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Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 MTA Developer's Reference 

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dequeuing messages  1, 2

enqueue  1

message submission (enqueue)  1

access rights

callable send  1

configuration  1

accessing queued messages  1

address parsing routines

mtaAddressFinish  1

mtaAddressGetN  1

mtaAddressParse  1


bcc  1

cc  1

from  1

mapping to channel  1

parsing  1, 2

postmaster  1

to  1

ALFA_SIZE=256, defined  1

aliases, inhibiting  1


bcc addresses  1, 2

BIGALFA_SIZE=1024, defined  1

block size  1

body  1


callable send

access privileges  1

basic steps for sending a message  1

bcc  1

cc  1

compiling and linking programs  1

envelope addresses  1


sending a message to multiple recipients  1

sending a simple message  1

specifying an initial message header  1

using an input procedure to generate the message body  1

header from addresses  1

message content (body)  1

message header  1

to  1

caller-supplied routines

decode_inspect()  1

decode_read()  1

decode_write()  1

process_done()  1

process_message()  1

calling order

dependencies  1

routines  1

cc addresses  1, 2

CHANLENGTH=32, defined  1

channel configuration, message deferral  1


backoff keyword  1

channel definition  1

channel name  1

channel program  1, 2

channel programs  1

channel queue, defined  1

intermediate  1

log file  1

logging keyword  1

master  1

message queue  1

name determination  1, 2

naming conventions  1

slave  1

Communications Services

documentation  1


mtaSend programs  1

compiling programs



access rights  1

refreshing stale  1


defined  1

dequeue  1, 2

enqueue  1

global  1

threads  1


date  1


enabling  1

errno  1

SDK diagnostic facility  1

writing debug output  1, 2

decode context  1

decode_inspect() routine  1

decode_read() routine  1

decode_write() routine  1

decoding caller-supplied routines

decode_inspect()  1

decode_read()  1

decode_write()  1

decoding messages

contexts  1

input sources  1

MIME format  1

output destination  1

simple sample decoding program  1

simple virus scanner sample program  1

decoding routines

mtaDecodeMessage  1

mtaDecodeMessageInfoInt  1

mtaDecodeMessageInfoParams  1

mtaDecodeMessageInfoString  1

mtaDecodeMessagePartCopy  1

mtaDecodeMessagePartDelete  1

deferred messages

channel configuration  1

definition  1

disposition  1

notifications  1

deferring recipients  1

delivery receipts  1, 2

dequeue context  1, 2

dequeuing caller-supplied routines

process_done()  1

process_message()  1

dequeuing messages

aborting  1, 2

accessing queued messages  1

basic steps  1

calling order  1

complex dequeuing sample program  1

ending  1

envelope fields  1

intermediate channel sample program  1

intermediate channels  1

Job Controller  1

processing routine tasks  1

pseudo-code thread creation loop  1

reading  1

recipient disposition  1

recipients  1

removing messages  1

re-reading  1

rewinding  1

sample program  1

starting  1

threads  1

dequeuing routines

mtaDequeueInfo  1

mtaDequeueLineNext  1

mtaDequeueMessageFinish  1

mtaDequeueRecipientDisposition  1

mtaDequeueRecipientNext  1

mtaDequeueRewind  1

mtaDequeueStart  1

