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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Command-Line Usage Guide

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Directory Server Administration Tools

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General Tool Usage Information


The encode-password command encodes and compares user passwords.


encode-password options


The encode-password utility can be used to interact with the password storage schemes defined in the directory server. It has three modes of operation:

The set of authentication passwords available for use in the directory server can be retrieved from the supportedAuthPasswordSchemes attribute of the root DSE entry. You can use ldapsearch to view this information.


The encode-password utility accepts an option in either its short form (for example, -c clearPassword) or its long form equivalent (for example, --clearPassword clearPassword).

-a, --authPasswordSyntax

Use the Authentication Password Syntax (as defined in RFC 3112), which encodes values in a form scheme$authInfo$authValue. If this option is not provided, then the user password syntax (which encodes values in a form scheme$valuewill be used.

-c, --clearPassword clearPassword

Specify the clear-text password on which to operate when either encoding a clear-text password or comparing a clear-text password against an encoded password. This option must not be used in conjunction with --clearPasswordFile.

-e, --encodedPassword encodedPassword

Use the encoded password to compare against a given clear-text password. If the --authPasswordSyntax option is also provided, then this password must be encoded using the authentication password syntax. Otherwise, it should be encoded using the user password syntax. This option must not be used in conjunction with --encodedPasswordFile.

-E, --encodedPasswordFile encodedPasswordFile

Use the encoded password from the specified file to compare against a given clear-text password. If the --authPasswordSyntax option is also provided, then this password must be encoded using the authentication password syntax. Otherwise, it should be encoded using the user password syntax. This option must not be used in conjunction with --encodedPassword.

-f, --clearPasswordFile clearPasswordFile

Use the clear-text password from the specified file when either encoding a clear-text password or comparing a clear-text password against an encoded password. The option must not be used in conjunction with --clearPassword.

-l, --listSchemes

Display a list of the password storage schemes that are available for use in the directory server. If the option is used by itself, it displays the names of the password storage schemes that support the user password syntax. If the option used in conjunction with --authPasswordSyntax, it displays the names of the password storage schemes that support the authentication password syntax.

-r, --useCompareResultCode

Use an exit code that indicates whether a given clear-text password matched a provided encoded password. If this option is provided, the directory server results in an exit code of 6 (COMPARE_TRUE) or an exit code of 5 (COMPARE_FALSE). Any other exit code indicates that the tool failed to complete its processing to make the necessary determination. If this option is not provided, an exit code of zero will be used to indicate that the tool completed its processing successfully, or something other than zero if an error occurred.

-s, --storageScheme storageScheme

Specify the name of the password storage scheme to use when encoding a clear-text password. If the --authPasswordSyntax option is provided, the value must be the name of a supported authentication password storage scheme. Otherwise, specify the name of a supported user password storage scheme.

-?, -H, --help

Display the command-line usage information for the utility and exit immediately without taking any other action.

-V, --version

Display the version information for the directory server.


The following examples show how to use the directory server commands. You can use the commands on any UNIX, Linux, or Windows system that has at least the Java SE 5 (at least Sun version 1.5.0_08, preferably the latest version of Java SE 6) runtime environment installed on its target system. See Directory Server System Requirements in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Installation Guide for more information.

Example 110
Listing the Storage Schemes on the Server

The following command lists the storage schemes (-l) available for use on the directory server.

$ encode-password -l

Example 111
Listing the Authenticated Passcode Syntax Storage Schemes on the Server

The following command lists the storage schemes (-l) that support the authentication passcode syntax (-a) on the directory server.

$ encode-password -l -a

Example 112
Encoding a Clear-Text Password to Another Scheme

The following command encodes a clear-text password (-c) using the specified scheme (-s).

$ encode-password -c opendsrocks -s MD5

Encoded Password:  "{MD5}AjxHKRFkRwxx3j9lM2HMow=="
Example 113
Encoding a Clear-Text Password to Another Scheme using the Authentication Password Syntax

The following command encodes a clear-text password (-c) using the specified scheme (-s) and the authentication password syntax (-a).

$ encode-password -c opendsrocks -s MD5 -a

Encoded Password:  "MD5$/imERhcEu3U=$AFqmpZi8EiTIvMFwkcrf8A=="
Example 114
Comparing a Clear-Text Password to an Encoded Password

The following command compares a clear-text password (-c) with an encoded password (-e). Do not include the password scheme (for example, MD5) in your encoded password.

$ encode-password -c opendsrocks -e "AjxHKRFkRwxx3j9lM2HMow==" -s MD5

The provided clear-text and encoded passwords match
Example 115
Comparing a Clear-Text Password to an Encoded Password and Return an Exit Code

The following command compares a clear-text password (-f) with an encoded password (-e) using the scheme (-s) and returns the exit code (-r) (6 for COMPARETRUE; 5 for COMPAREFALSE). Do not include the password scheme (for example, MD5) in your encoded password.

$ encode-password -c opendsrocks -e "AjxHKRFkRwxx3j9lM2HMow==" -s MD5 -r

The provided clear-text and encoded passwords match

echo $?
Example 116
Encoding a Password contained in a File using SSHA

The following command encodes a clear-text password in a file (-f) using the specified scheme (-s). For Windows platforms, specify the path to your clear-text password file (for example, -f \temp\testpassword):

$ encode-password -s SSHA -f /tmp/testpassword

Encoded Password:   "{SSHA}QX2fMu+2N22N9qI+zu6fIZxsBVID3EsUlYYEbQ=="
Exit Codes
Table 1
Exit Codes
Exit Code
Operation completed successfully.
Error occurred during operation.
COMPARE_FALSE. Used with the --r or --useCompareCodeResult option, an exit code of 5 indicates a given clear-text password does not match the provided encoded password.
COMPARE_TRUE. Used with the --r or --useCompareCodeResult option, an exit code of 6 indicates that a given clear-text password matches the provided encoded password.