KCMS Application Developer's Guide


Example 4-12 KcsSetCallback()

/* template function declaration */

 int myProgressCallback(KcsProfileId profileid, unsigned long
 			current, unsigned long total, KcsFunction
 			operation, void *userDefinedData);

 KcsProfileId						completeProfile;
 KcsPixelLayout 	pixelLayoutIn;

 /* the profiles have been loaded and connected, now set up the
 * callback to be active for both the optimize and evaluate
 * functions */

 status = KcsSetCallback(KcsOptFunc + KcsEvalFunc,
 			(KcsCallbackFunction)myProgressCallback, NULL );
 if (status != KCS_SUCCESS) {
 	fprintf(stderr, "Callback function call failed\n");
 printf("Optimizing the complete profile \n");
 status = KcsOptimizeProfile(completeProfile, KcsOptSpeed, KcsLoadAllNow);
 /* check status here*/
 /* set up the pixel layout */
 status = KcsEvaluate(completeProfile, op, &pixelLayoutIn, &pixelLayoutIn);
 /* check status here*/

 /* This is my callback function */

 int myProgressCallback(KcsProfileId profileid, unsigned long current,
 			unsigned long total, KcsFunction operation, void *userDefinedData)

 	int			pcent;
 	pcent = (int) (((float)current/ (float)total) *100.0);
 	fprintf(stderr,"Optimize+Evaluate is %3d percent complete\n", pcent);
 /* Free callback resources*/
 KcsSetCallback (KcsOptFunc+KcsEvalFunc, NULL, NULL);