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Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q1 Performance Tuning Guide 

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



Acceptor Threads  1

access log  1

AddrLookups  1


architecture  1

scalability  1

tuning  1

arrays  1

authentication  1

authorization  1

automatic recovery  1

Average Queuing Delay  1


B commit option  1

bandwidth  1

best practices  1

Blocking Enabled  1

BluePrints  1

Buffer Length, HTTP Service  1


C commit option  1

cacheDatabaseMetaData  1

CacheEntries  1


EJB components  1

message-driven beans  1

servlet results  1

capacity planning  1

checkpointing  1, 2

class variables, shared  1

Client ORB Properties  1

Close All Connections On Any Failure, JDBC Connection Pool  1

CMS collector  1

coding guidelines  1

commit options  1

Common Data Representation (CDR)  1

configuration tips  1

connection hash table  1

connection pool, HTTP Service

Max Pending Count  1

Queue Size  1

Receive Buffer Size  1

Send Buffer Size  1

Connection Validation Required, JDBC Connection Pool  1

Connection Validation Settings, JDBC Connection Pool  1

connector connection pools  1

constants  1

container-managed relationship  1

container-managed transactions  1

context factory  1


data device size  1

data volume  1

database buffer  1

DataBufferPoolSize  1

demilitarized zone (DMZ)  1


settings  1

tips  1

deserialization  1

disk I/O performance  1

disk space  1

distributed transaction logging, disabling  1

DNS cache  1

DNS lookups  1, 2


overview  1

dynamic reloading, disabling  1


EJB components

cache tuning  1, 2, 3

commit options  1

monitoring individual  1

performance of types  1

pool tuning  1, 2

stubs, using  1

transactions  1

EJB container  1

cache settings  1

caching vs pooling  1

monitoring  1, 2

pool settings  1

tuning  1, 2

eliminateRedundantEndTransaction  1

encryption  1

entity beans  1, 2

expectations  1


file cache  1, 2

file descriptors  1, 2

File Size Limit, HTTP file cache  1

File Transmission, HTTP file cache  1

final, methods  1

finalizers, avoiding  1

footprint  1

fragmented messages  1


Garbage Collector  1

generational object memory  1



data device size  1, 2

database buffer  1

history files  1

JDBC connection pool  1

locks  1

memory  1

timeouts  1

hardware resources  1

Hash Init Size, HTTP file cache  1

hash table, connection  1

health checker  1

high-availability database  1

history files, HADB  1

HitRatio  1

horizontal scalability  1

HotSpot  1, 2

HTTP file cache  1

Hash Init Size  1

Max Age  1

Max Files Count  1

Small/Medium File Size  1

HTTP listener settings  1

HTTP protocol  1

HTTP Service  1

Buffer Length  1

connection pool  1

Initial Thread Count  1

keep-alive settings  1

monitoring  1

Request Timeout  1

Thread Count  1

tuning  1

HTTP sessions  1, 2


idle timeout

EJB cache  1

EJB pool  1

JDBC connection pool  1

Idle/Peak/Limit  1

IIOP Client Authentication Required  1

IIOP messages  1

Initial and Minimum Pool Size

EJB pool  1

JDBC Connection Pool  1

Initial Thread Count, HTTP Service  1

InternalLogbufferSize  1

IP stack  1

Isolation Level Guaranteed, JDBC Connection Pool  1


Java BluePrints  1

Java coding guidelines  1

Java Heap  1

Java serialization  1

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)  1



resources  1

tips  1

JDBC Connection Pool  1

Close All Connections On Any Failure  1

Connection Validation Required  1

Connection Validation Settings  1


Idle Timeout  1

Initial and Minimum Pool Size  1

Isolation Level Guaranteed  1

Max Wait Time  1

Maximum Pool Size  1

Pool Resize Quantity  1

Table Name  1

Transaction Isolation Level  1

Validation Method  1


connections  1

local vs remote service  1

tips  1

JSP files  1

pre-compiling  1

reloading  1

tuning  1

jvmstat utility  1



max connections  1

query max sleep time  1

query mean time  1

settings  1

statistics  1

thread count  1

timeout  1


last agent optimization (LAO)  1

light weight processes  1

Lighweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)  1

Linux  1, 2

load balancer  1

