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User Commandsconfigure-ha-cluster(1)


 configure-ha-cluster - configures an existing cluster to be High Availability


 configure-ha-cluster host localhost [port 4848] [user user] [passwordfile passwordfile_name] [terse=false] [echo=false] [interactive=true] [secure=false] [devicesize devicesize ] [haagentport port_number] [haadminpassword password] [haadminpasswordfile file_name] [hosts hadb-host-list] [property (name=value)[:name-value]*] clusterName


The configure-ha-cluster command performs the following tasks:

  • Verifies that the cluster exists.

  • Verifies that the cluster is standalone (an example of this is, that the cluster doesn't share its configuration with any other cluster).

  • Checks if a database with the same name as the cluster already exists. If so, an error is logged and the command performs the next task.

  • Creates an HA database with the same name as the cluster.

  • Creates the correct tables in the database.

  • Creates and/or modifies the appropriate resources in domain.xml.

This command is supported in remote mode only.



This option specifies the machine where the domain application server is located. The default is localhost.

p port

The port number of the domain application server listening for administration requests. The default port number for Platform Edition is 4848. The default port number for Enterprise Edition is 4949.


This option specifies the user name associated with the administrative instance.

w password

The password option is deprecated. Use passwordfile instead.

W passwordfile

The file containing the domain application server password associated with the administrative instance. The password is defined in the following form: AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password. Where password is the actual administrator password for the domain.

t terse

Indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false.

e echo

Setting to true will echo the command line statement on to the standard output. Default is false.

I interactive

If set to true (default), only the required options are prompted.

s secure

If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the domain application server.


This is the device size in MegaBytes (MB). The valid range is between 208MB and 8+ gigabytes (GB).


This is the number of the HA agent port. The default is 1862.


This is the HA administrator's password.


The file containing the high-availability password associated with the administrative instance. The password is defined in the following form: HADBM_ADMINPASSWORD=password, HADBM_DBPASSWORD=password, HADBM_SYSTEMPASSWORD=password. Where password is the actual HA administrator password for the domain.


This is a list of comma separated host names where the HADB instance is configured. The number of hosts must be greater than 1 and must be an even number. The same host names can be repeated. Use fully qualified hostnames when specifying the hostlist interfaces explicitly for hosts with multiple network interfaces.


This is a list of property name/value pairs, which are separated by a colon.



This is the name of the cluster that will be changed to high availability.


Example 1. Using the configure-ha-cluster command

This is a basic example of how the cammand is used.

asadmin>configure-ha-cluster --user admin --passwordfile passwordfile --hosts hostha1 cluster1
The command configuration-ha-cluster has executed successfully.

Where: the hosts name is hostha1 and the cluster name is cluster1.



command executed successfully


error in executing the command



J2EE SDK 1.4Go To TopLast Changed 31 Jan 2005