Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Update Series Release Notes

ProcedureTo Install the IDM Adapter Add-On on Identity Manager

Before You Begin

IDM adapter add-on for Web Space Server should be installed on an Identity Manager installation.

For installing and using Sun Identity Manager 8.1; see,

You need to install Identity Manager on a machine separate from the machine on which Web Space Server is installed. Download the IDM adapter add-on on the machine on which you have installed Identity Manager. To build the IDM adapter, set JAVA_HOME to JDK 1.5 or above, and ANT_HOME to ANT 1.7 or above respectively.

  1. Copy all the jar files inside the dist folder of IDM adapter add-on to the WEB-INF/lib folder of the deployed web application.

    For example, if the Identity Manager is installed on GlassFish, you need to copy the JAR files to glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/idm/WEB-INF/lib folder.

  2. Restart Identity Manager.

  3. Login to Identity Manager as administrator or configurator.

  4. Go to Configure -> Import Exchange File.

  5. Import the dynamicformsinit.xml present in the sample folder of the deployed web application.

    For example, if the Identity Manager is installed on GlassFish, you need to import the dynamicformsinit.xml file present inside the glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/idm/sample folder.

  6. Import all the xml files present inside the samples folder inside the downloaded file for IDM Adapter Add-On.

  7. Select Resources Tab. In the Resource Type Actions, select New Resource.

  8. Select Webspace Portal as the Resource Type, and click New.

  9. Click Next, to configure the resource from the Resource Wizard.

  10. In the next screen, provide the hostname, port, adminstrator username and password for Web Space Server, and click Test Configuration to verify if the adapter is able to contact to Web Space Server.

  11. If the connection is successful, you can do click Next for the remaining screens, and click Save on the final screen.

    The resource is listed.