locks, HADB  1

log level  1

LogBufferSize  1, 2

logger settings  1

LookupsInProgress  1

lwps  1


Max Age, HTTP file cache  1

Max Files Count, HTTP file cache  1

Max Message Fragment Size, ORB  1

Max Pending Count, connection pool  1

Max Wait Time, JDBC Connection Pool  1

max-cache-size  1

Maximum Pool Size, JDBC Connection Pool  1

MaxNewSize  1

max-pool-size  1

memory  1, 2

message-driven beans  1

migrating, performance considerations  1


EJB container  1

file cache  1

HTTP service  1

JDBC connection pools  1

ORB  1

transaction service  1


NameLookups  1

Network Address  1

network interface  1

NewRatio  1

NewSize  1

Node Supervisor Process (NSUP)  1

null, assigning  1

NumberOfLocks  1


open files  1, 2

operating system, tuning  1

operational requirements  1

ORB  1

Client properties  1

IIOP Client Authentication Required  1

Max Message Fragment Size  1

monitoring  1

Thread Pool ID  1

thread pools  1

Total Connections  1

tuning  1


pass-by-reference  1

pass-by-value  1

pauses  1

persistence frequency  1

persistence scope  1

Pool Resize Quantity, JDBC Connection Pool  1

pool size, message-driven bean  1

pre-compiled JSP files  1

pre-fetching EJB components  1

processors  1

programming guidelines  1

promptness  1


Queue Size, connection pool  1


read-only beans  1

refresh period  1, 2

reap interval  1

Receive Buffer Size, connection pool  1

recover on restart  1

refresh period

read-only beans  1, 2

remote vs local interfaces  1

removal selection policy  1

removal timeout  1

request processing settings  1

Request Timeout, HTTP Service  1

resize quantity

EJB cache  1

EJB pool  1

JDBC connection pool  1

restart recovery  1

rlim_fd_cur  1

rlim_fd_max  1


safety margins  1

scalability  1

Secure Sockets Layer  1

security considerations  1

security manager  1

semaphores  1, 2

Send Buffer Size, connection pool  1

separate disks  1, 2

multiple data devices  1

serialization  1, 2

server tuning  1

servlets  1

initialization  1

results caching  1

synchronization  1

tuning  1


persistence frequency  1

persistence scope  1

size  1

state, storing  1

timeout  1

shared memory  1, 2

Small/Medium File Size, HTTP file cache  1

SOAP attachments  1

Solaris  1

JDK  1

patches  1

support  1

TCP/IP settings  1

version 8  1

sq_max_size  1

SSL  1

stateful session beans  1, 2, 3

stateless session beans  1, 2

storing persistent session state  1

StringBuffer  1

Strings  1

-sun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval  1


Solaris  1

Survivor Ratio Sizing  1

synchronization, in servlets  1

synchronizing code  1

System.gc()  1


Table Name, JDBC Connection Pool  1

TCP/IP settings  1, 2

tcp_close_wait_interval  1

tcp_conn_hash_size  1

tcp_conn_req_max_q  1

tcp_conn_req_max_q0  1

tcp_ip_abort_interval  1

tcp_keepalive_interval  1

tcp_recv_hiwat  1

tcp_rexmit_interval_initial  1

tcp_rexmit_interval_max  1

tcp_rexmit_interval_min  1

tcp_slow_start_initial  1

tcp_smallest_anon_port  1

tcp_time_wait_interval  1

tcp_xmit_hiwat  1

Thread Count, HTTP Service  1

thread model  1

thread pool

sizing  1

statistics  1, 2

tuning  1

Thread Pool ID, ORB  1

throughput  1

timeouts, HADB  1

Total Connections Queued  1

Total Connections, ORB  1


connector connection pools  1

EJB components  1

EJB transaction attributes  1

frequency  1

isolation level  1, 2

management for CMT  1

monitoring  1

size  1

tuning  1


applications  1

EJB cache  1

EJB pool  1

JDBC connection pools  1

sequence  1

Solaris TCP/IP settings  1

the server  1

thread pools  1


ulimit  1

user load  1


Validation Method, JDBC Connection Pool  1

variables, assigning null to  1

vertical scalability  1

victim-selection-policy  1

virtual memory  1


web container  1

Work Queue Length  1


x86  1

XA-capable data sources  1

-Xms  1

-Xmx  1


+DisableExplicitGC  1

+UseConcMarkSweepGC  1

MaxHeapFreeRatio  1

MaxPermSize  1

MinHeapFreeRatio  1

SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB  1

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Part No: 819-0084.   Copyright 2004 - 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.