Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Reference

DSML Identity Mapping

Identity mapping is required for the following mechanisms: DSML over HTTP, DIGEST-MD5, and GSSAPI SASL. Identity mapping is used to determine a bind DN based on protocol specific credentials provided by the client.

Identity mapping uses the entries in the cn=identity mapping, cn=config configuration branch. This branch includes the following containers for the protocols that perform identity mapping:

cn=HTTP-BASIC, cn=identity mapping, cn=config

Contains the mappings for DSML-over-HTTP connections.

cn=DIGEST-MD5, cn=identity mapping, cn=config

Contains the mappings for client authentication using the DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism.

cn=GSSAPI, cn=identity mapping, cn=config

Must be created to contain the mappings for client authentication using the GSSAPI SASL mechanism.

A mapping entry defines how to extract credentials about the protocol to use them in a search operation. If a search returns a single user entry, the mapping has succeeded and the connection uses the mapping entry as the bind DN for all operations. If the search returns zero or more than one entry, the mapping fails and the connection does not use the mapping entry as the bind DN.

The protocols that perform identity mapping must have a default mapping. Additionally, The protocols can have any number of custom mappings. The default mapping has the RDN cn=default, and custom mappings may have any other RDN that uses cn as the naming attribute. All of the custom mappings are evaluated first, in a non deterministic order until one of them succeeds. If all custom mappings fail, the default mapping is applied. If the default mapping fails, authentication of the client fails.

A mapping entry must contain the object classes top, container, and dsIdentityMapping.

The entry can contain the following attributes.

dsMappedDN: DN

A literal string that defines a DN in the directory. This DN will be used for binding if it exists when the mapping is performed. You may also define the following attributes to perform a search in case this DN does not exist.

dsSearchBaseDN: DN

The base DN for a search. If omitted, the mapping will search all root suffixes in the entire directory tree, including all naming contexts, but excluding cn=config, cn=monitor, and cn=schema.

dsSearchScope: base|one|sub

The scope for a search, either the search base itself, one level of children below the base, or the entire subtree below the base. The default scope for mapping searches is the entire subtree when this attribute is omitted.

dsSearchFilter: filterString

A filter string to perform the mapping search. LDAP search filters are defined in RFC 4515 on

Additionally, a mapping entry may also contain the dsPatternMatching object class which allows it to use the following attributes:

dsMatching-pattern: patternString

A string on which to perform pattern matching.

dsMatching-regexp: regularExpression

A regular expression to apply to the pattern string.

All of the attribute values above, except for dsSearchScope may contain placeholders of the format ${keyword}, where keyword is the name of an element in the protocol-specific credentials. During mapping, the placeholder is substituted for the actual value of the element provided by the client.

After all of the placeholders have been substituted, the pattern matching is performed. The matching pattern is compared to the regular expression, as follows.

For example, the following mapping could be defined for SASL.

dsMatching-pattern: ${Principal}
dsMatching-regexp: (.*)@(.*)\\.(.*)
dsMappedDN: uid=$1,ou=people,dc=$2,dc=$3

If a client authenticates with the Principal of, this mapping will define the following bind DN: uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com. If this DN exists in the directory, the mapping will succeed, the client will be authenticated, and all operations performed during this connection will use this bind DN.

The dsMatching-pattern is compared to the dsMatching-regexp by using the POSIX regexec(3C) and regcomp(3C) function calls. Directory Server uses extended regular expressions and all comparisons are case insensitive. For more information, refer to the man pages for these functions.

The attribute values that can contain placeholders must encode any $, {, and } characters that are not part of a placeholder, even if no placeholder is used. You must encode these characters with the following values: $ as \\24, { as \\7B, and } as \\7D.

The use of placeholders and substitutions allows you to create mappings that extract a username or any other value from the protocol-specific credentials. The credential can be used to define a mapped DN or perform a search for a corresponding DN anywhere in the directory.

Caution – Caution –

Creating a poorly defined mapping is a security hole. For example, a mapping to a hard coded DN without pattern matching will always succeed, thereby authenticating clients who might not be directory users. It is safer to define several mappings to handle different client credential formats than to create a single, overly generic and permissive mapping. Always try to map client connections to specific users according to the client credentials.