Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide

Granting Anonymous Access

Most directories are configured to enable you to anonymously access at least one suffix for read, search, or compare. You might want to set these permissions if you are running a corporate personnel directory, such as a phone book that you want employees to be able to search. This is the case at internally, as shown in ACI “Anonymous”.

As an ISP, also wants to advertise the contact information of all of its subscribers by creating a public phone book that is accessible to the world. This is depicted in ACI “Anonymous World”.

ACI “Anonymous”

In LDIF, to grant read, search, and compare permissions to the entire tree to employees, you would write the following statement:

aci: (targetattr !="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl "Anonymous
 example"; allow (read, search, compare)
 userdn= "ldap:///anyone") ;)

This example assumes that the aci is added to the dc=example,dc=com entry. Note that the userPassword attribute is excluded from the scope of the ACI.

Note –

Protect attributes that are confidential and attributes that should not be visible using the same syntax used in the example to protect the password attribute, (targetattr !="attribute-name").

ACI “Anonymous World”

In LDIF, to grant read and search access of the individual subscribers subtree to the world, while denying access to information on subscribers who want to be unlisted, you could write the following statement:

aci: (targetfilter= "(!(unlistedSubscriber=yes))")
 (targetattr="homePostalAddress || homePhone || mail")
 (version 3.0; acl "Anonymous World"; allow (read, search)

This example assumes that the ACI is added to the ou=subscribers,dc=example, dc=com entry. The example also assumes that every subscriber entry has an unlistedSubscriber attribute that is set to yes or no. The target definition filters out the unlisted subscribers based on the value of this attribute. For details on the filter definition, refer to Setting a Target Using Filtering.