mtaDequeueThreadId  1

diagnostic facility, enabling  1


overview  1

where to find Communications Services documentation  1

where to find Messaging Server documentation  1


enqueue context  1

enqueuing messages

aborting  1, 2

basic steps  1

bcc  1

body  1

calling dependencies  1

cc  1

completing  1

components  1

copying  1

delivery receipts  1, 2

envelope  1

envelope fields  1, 2

error reporting  1

example  1

finishing  1

from address  1

headers  1

intermediate channel sample program  1

intermediate channels  1

intermediate processing channels  1

recipients  1

sample program  1

starting  1

threads  1

to  1

writing  1, 2

enqueuing routines

mtaEnqueueCopyMessage  1

mtaEnqueueError  1

mtaEnqueueFinish  1

mtaEnqueueInfo  1

mtaEnqueueStart  1

mtaEnqueueTo  1

mtaEnqueueWrite  1

mtaEnqueueWriteLine  1


fields for enqueuing  1

message component  1

recipient disposition  1

error codes, retrieving  1

error handling routines

mtaErrno  1

mtaStrError  1


complex dequeuing program  1

intermediate processing channel  1

pseudo-code thread creation loop  1

simple decoding program  1

simple dequeuing program  1

simple enqueuing program  1

simple virus scanner program  1

executing programs  1, 2


global context  1


headers, deriving  1


initial message header example  1

initialization routines

mtaDone  1

mtaInit  1

input routine, decode_read()  1

inspection routine. decode_inspect()  1

intermediate channels

defined  1

re-enqueuing  1

sample enqueuing and dequeuing program  1

item codes  1

item list, defined  1


Job Controller  1



backoff  1

logging  1


linking instructions


mtaSend  1

Linux, default base directory for  1

list of MTA SDK routines  1

log file, mail.log_current  1

logging and diagnostic routines

mtaDebug  1

mtaLog  1

mtaLogv  1

loop, message  1


mail loops  1

mail.log_current  1

manually running programs  1

master channels, defined  1

message components

body  1

envelope  1

header  1

message loop, avoiding  1

message processing

procedure  1

process_done() routine  1

syntax and arguments  1


dequeuing tasks  1

enqueuing  1

locking  1

Messaging Server

documentation  1

MIME decoding routines

mtaDecodeMessageInfoInt  1

mtaDecodeMessageInfoParams  1

mtaDecodeMessageInfoString  1

mtaDecodeMessagePartCopy  1

mtaDecodeMessagePartDelete  1

MIME parsing  1

miscellaneous routines

mtaAccountingLogClose  1

mtaAddressToChannel  1

mtaBlockSize  1

mtaChannelGetName  1

mtaChannelToHost  1

mtaDateTime  1

mtaPostmasterAddress  1

mtaStackSize  1

mtaUniqueString  1

mtaVersionMajor  1

mtaVersionMinor  1

mtaVersionRevision  1

mtaAccountingLogClose  1, 2

mtaAddaressParse  1

mtaAddressFinish  1

mtaAddressGetN  1, 2

mtaAddressParse  1

mtaAddressToChannel  1, 2

mtaBlockSize  1, 2

mtaChannelGetName  1, 2

mtaChannelToHost  1, 2

mtaDateTime  1, 2

mtaDebug  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessage  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessageInfoInt  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessageInfoParams  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessageInfoString  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessagePartCopy  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessagePartDelete  1, 2

