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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Reference Manual



< (less than sign)
including files with   1
[ ] (square-brackets)   1


733   1
822   1


access protocols and message store
standards   1
conventions   1
destination   1
types   1
address keywords   1
From:   1
To:   1
addreturnpath   1
addrsperfile   1
addrsperjob   1
addrsperjob keyword   1
aliaslocal   1
aliaspostmaster   1
allowetrn   1
allowswitchchannel   1
authrewrite   1
autoreply file options   1
autoreply option file   1


bangoverpercent   1
bangstyle   1
basic message structure
messaging standards   1
bidirectional   1
bit flags   1
blank envelope addresses   1
blocketrn   1
blocklimit   1


cacheeverything   1
cachefailures   1
cachesuccess   1
channel block   1
channel definitions   1
individual   1
channel host table   1
channel table   1
channelfilter   1
character set conversion table   1
character specifications   1
charset7   1
charset8   1
CHARSET-CONVERSION mapping table   1
charsetesc   1
checkehlo   1
command-line utilities
configutil   1
counterutil   1
Delegated Administration commands   1
deliver   1
hashdir   1
imadmin add   1
imadmin admin remove   1
imadmin admin search   1
imadmin commands   1
imadmin domain create   1
imadmin domain delete   1
imadmin domain modify   1
imadmin domain purge   1
imadmin domain search   1
imadmin family create   1
imadmin family delete   1
imadmin family modify   1
imadmin family purge   1
imadmin family search   1
imadmin family-admin add   1
imadmin family-admin remove   1
imadmin family-admin search   1
imadmin family-member create   1
imadmin family-member delete   1
imadmin family-member remove   1
imadmin family-member search   1
imadmin group create   1
imadmin group delete   1
imadmin group modify   1
imadmin group purge   1
imadmin group search   1
imadmin user create   1
imadmin user delete   1
imadmin user modify   1
imadmin user purge   1
imadmin user search   1
imsasm   1
imsbackup   1
imscripter   1
imsimta cache   1
imsimta chbuild   1
imsimta cnbuild   1
imsimta commands   1
imsimta convertdb   1
imsimta counters   1
imsimta crdb   1
imsimta dirsync   1
imsimta find   1
imsimta kill   1
imsimta process   1
imsimta program   1
imsimta purge   1
imsimta qclean   1
imsimta qm   1
imsimta qtop   1
imsimta refresh   1
imsimta renamedb   1
imsimta restart   1
imsimta return   1
imsimta run   1
imsimta start   1
imsimta stop   1
imsimta submit   1
imsimta test   1
imsimta version   1
imsimta view   1
imsretore   1
mboxutil   1
Messaging Server commands   1
mkbackupdir   1
MoveUser   1
MTA commands   1
readership   1
reconstruct   1
start-msg   1
stop-msg   1
stored   1
comment lines
in channel definitions   1
comment lines in a configuration file   1
commentinc   1
commentmap   1
commentomit   1
commentstrip   1
commenttotal   1
configuration files
imta.cnf   1
comment lines   1
structure   1
MTA   1
configuration modifications   1
configuration options
SMTP dispatcher   1
configurations files
dispatcher.cnf   1
configutil   1
connectalias   1
connectcanonical   1
conversion channel
environment variables   1
conversion control parameters   1
Conversions   1
CONVERSIONS mapping table   1
copysendpost   1
copywarnpost   1
counterutil   1


daemon   1
database files
IMTA   1
datefour   1
two-digit   1
datetwo   1
dayofweek   1
defaulthost   1
defaultmx   1
defaultnameservers   1
deferred   1
defragment   1
Delegated Administration command-line utilities   1
deliver   1
delivery status notifications
standards   1
dequeue_removeroute   1
destination address   1
destinationfilter   1
dirsync option file   1
disableetrn   1
Dispatcher   1
dispatcher configuration file   1
dispatcher.cnf file   1
domain name service
messaging standards   1
domainetrn   1
domainvrfy   1
dropblank   1


ehlo   1
eightbit   1
eightnegotiate   1
eightstrict   1
defined   1
Multiplexor   1
environment variables, for conversion   1
errsendpost   1
errwarnpost   1
expandchannel   1
expandlimit   1
explicit routing   1
exproute   1
extended SMTP
messaging standards   1


including in configuration files   1
fileinto   1
comment lines   1
permissions   1
adding comments to   1
blank lines   1
comment lines   1
structure   1
including in configuration files   1
including in imta.cnf   1
Job Controller configuration   1
job_controller.cnf   1
filesperjob   1
filter   1
forwardcheckdelete   1
forwardchecknone   1
forwardchecktag   1
From: address   1


