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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Installation Guide for UNIX

Appendix B   Running the Uninstall Program

This appendix describes how to remove an existing instance of the Messaging Server from a machine.

Note The uninstall program will not attempt to remove any log files, silent installation files, or mailboxes; if you want to remove these, you must do so manually.

The uninstall program does not remove any high availability components. See Uninstalling High Availability for instructions on removing the high availability components.

In the directory in which you installed the Messaging Server files, you will find the uninstall program. To run uninstall, use the following steps:

  1. Login as root.

  2. Change to the server-root directory.

    Note Do not manually stop the Directory Server; the uninstall program requires the Directory Server to be up and running and it will handle the shutting down of the Directory Server.

  3. Run the uninstall program:


    Note The screens you see here may vary depending on which components you have installed. This example assumes you have all components installed.

  4. Select which components you want to remove:

    The following are the SuiteSpot components currently installed on your machine:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

       1. Netscape Server Products Core Components (3)
       2. Netscape Directory Suite (2)
       3. Administration Services (2)
       4. iPlanet Messaging Applications (5)

    Select the components you wish to uninstall (default: all) [All]:

  5. Select which Server Core Product components you want to remove:

    The following are the Netscape Server Products Core Components components currently installed on your machine:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

       1. Netscape Server Products Core Components
       2. Netscape Core Java classes
       3. Java Runtime Environment

    Specify the components you wish to uninstall [1, 2, 3]:

  6. Select which Directory Suite components you want to remove.

    The following are the Netscape Directory Suite components currently installed on your machine:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

       1. Netscape Directory Server
       2. Netscape Directory Server Console

    Specify the components you wish to uninstall [1, 2]:

  7. Select which Administration Services components you want to remove:

    The following are the Administration Services components currently installed on your machine:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

       1. Netscape Administration Server
       2. Administration Server Console

    Specify the components you wish to uninstall [1, 2]:

  8. Select which iPlanet Messaging Suite components you want to remove. Note that if you install the Messaging Server sub-components (Message Store and the MTA) simultaneously with the MMP, you will have problems during uninstallation. The workaround is to run stop-msg, before running the uninstall program.

    The following are the iPlanet Messaging Suite components currently installed on your machine:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

       1. iPlanet Message Store and Message Access
       2. iPlanet Internet Message Transport Agent
       3. iPlanet Messaging Multiplexor
       4. High Availability for iPlanet Messaging Server
       5. iPlanet Delegated Administrator Command Line Utilities

    Specify the components you wish to uninstall [1, 2, 5]:


    If you installed any high availability components, you must manually remove them (See Uninstalling Veritas Cluster Server and Sun Cluster 2.2). Although it is presented as an option, the automatic un-install of high availability components is not supported at this time; do not select this option.

  9. Enter the login ID and password of the Configuration Administrator:

    Enter the User ID or Distinguished Name of the administrator who is authorized to access the Configuration Directory at


    Configuration Admin ID or DN: [admin]:

    At this point, the uninstall program should begin removing the various components you specified from your system.

Your uninstall is now complete.

In some cases, uninstall may not be able to remove some or all of your installation files. Please check for any remaining files and remove them manually. If you choose to re-install the same instance, you should check the msgregistry.inf file in the /etc directory to make sure it does not contain the old messaging server instance. If the file contains old server information, you should delete that information in the file, prior to re-installing another server instance.

Note The uninstall script does not reinstate the original sendmail link. You must manually restore this link if you want receive mail on the server via sendmail.

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 26, 2002