mtaDequeueInfo  1, 2

mtaDequeueLineNext  1, 2

mtaDequeueMessageFinish  1, 2

mtaDequeueRecipientDispoistion  1

mtaDequeueRecipientDisposition  1

mtaDequeueRecipientNext  1, 2

mtaDequeueRewind  1, 2

mtaDequeueStart  1, 2

mtaDequeueStart,multiple calls to  1

mtaDequeueThreadId  1

mtaDone  1, 2

mtaEnqueueCopyMessage  1, 2

mtaEnqueueError  1

mtaEnqueueFinish  1, 2

mtaEnqueueInfo  1, 2

mtaEnqueueStart  1, 2

mtaEnqueueTo  1, 2

mtaEnqueueWrite  1, 2

mtaEnqueueWriteLine  1, 2

mtaErrno  1, 2

mtaInit  1, 2, 3

mtaLog  1, 2

mtaLog() vs. MTA log file  1

mtaLogv  1, 2

mtaOptionFinish  1, 2

mtaOptionFloat  1, 2

mtaOptionInt  1, 2

mtaOptionStart  1, 2

mtaOptionString  1, 2

mtaPostmasterAddress  1, 2


access privileges  1

basic steps for sending a message  1

compiling and linking programs  1

envelope addresses  1

header from addresses  1

message content (body)  1

message header  1

sample programs

input procedure generates message body  1

sending a message to multiple recipients  1

sending a simple message  1

specifying an initial message header  1

to, cc, and bcc addresses  1

mtaStackSize  1, 2

mtaStrError  1, 2

mtaUniqueString  1, 2

mtaVersionMajor  1, 2

mtaVersionMinor  1, 2

mtaVersionRevision  1, 2


option processing

finishing  1

floating point values  1

integer values  1

reading an option file  1

starting  1

string values  1

option processing routines

mtaOptionFinish  1

mtaOptionFloat  1

mtaOptionInt  1

mtaOptionStart  1

mtaOptionString  1

output routine, decode_write()  1

output, channel program  1


persistent programs

considerations  1

log file considerations  1

refreshing  1

postmaster address  1

privileges, required  1, 2

process_done() routine  1

process_message() routine  1

processing messages

Job Controller  1

queued  1

processing routine tasks  1

production, running programs  1

programming considerations  1


recipient disposition

deferred  1

delivered  1

dequeued messages  1

failed  1

mtaDequeueRecipientDisposition  1

relayed  1

relayed foreign  1

returned  1

timed out  1

rewrite rules, preventing message loops  1

root, running as  1

running test programs

in a messaging environment  1

manually  1, 2

runtime considerations  1


sample programs

complex dequeuing program  1

intermediate channel program  1

mtaSend, sending a message to multiple recipients  1

mtaSend, sending a simple message  1

mtaSend, specifying an initial message header  1

mtaSend, using an input procedure to generate the message body  1

pseudo-code thread creation loop  1

simple decoding program  1

simple dequeuing program  1

simple enqueuing program  1

simple virus scanner program  1

SDK routines

address parsing

mtaAddressFinish  1, 2

mtaAddressGetN  1, 2

mtaAddressParse  1, 2


mtaDequeueInfo  1, 2

mtaDequeueLineNext  1

mtaDequeueMessageFinish  1, 2

mtaDequeueRecipientDisposition  1

mtaDequeueRecipientNext  1, 2

mtaDequeueRewind  1, 2

mtaDequeueStart  1, 2

mtaDequeueThreadId  1


mtaEnqueueCopyMessage  1, 2

mtaEnqueueError  1

mtaEnqueueFinish  1, 2

mtaEnqueueInfo  1, 2

mtaEnqueueStart  1, 2

mtaEnqueueTo  1, 2

mtaEnqueueWrite  1, 2

mtaEnqueueWriteLine  1, 2

error handling

mtaErrno  1, 2

mtaStrError  1, 2


mtaDone  1, 2

mtaInit  1, 2, 3

list of  1

logging and diagnostic

mtaDebug  1

mtaLog  1

mtaLogv  1

logging and diagnostics

mtaDebug  1

mtaLog  1

mtaLogv  1

MIME decoding

mtaDecodeMessage  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessageInfoInt  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessageInfoParams  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessageInfoString  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessagePartCopy  1, 2

mtaDecodeMessagePartDelete  1, 2


mtaAccountingLogClose  1, 2

mtaAddressToChannel  1, 2

mtaBlockSize  1, 2

mtaChannelGetName  1, 2

mtaChannelToHost  1, 2

mtaDateTime  1, 2

mtaPostmasterAddress  1, 2

mtaStackSize  1, 2

mtaUniqueString  1, 2

mtaVersionMajor  1, 2

mtaVersionMinor  1, 2

mtaVersionRevision  1, 2

option processing

mtaOptionFinish  1, 2

mtaOptionFloat  1, 2

mtaOptionInt  1, 2

mtaOptionStart  1, 2

mtaOptionString  1, 2

slave channels, defined  1


patches  1

support  1

stack size  1

state information management  1

stdout and other generic I/O destinations  1

string call arguments  1

string size constants  1


Solaris  1


test programs, steps for running manually  1


contexts  1

dequeue contexts  1

enqueuing messages  1

stack size  1

thread creation loop  1

time  1

to addresses  1, 2


version routines

mtaVersionMajor  1

mtaVersionMinor  1

mtaVersionRevision  1

virus scanner example  1


writing output, use of stdout  1

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Part No: 819-0107-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.