hashdir   1
header option files   1
format   1
location   1
header_733   1
header_822   1
header_uucp   1
headerlabelalign   1
headerlinelength   1
headerread   1
message   1
headertrim   1
holdexquota   1
holdlimit   1
host, defined   1


identnone   1
identnonelimited   1
identnonenumeric   1
identnonesymbolic   1
identtcp   1
identtcplimited   1
identtcpnumeric   1
identtcpsymbolic   1
ignoreencoding   1
imadmin admin add   1
imadmin admin remove   1
imadmin admin search   1
imadmin commands   1
imadmin domain create   1
imadmin domain delete   1
imadmin domain modify   1
imadmin domain purge   1
imadmin domain search   1
imadmin family create   1
imadmin family delete   1
imadmin family modify   1
imadmin family purge   1
imadmin family search   1
imadmin family-admin add   1
imadmin family-admin remove   1
imadmin family-admin search   1
imadmin family-member create   1
imadmin family-member delete   1
imadmin family-member remove   1
imadmin family-member search   1
imadmin group create   1
imadmin group delete   1
imadmin group modify   1
imadmin group purge   1
imadmin group search   1
imadmin user create   1
imadmin user delete   1
imadmin user modify   1
imadmin user purge   1
imadmin user search   1
improute   1
imsasm   1
imsbackup   1
imscripter   1
imsimta cache   1
imsimta chbuild   1
imsimta cnbuild   1
imsimta commands   1
imsimta convertdb   1
imsimta counters   1
imsimta crdb   1
imsimta dirsync   1
imsimta find   1
imsimta kill   1
imsimta process   1
imsimta program   1
imsimta purge   1
imsimta qclean   1
imsimta qm   1
imsimta qtop   1
imsimta refresh   1
imsimta renamedb   1
imsimta restart   1
imsimta return   1
imsimta run   1
imsimta start   1
imsimta stop   1
imsimta submit   1
imsimta test   1
imsimta version   1
imsimta view   1
imsrestore   1
imta.cnf configuration file   1
comment lines   1
structure   1
imta.cnf file   1
imta.cnf file
comments   1
structure   1
imta.cnf file
including other files   1
imta_tailor   1
includefinal   1
including files in configuration files   1
individual channel definitions   1
industry standards
electronic messaging   1
inner   1
innertrim   1
interfaceaddress   1
Internet communications standards   1
interpretencoding   1


Job Controller
configuration   1
configuration file format   1
Job Controller configuration file   1
section types   1
file   1


address   1


language   1
lastresort   1
less than sign (   1
linelength   1
linelimit   1
local channel
options   1
local.conf file   1
localvrfy   1
logging   1
loopcheck   1


mailfromdnsverify   1
mapping entry patterns   1
mapping entry templates   1
mapping file   1
file format   1
locating and loading   1
mapping operations   1
mapping pattern wildcards   1
mapping template substitutions and metacharacters   1
master   1
master_debug   1
maxblocks   1
maxheaderaddrs   1
maxheaderchars   1
maxjobs   1
maxlines   1
maxprocchars   1
maysaslserver   1
maytls   1
maytlsclient   1
maytlsserver   1
mboxutil   1
message content and structure
messaging standards   1
message headers   1
standards   1
Messaging Server command-line utilities   1
messaging standards   1
access protocols and message store   1
metacharacters in mapping templates   1
missingrecipientpolicy   1
mkbackupdir   1
AService.cfg file   1
AService.rc file   1
AService-def.cfg   1
ImapMMP.config   1
ImapProxyAService.cfg file   1
ImapProxyAService-def.cfg   1
PopProxyAService.cfg file   1
PopProxyAService-def.cfg   1
SmtpProxyAService.cfg   1
SmtpProxyAService-def.cfg   1
MoveUser   1
msexchange   1
msg.conf file   1
Dispatcher   1
imta.cnf file   1
MTA command-line utilities   1
MTA configuration file, See imta.cnf 1
MTA configuration files   1
MTA database files   1
MTA mapping file   1
MTA option file options   1
MTA option files   1
MTA tailor file   1
multiple   1
AuthCacheSize   1
AuthCacheTTL   1
AuthService   1
AuthServiceTTL   1
BacksidePort   1
Banner   1
BGDecay   1
BGExcluded   1
BGLinear   1
BGMax   1
BGMaxBadness   1
BGPenalty   1
BindDN   1
BindPass   1
CanonicalVirtualDomainDelim   1
Capability   1
CertMapFile   1
configuration parameters   1
ConnLimits   1
CRAMs   1
DefaultDomain   1
HostedDomains   1
installation (Unix)   1
LdapCacheSize   1
LdapCacheTTL   1
LdapURL   1
LogDir   1
LogLevel   1
MailHostAttrs   1
NumThreads   1
PreAuth   1
ReplayFormat   1
SearchFormat   1
ServerDownAlert   1
ServiceList   1
SpoofMessageFile   1
SSLBacksidePort   1
SSLCacheDir   1
SSLCertFile   1
SSLCertNicknames   1
SSLCipherSecs   1
SSLEnable   1
SSLKeyFile   1
SSLKeyPasswdFile   1
SSLPorts   1
SSLSecmodFile   1
StoreAdmin   1
StoreAdminPass   1
TCPAccess   1
TCPAccessAttr   1
Timeout   1
VirtualDomainDelim   1
VirtualDomainFile   1
multithreaded connection dispatching agent   1
mustsaslserver   1
musttls   1
musttlsclient   1
musttlsserver   1
mx   1


