Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Upgrade and Migration Guide

Part I Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 to Version 7.0

The upgrade procedure is a simplified procedure, which makes use of existing instances with the 7.0 installation. After the instances are upgraded, they cannot be used with the previous version installation. So take a filesystem backup before upgrading server instances (not dsadm backup or dsconf backup) and restore them whenever required.

This part includes the following chapter:

Chapter 1, Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 to Version 7.0 explains how to upgrade Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 to version 7.0.

Chapter 1 Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 to Version 7.0

This chapter highlights the procedures to deploy your previous Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation with version 7.0

Based on the platform where you have the version 6 server instances, refer to any of the following procedures. For more information about supported platforms, refer to Operating System Requirements in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Release Notes.

Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6

To upgrade to version 7.0, you must upgrade Directory Service Control Center, and Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server server instances.

Refer to the following sections to upgrade:

ProcedureTo Upgrade Directory Service Control Center 6

To access the Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 instances using DSCC, you must upgrade DSCC 6 to version 7.0.

Using DSCC 7.0, you can access both version 6 and version 7.0 instances.

If you are upgrading DSCC that was installed using native packages, you must perform the following steps as root.

  1. Install Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0.

    For more information, see Chapter 2, Installing Directory Server Enterprise Edition, in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Installation Guide.

  2. Stop the DSCC 6 registry and export its content.

    The dsee6-install-path specifies the path where Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 is installed.

    1. Stop the DSCC 6 registry.

      # dsee6-install-path/ds6/bin/dsadm stop /var/opt/SUNWdsee/dscc6/dcc/ads
    2. Record the DSCC 6 registry port numbers.

      # dsee6-install-path/ds6/bin/dsadm info /var/opt/SUNWdsee/dscc6/dcc/ads
    3. Export the DSCC 6 registry content.

      # dsee6-install-path/ds6/bin/dsadm export /var/opt/SUNWdsee/dscc6/dcc/ads \
      cn=dscc /tmp/dscc.ldif

      The /tmp/dscc.ldif file contains the server configuration.

  3. Create and populate the DSCC 7.0 registry with the version 6 registry content.

    1. Create the DSCC 7.0 registry by using the same ports that DSCC 6 registry has used.

      # install-path/bin/dsccsetup ads-create -p port -P secure-port

      The port and secure-port values are the values that are recorded in Step 2b.

    2. Stop the registry.

      # install-path/bin/dsadm stop /var/opt/SUNWdsee7/dcc/ads
    3. Import the /tmp/dscc.ldif file.

      # install-path/bin/dsadm import /var/opt/SUNWdsee7/dcc/ads /tmp/dscc.ldif cn=dscc
    4. Start the registry.

      # install-path/bin/dsadm start /var/opt/SUNWdsee7/dcc/ads
    5. Verify all the registrations of the server.

      # install-path/bin/dsccreg list-servers -p port-number

      All the existing servers are displayed. All the registrations are version 6 registrations.

    6. (Optional) You can see all the Directory Server instances.

      # install-path/bin/dsccmon view-servers -p port-number

      The server instances are shown as version 6 instances.

  4. Deploy the DSCC 7.0 WAR file.

    Refer to Appendix A, Deploying DSCC WAR File With Supported Application Servers, in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Installation Guide.

    If you have upgraded DSCC that was installed by using native packages, you must access DSCC as root.

  5. (Optional) Uninstall Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.

    For more information, refer to the Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 Installation Guide.

Upgrading Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server Server Instances

To use the existing Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances with the Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 installation, you must upgrade all the legacy instances.

The upgrade process modifies the current configuration and instance data without allowing to revert back the changes.

Before upgrading legacy Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances, take a backup of all the instances so that they can be restored in case of any problem. Take a backup of the instance files with a filesystem utility such as tar or cpio. For example:


Note –

Upgrading version 6 instances on a platform that is still supported in version 7.0, requires no data migration.

But in some cases, directly upgrading the server instances is not possible. For example, upgrading a version 6 32–bit instance that was running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Edition 64–bit platform is no longer possible. The instance has to be 64–bit to run on 64–bit platform. Follow the procedure specified at Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 on Unsupported Platforms to upgrade such instances.

