Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Grid Engine Guide for Solaris OS

Installing and Configuring Sun Grid Engine

The procedure that follows explains only the special requirements for installing Sun Grid Engine for use with Sun Cluster HA for Sun Grid Engine. For complete information about installing and configuring Sun Grid Engine, see your Sun Grid Engine documentation.

To enable Sun Grid Engine to run in a cluster, you must modify Sun Grid Engine to use a logical host name.

How to Install and Configure Sun Grid Engine

Before you begin, ensure that you have the host names of all hosts in the grid. Create a separate list of host names for each type of host in the grid:

  1. Become superuser of the cluster node where you are installing Sun Grid Engine.

  2. Install the SDRMcomm and SDRMsp64 packages with pkgadd.

    When you install each package, you are asked for the directory for the root of the Sun Grid Engine file system.

    Where should Sun Grid Engine 5.3 be installed [default /gridware/sge] 
  3. Specify the directory for the root of Sun Grid Engine file system that you created in Preparing the Nodes and Disks.

  4. When you are prompted, specify the following information:

    • The name of the Sun Grid Engine administrative user whose account you created in Preparing the Nodes and Disks. The default is sgeadmin.

    • The name of the user group of the Sun Grid Engine administrative user. The default is adm.

  5. Set the SGE_ROOT environment variable to the directory for the root of Sun Grid Engine file system that you created in Preparing the Nodes and Disks.

    # SGE_ROOT=sge-root-dir 
    # export SGE_ROOT
  6. Go to the directory for the root of Sun Grid Engine file system.

    # cd sge-root-dir
  7. Start the script that installs the Sun Grid Engine master host.

    # ./install_qmaster
  8. Follow the prompts on screen to provide or confirm the following information:

    • The value of the SGE_ROOT environment variable

    • The TCP port number

    • The name of the Sun Grid Engine administrative user

    • The method that you used to install the SDRMcomm and SDRMsp64 packages

    • Details of your domain name service (DNS) domains

  9. When you are prompted, specify the range of group IDs for Sun Grid Engine to use.

    To ensure that you allocate enough group IDs, specify a range of approximately 100 group IDs, for example, 20000-20100.

    You are asked if you want to install the script that starts Sun Grid Engine at boot time.

    We can install the startup script that
    Grid Engine is started at machine boot (y/n) [y] >>   
  10. When you are asked if you want to install the script that starts Sun Grid Engine at boot time, reply no.

    To ensure that Sun Cluster HA for Sun Grid Engine can provide fault monitoring and automatic fault recovery, Sun Grid Engine must be started only by Sun Cluster.

  11. When you are prompted, specify the list of execution hosts.

How to Enable Sun Grid Engine to Run in a Cluster

  1. Become superuser of a node in the cluster that will host Sun Grid Engine.

  2. Create a failover resource group to contain the Sun Cluster HA for Sun Grid Engine resources.

    Use the resource group that you identified when you answered the questions in Configuration Planning Questions.

    # scrgadm -a -g sge-rg \
     -y Pathprefix=sge-root-dir
    -g sge-rg

    Specifies that the resource group that you are creating is named sge-rg.

    -y Pathprefix= sge-root-dir

    Specifies a directory on a cluster file system that Sun Cluster HA for NFS uses to maintain administrative and status information. This directory must be the directory that you created for the root of the Sun Grid Engine file system in Preparing the Nodes and Disks.

  3. Add a resource for the Sun Grid Engine logical host name to the failover resource group that you created in Step 2.

    # scrgadm -a -L -j sge-lh-rs \
    -g sge-rg \
    -l hostlist
    -j sge-lh-rs

    Specifies that the resource that you are creating is named sge-lh-rs

    -g sge-rg

    Specifies that the logical host name resource is to be added to the failover resource group that you created in Step 2

    -l hostlist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of host names that are to be made available by this logical host name resource