nameservers   1
noaddreturnpath   1
nobangoverpercent   1
nocache   1
nochannelfilter   1
nodayofweek   1
nodefaulthost   1
nodeferred   1
nodefragment   1
nodestinationfilter   1
nodropblank   1
noehlo   1
noexproute   1
noexquota   1
nofileinto   1
noheaderread   1
noheadertrim   1
noimproute   1
noinner   1
noinnertrim   1
nolinelimit   1
nologging   1
noloopcheck   1
nomailfromdnsverify   1
nomaster_debug   1
nomx   1
nonrandommx   1
nonurgentblocklimit   1
nonurgentnotices   1
noreceivedfor   1
noreceivedfrom   1
noremotehost   1
norestricted   1
noreturnaddress   1
noreturnpersonal   1
noreverse   1
normalblocklimit   1
normalnotices   1
norules   1
nosasl   1
nosaslserver   1
nosendetrn   1
nosendpost   1
noservice   1
noslave_debug   1
nosmtp   1
nosourcefilter   1
noswitchchannel   1
notices   1
notls   1
notlsclient   1
notlsserver   1
novrfy   1
nowarnpost   1
nox_env_to   1


option file options, MTA   1


percentonly   1
percents   1
configuration file   1
personalinc   1
personalmap   1
personalomit   1
personalstrip   1
pool   1
port   1
postheadbody   1
postheadonly   1


randommx   1
readership   1
Received: headers   1
receivedfor   1
receivedfrom   1
reconstruct   1
remotehost   1
restricted   1
restricted channel keyword   1
returnaddress   1
returnenvelope   1
returnpersonal   1
reverse   1
rewrite rule control sequences   1
rewrite rules
structure   1
routelocal   1
explicit   1
rules   1


saslswitchchannel   1
sendetrn   1
sendpost   1
sensitivitycompanyconfidential   1
sensitivitynormal   1
sensitivitypersonal   1
sensitivityprivate   1
service   1
service jobs
to deliver messages   1
sevenbit   1
silentetrn   1
single   1
single_sys   1
single_sys keyword   1
slave   1
SLAVE_COMMAND option   1
slave_debug   1
messaging standards   1
smtp   1
SMTP channel option files   1
SMTP dispatcher
configuration file format   1
SMTP dispatcher configuration options   1
smtp_cr   1
smtp_crlf   1
smtp_crorlf   1
smtp_lf   1
source files
including   1
sourceblocklimit   1
sourcecommentinc   1
sourcecommentmap   1
sourcecommentomit   1
sourcecommenttotal   1
sourcefilter   1
sourcepersonalinc   1
sourcepersonalmap   1
sourcepersonalomit   1
sourcepersonalstrip   1
sourceroute   1
sroucecommentstrip   1
basic message structure   1
character specifications   1
delivery status notification   1
domain name service   1
message content and structure   1
messaging   1
SMTP and extended SMTP   1
supported   1
telecommunications and information exchange   1
text specifications   1
start-msg   1
stop-msg   1
stored   1
streaming   1
subaddressexact   1
subaddressrelaxed   1
subaddresswild   1
subdirs   1
submit   1
substitutions in mapping templates   1
supported messaging standards   1
suppressfinal   1
switchchannel   1


tailor file, MTA   1
TCP/IP channels   1
telecommunications and information exchange standards   1
template substitutions   1
text specifications   1
threaddepth   1
tlsswitchchannel   1
To: address   1
two-digit dates   1


unrestricted   1
urgentblocklimit   1
urgentnotices   1
useintermediate   1
user   1
uucp   1


var/mail channel option file   1
viaaliasoptional   1
viaaliasrequired   1
vrfyallow   1
vrfydefault   1
vrfyhide   1


warnpost   1
wildcard characters, in mapping   1


x_env_to   1

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated August 15, 2002