription to get the Sun support and indemnification you'll want when running in a production environment. For information about the available support and service plans offered with a Java ES subscription, see

Suggested Sequence for Installing Java ES 6

Sun recommends that you install the products in Java ES 6 Base in the following sequence, whether you are installing on a single system or deploying an architecture that spans several systems. This sequence has been developed based on the required and optional dependencies among the products in Java ES Base, as described in Interoperability of the Products in Sun Java Enterprise System 6.

  1. Solaris Cluster software

    If any products run in a Solaris Cluster environment, Solaris Cluster software should be installed before the products that use Solaris Cluster services. Solaris Cluster agents should be installed as part of the Solaris Cluster installation.

  2. Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition software

    Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition should be installed after Solaris Cluster software, upon which it depends. It should be installed before any products that use Solaris Cluster services.

  3. Directory Server Enterprise Edition

    Several products store user data or configuration data in Directory Server, and might access Directory Server through Directory Proxy Server. Therefore, Directory Server Enterprise Edition should generally be installed before installing products that have dependencies on Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server.

  4. Web Server

    A number of Java ES products require the support of a web container, which should be installed before the products requiring web container services. Normally web container services are provided by Web Server or GlassFish Enterprise Server, but if your architecture contains both, install Web Server first, before installing GlassFish Enterprise Server.

  5. Message Queue

    If multiple products in your Java ES deployment rely on Message Queue, you should install it separately before the products that rely on it. If only GlassFish Enterprise Server relies on Message Queue, you can instead install Message Queue as part of the GlassFish Enterprise Server installation because GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 includes Message Queue.

  6. GlassFish Enterprise Server

    GlassFish Enterprise Server should be installed after Web Server if Web Server is to be used to provide load balancing services between GlassFish Enterprise Server instances. Also, GlassFish Enterprise Server should be installed after Message Queue if a system-wide deployment of Message Queue is to be used to provide asynchronous messaging services instead of the Message Queue installation bundled with GlassFish Enterprise Server.

  7. Web Proxy Server

    Web Proxy Server can be installed anytime, though generally it should be installed after the Web Server or GlassFish Enterprise Server installation for which it provides a proxy service.

  8. OpenSSO Enterprise

    OpenSSO Enterprise must be installed after the web container into which it is to be deployed, and it should be installed before the products that depend on it for authentication and authorization services.

  9. GlassFish Web Space Server

    GlassFish Web Space Server should be installed last because it has required or optional dependencies on several other Java ES products.

Installing Solaris Cluster Software

In Java ES 6, Solaris Cluster 3.2 1/09 software is provided in a package-based format for the following platforms:

Because Solaris Cluster is an integrated hardware and software solution, careful planning of your Solaris Cluster deployment is required before installing the software itself. For information about deployment planning, see these Solaris Cluster manuals:

For information about installing the Solaris Cluster software, see Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

For an example that shows installation and configuration of a specific Solaris Cluster configuration, see Sun Cluster Quick Start Guide for Solaris OS.

Installing Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Software

In Java ES 6, Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition 3.2 1/09 software is provided in a package-based format for the following platforms:

For information about installing the Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition software, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide.

To learn more about Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Overview.

Installing Directory Server Enterprise Edition

In Java ES 6, Directory Server Enterprise Edition (DSEE) 6.3.1 is provided in a file-based format, packaged in a ZIP distribution, for the following platforms:

Installing DSEE 6.3.1 is actually a multistep process because version 6.3.1 is a maintenance release that corrects issues known in versions 6.0 through 6.3. The steps to install DSEE 6.3.1 are:

  1. Install DSEE 6.3, as described in To Install Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 From Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Installation Guide.

  2. Upgrade the installation to version 6.3.1, as described in Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition to 6.3.1 Using ZIP distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 Release Notes.

  3. Install the Directory Service Control Center, as described in Installing Directory Service Control Center From Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Installation Guide

To learn about DSEE, see Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Evaluation Guide. To learn about deployment architectures for DSEE, see Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Deployment Planning Guide.

Installing Web Server

In Java ES 6, Web Server 7.0 Update 4 is provided in a file-based format, packaged in a ZIP distribution, for the following platforms:

For information about installing Web Server, see Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 4 Installation and Migration Guide.

Installing Message Queue

In Java ES 6, Message Queue 4.3 is provided in different formats on different platforms:

For information about installing Message Queue, see Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide.

To learn about Message Queue and about deployment architectures for Message Queue, see Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Technical Overview.

Installing GlassFish Enterprise Server

In Java ES 6, GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 is provided in a file-based format, packaged in a ZIP distribution, for the following platforms:

For information about installing GlassFish Enterprise Server, see Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation Guide.

To learn about deployment architectures for GlassFish Enterprise Server, see Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Deployment Planning Guide.

Installing Web Proxy Server

In Java ES 6, Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 is provided in a file-based format, packaged in a ZIP distribution, for the following platforms:

For information about installing Web Proxy Server, see Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 Installation and Migration Guide.

Installing OpenSSO Enterprise

In Java ES 6, OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 is provided in a file-based format, packaged in a ZIP distribution, for the following platforms:

For information about installing OpenSSO Enterprise, see Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Installation and Configuration Guide.

To learn about OpenSSO Enterprise, see Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Technical Overview. To learn about deployment architectures for OpenSSO Enterprise, see Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Deployment Planning Guide.

Installing GlassFish Web Space Server

In Java ES 6, GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 is provided in a file-based format, packaged in a ZIP distribution, for the following platforms:

For information about installing GlassFish Web Space Server, see Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Getting Started Guide.

Documentation for Java ES 6

Documentation for Java ES 6 and the products in Java ES 6 is available on

Additionally, you can find other kinds of documentation at:

Documentation, Support, and Training

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Revision History



Description of Changes


April 2009

Final release version.

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