Note –

If you are upgrading from version 6.2 to 7.0, refer to the following steps and then proceed to upgrade to 7.0:

  1. Export database to an LDIF file.

    For more information see the dsadm export command in dsadm(1M).

  2. Upgrade Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.2 installation to version 6.3.

    For detailed information, see Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Installation Guide.

  3. Import data from the LDIF file that was created in Step 1.

    For more information, see Importing Data From an LDIF File in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Upgrade Directory Server Instances

The following procedure is also valid for the following:

  1. Install Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0.

  2. Before upgrading the version 6 instances created by using native packages, to the 7.0 zip distribution instances, disable all the features specific to native packages by using the version 6 native packages installation.

    • If your instance is registered to start at boot, type the following command:

      $ ./dsadm autostart --off INSTANCE_PATH
    • If your instance is registered as a Windows service, type the following command:

      $ ./dsadm disable-service --type WIN_SERVICE INSTANCE_PATH
    • If your instance is registered as an SMF service, type the following command:

      $ ./dsadm disable-service --type SMF INSTANCE_PATH
    • If your instance is registered in a cluster, type the following command:

      $ ./dsadm disable-service --type CLUSTER INSTANCE_PATH
  3. Type the following command from the version 7.0 installation to upgrade the Directory Server instances.

    $ ./dsadm upgrade [-i] INSTANCE_PATH

    For example, to upgrade the /local/example instance, type the following command:

    # ./dsadm upgrade /local/example
    Directory Server instance '/local/example' will be upgraded to version 7.
    It will no longer be usable with DSEE 6 commands.
    Do you want to continue [y/n]? y
    Moving legacy scripts into '/local/example/bak/2009-08-25-11-23-16' ...
    Adding new files to instance ...
    Upgrading dse.ldif ...
    Old version of dse.ldif has been moved into '/local/example/bak/2009-08-25-11-23-16'.
    Directory Server instance '/local/example' is now ready to be used 
    with DSEE 7 commands. 

    Use —i with the dsadm upgrade command to suppress the warning message.

    Note –

    After upgrading to version 7.0, the following version 6 behavior is preserved:

    • Directory Server 6 is noncompliant with RFC 4522 when returning binary attributes in search results. To preserve this behavior, by default, the compat-flag Directory Server configuration property is set to no-rfc4522. To check the value of compat-flag, refer to the following command:

      $ dsconf get-server-prop -p port compat-flag

      For more information about the compat-flag property, see server(5dsconf).

    • To retain the pattern matching distribution algorithm version 6 behavior, the compat-flag Directory Proxy Server configuration property is set to pattern-matching-also-6. To check the value of compat-flag, refer to the following command:

      $ dpconf get-server-prop -p port compat-flag

      For more information about the compat-flag property, see compat-flag(5dpconf).

  4. Upgrade all the Directory Server instances that you want to use with the version 7.0, by using the dsadm upgrade command.

    Note –

    The legacy instances once upgraded cannot be restored to its previous installation.

    The following dsadm commands do not require legacy instances to be upgraded before using them.

         - info
         - stop
         - disable-service
         - autostart --off
         - get-flags
         - set-flags
         - add-cert
         - add-selfsign-cert
         - export-cert
         - import-cert
         - import-selfsign-cert
         - list-certs
         - remove-cert
         - renew-cert
         - renew-selfsign-cert
         - request-cert/show-cert
         - show-access-log
         - show-error-log
         - delete

    To use the upgraded instances with DSCC 7.0, you must unregister the Directory Server instances from DSCC 6 and register them with DSCC 7.0. For more information about registration and unregistration, refer dsccreg(1M).

  5. (Optional) Remove Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.

ProcedureTo Upgrade Directory Proxy Server Instances

The following procedure is also valid for the following:

  1. Install Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0.

  2. Before upgrading the version 6 instances created by using native packages, to the 7.0 zip distribution instances, disable features specific to the native packages by using the version 6 native packages installation.

    • If your instance is registered to start at boot, type the following command:

      $ ./dpadm autostart --off INSTANCE_PATH
    • If your instance is registered as a Windows service, type the following command:

      $ ./dpadm disable-service --type WIN_SERVICE INSTANCE_PATH
    • If your instance is registered as an SMF service, type the following command:

      $ ./dpadm disable-service --type SMF INSTANCE_PATH
  3. Type the following command from the version 7.0 installation to upgrade the Directory Proxy Server instances.

