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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Administration Guide

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Document Information

Configuring the Directory Server

Configuring Security in the Directory Server

Managing Directory Data

Controlling Access To Data

Managing Global ACIs With dsconfig

Default Global ACIs

To Display the Global ACIs

To Delete a Global ACI

To Add a Global ACI

Managing ACIs With ldapmodify

To View ACI Attribute Values

To Add an ACI

To Remove an ACI

Access Control Usage Examples

Disabling Anonymous Access

Granting Write Access to Personal Entries

Granting a Group Full Access to a Suffix

Granting Rights to Add and Delete Group Entries

Allowing Users to Add or Remove Themselves From a Group

Granting Conditional Access to a Group

Denying Access

Defining Permissions for DNs That Contain a Comma

Proxy Authorization ACIs

Viewing Effective Rights

The Get Effective Rights Control

Using the Get Effective Rights Control

Understanding Effective Rights Results

Restricting Access to the Get Effective Rights Control

Replicating Data

Managing Users and Groups

Directory Server Monitoring

Improving Performance

Advanced Administration

Proxy Authorization ACIs

The proxy authorization method is a special form of authentication: a user that binds to the directory using his own identity is granted the rights of another user, through proxy authorization.

This example makes the following assumptions:

For the client application to gain access to the Accounting subtree (using the same access permissions as the Accounting Administrator), the application requires the following rights and controls:

With these ACIs in place, the MoneyWizAcctSoftware client application can bind to the directory and send an LDAP command such as ldapsearch or ldapmodify that requires the access rights of the proxy DN.

In the previous example, if the client wanted to perform an ldapsearch command, the command would include the following controls:

$ ldapsearch -D "uid=MoneyWizAcctSoftware,ou=Applications,dc=example,dc=com" \
  -w password -Y "dn:uid=AcctAdministrator,ou=Administrators,dc=example,dc=com" \
  -b "ou=Accounting,dc=example,dc=com"  "objectclass=*"\

The base of the search must match the target of the ACIs. The client binds as itself but is granted the privileges of the proxy entry. The client does not need the password of the proxy entry.

For more information, see To Search Using the Proxied Authorization Control.