man pages section 1: User Commands
  • A
    • acctcom(1)- search and print process accounting files
    • adb(1)- general-purpose debugger
    • addbib(1)- create or extend a bibliographic database
    • admin(1)- create and administer SCCS history files
    • aedplot(1B)- graphics filters for various plotters
    • alias(1)- create or remove a pseudonym or shorthand for a command or series of commands
    • answerbook2(1)- online documentation system
    • apptrace(1)- trace application function calls to Solaris shared libraries
    • apropos(1)- locate commands by keyword lookup
    • ar(1)- maintain portable archive or library
    • arch(1)- display the architecture of the current host
    • as(1)- assembler
    • asa(1)- convert FORTRAN carriage-control output to printable form
    • at(1)- execute commands at a later time
    • atoplot(1B)- graphics filters for various plotters
    • atq(1)- display the jobs queued to run at specified times
    • atrm(1)- remove jobs spooled by at or batch
    • audioconvert(1)- convert audio file formats
    • audioplay(1)- play audio files
    • audiorecord(1)- record an audio file
    • auths(1)- print authorizations granted to a user
    • awk(1)- pattern scanning and processing language