    $ ./dpadm upgrade [-i] INSTANCE_PATH

    For example, to upgrade the /local/example instance, type the following command:

    # ./dpadm upgrade -i /local/example
    Directory Proxy Server instance '/local/example' will be upgraded to version 7.
    It will no longer be usable with DSEE 6 commands.
    Do you want to continue [y/n]? y
    Upgrading conf.ldif ...
    Old version of conf.ldif has been moved into '/local/example/bak/2009-08-25-11-09-06'.
    Directory Proxy Server instance '/local/example' is now ready to be used 
    with DSEE 7 commands.
  4. Upgrade all the Directory Proxy Server instances that you want to use with the version 7.0, by using the dpadm upgrade command.

    Note –

    The legacy instances once upgraded cannot be restored to its previous installation.

    The following dpadm commands do not require legacy instances to be upgraded before using them.

          - info
         - stop
         - disable-service
         - autostart --off
         - get-flags / set-flags
         - add-cert
         - add-selfsign-cert
         - import-cert
         - list-certs
         - remove-cert
         - renew-cert
         - request-cert
         - show-cert
         - delete

  5. (Optional) Remove Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.

Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 on Unsupported Platforms

In Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0, there are platforms that are no more supported. You must perform the specific operations to use your existing data and instances.

For more information about supported platforms, refer to Operating System Requirements in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Release Notes.

Refer to the following procedure based on your requirements:

ProcedureTo Upgrade Directory Server Enterprise Edition From Legacy Operating System

For more information on supported operating systems, refer to Operating System Requirements in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Release Notes.

  1. Stop the Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances.

  2. Take a backup of the whole filesystem.

    For more information, refer to Backing Up a File System in Binary Backup in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide.

    If you need to upgrade only the Directory Proxy Server instances, use only the dpadm backup command.

  3. Upgrade your operating system version or choose a different machine with the supported operating system version installed.

    Note –

    If you are upgrading your operating system on the same machine, do not forget to copy your back up data to other machine.

  4. Install Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0.

    Based on your previous installation and platform combination, refer to Operating System Requirements in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Release Notes to find out what type of distribution you can install.

    Based on the solution, refer to any of the following procedures:

  5. Restore the filesystem that you backed up in Step 2.

    In case of only Directory Proxy Server instances, you can restore them using dpadm restore.

  6. Upgrade your legacy server instances.

    • For Directory Server instances:

      INSTALL_PATH/bin/dsadm upgrade INSTANCE_PATH
    • For Directory Proxy Server instances:

      INSTALL_PATH/bin/dpadm upgrade INSTANCE_PATH

ProcedureTo Upgrade 32–bit Server Instances

There is no direct way to upgrade Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6 32–bit server instances that are running on 64–bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Edition operating system. Even though the server instances cannot be upgraded fully automatically, the dsadm upgrade and dpadm upgrade commands upgrade the server configuration successfully.

Refer to the following procedure to upgrade such instances:

  1. If your Directory Server instance is configured to use non-default directories for databases, note the following paths:

    • For databases:

      DSEE_6_INSTALL_PATH/ds6/bin/dsconf get-server-prop -p port-number db-env-path db-log-path
    • For each suffix:

      DSEE_6_INSTALL_PATH/ds6/bin/dsconf get-suffix-prop -p port-number SUFFIX_DN db-path
  2. Export your data using version 6 installation.

  3. Take a backup of all the instances.

  4. Upgrade your legacy server instances.

    Note –

    If you have a customized schema, that needs to be manually upgraded as well. See the respective product documentation to know how to upgrade customized schema.

    • For Directory Server instances:

      DSEE_7_INSTALL_PATH/bin/dsadm upgrade INSTANCE_PATH
    • For Directory Proxy Server instances:

      DSEE_7_INSTALL_PATH/bin/dpadm upgrade INSTANCE_PATH
  5. If your Directory Server instance was configured to use non-default directories for databases, the configuration has been reset but files have not been deleted. Before reconfiguring your instance to use non-default directories, you must delete all old databases, caches, and transaction logs.

  6. Import your data in version 7 server instance.

    For each suffix:

See Also

Migrating User Data Manually