Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Hitachi TrueCopy and Universal Replicator

Strategies for Creating Hitachi TrueCopy and Universal Replicator Protection Groups

Before you begin creating protection groups, consider the following strategies:

The following sections describe the steps for each strategy.

Creating a Protection Group While the Application Is Offline

To create a protection group while the application resource group is offline, complete the following steps.

Creating a Protection Group While the Application Is Online

To add an existing application resource group to a new protection group without taking the application offline, complete the following steps on the cluster where the application resource group is online.

Complete the following steps on the other cluster.

Example 2–1 Creating a Hitachi TrueCopy or Universal Replicator Protection Group While the Application Remains Online

This example creates a protection group without taking the application offline.

In this example, the apprg1 resource group is online on the cluster-paris cluster.

  1. Create the protection group on cluster-paris.

    phys-paris-1# geopg create -d truecopy -p Nodelist=phys-paris-1,phys-paris-2 \
    -o Primary -s paris-newyork-ps tcpg
    Protection group "tcpg" has been successfully created
  2. Add the device group, tcdg, to the protection group.

    phys-paris-1# geopg add-device-group -p fence_level=async tcdg tcpg
  3. Activate the protection group locally.

    phys-paris-1# geopg start -e local tcpg
    Processing operation.... this may take a while....
    Protection group "tcpg" successfully started.
  4. Add to the protection group an application resource group that is already online.

    phys-paris-1# geopg add-resource-group apprg1 tcpg
    Following resource groups were successfully inserted:
  5. Verify that the application resource group was added successfully.

    phys-paris-1# geoadm status
    Cluster: cluster-paris
       Partnership "paris-newyork-ps"    : OK
          Partner clusters               : newyork
          Synchronization                : OK
          ICRM Connection                : OK
          Heartbeat "hb_cluster-paris~cluster-newyork" monitoring \
    "paris-newyork-ps" OK
             Plug-in "ping-plugin"       : Inactive
             Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"    : OK
       Protection group "tcpg"           : Degraded
          Partnership                    : paris-newyork-ps
          Synchronization                : OK
          Cluster cluster-paris          : Degraded
             Role                        : Primary
             Configuration               : OK
             Data replication            : Degraded
             Resource groups             : OK
          Cluster cluster-newyork        : Unknown
             Role                        : Unknown
             Configuration               : Unknown
             Data Replication            : Unknown
             Resource Groups             : Unknown
  6. On a node of the partner cluster, retrieve the protection group.

    phys-newyork-1# geopg get -s paris-newyork-ps tcpg
    Protection group "tcpg" has been successfully created.
  7. Activate the protection group locally on the partner cluster.

    phys-newyork-1# geopg start -e local tcpg
    Processing operation.... this may take a while....
    Protection group "tcpg" successfully started.
  8. Verify that the protection group was successfully created and activated.

    Running the geoadm status command on cluster-paris produces the following output:

    phys-paris-1# geoadm status
    Cluster: cluster-paris
       Partnership "paris-newyork-ps"        : OK
          Partner clusters                   : newyork
          Synchronization                    : OK
          ICRM Connection                    : OK
          Heartbeat "hb_cluster-paris~cluster-newyork" monitoring \
    "paris-newyork-ps": OK 			
             Plug-in "ping-plugin"           : Inactive
             Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"        : OK
       Protection group "tcpg"               : Degraded
          Partnership                        : paris-newyork-ps
          Synchronization                    : OK
          Cluster cluster-paris              : Degraded
             Role                            : Primary
             Configuration                   : OK
             Data replication                : Degraded
             Resource groups                 : OK
          Cluster cluster-newyork            : Degraded
             Role                            : Secondary
             Configuration                   : OK
             Data Replication                : Degraded
             Resource Groups                 : OK