KCMS Application Developer's Guide


The icTagSignature lists the public attributes and sizes in the ICC specification. The attribute icSigProfileSequenceTag is read only and is valid for device link (complete color) profiles only.

typedef enum {
 	icSigAToB0Tag								= 0x41324230L,	/* 'A2B0' */
 	icSigAToB1Tag								= 0x41324231L,	/* 'A2B1' */
 	icSigAToB2Tag								= 0x41324232L,	/* 'A2B2' */
 	icSigBlueColorantTag								= 0x6258595AL,	/* 'bXYZ' */
 	icSigBlueTRCTag								= 0x62545243L,	/* 'bTRC' */
 	icSigBToA0Tag								= 0x42324130L,	/* 'B2A0' */
 	icSigBToA1Tag								= 0x42324131L,	/* 'B2A1' */
 	icSigBToA2Tag								= 0x42324132L,	/* 'B2A2' */
 	icSigCalibrationDateTimeTag								= 0x63616C74L,	/* 'calt' */
 	icSigCharTargetTag								= 0x74617267L,	/* 'targ' */
 	icSigCopyrightTag								= 0x63707274L,	/* 'cprt' */
 	icSigDeviceMfgDescTag								= 0x646D6E64L,	/* 'dmnd' */
 	icSigDeviceModelDescTag								= 0x646D6464L,	/* 'dmdd' */
 	icSigGamutTag								= 0x676d7420L,	/* 'gmt ' */
 	icSigGrayTRCTag								= 0x6b545243L,	/* 'kTRC' */
 	icSigGreenColorantTag								= 0x6758595AL,	/* 'gXYZ' */
 	icSigGreenTRCTag								= 0x67545243L,	/* 'gTRC' */
 	icSigLuminanceTag								= 0x6C756d69L,	/* 'lumi' */
 	icSigMeasurementTag								= 0x6D656173L,	/* 'meas' */
 	icSigMediaBlackPointTag								= 0x626B7074L,	/* 'bkpt' */
 	icSigMediaWhitePointTag								= 0x77747074L,	/* 'wtpt' */
 	icSigNamedColorTag								= 0x6E636f6CL,			/* `ncol'
 													* obsolete, use `ncl2' */
 	icSigPreview0Tag								= 0x70726530L,	/* 'pre0' */
 	icSigPreview1Tag								= 0x70726531L,	/* 'pre1' */
 	icSigPreview2Tag								= 0x70726532L,	/* 'pre2' */
 	icSigProfileDescriptionTag								= 0x64657363L,	/* 'desc' */
 	icSigProfileSequenceDescTag								= 0x70736571L,	/* 'pseq' */
 	icSigPs2CRD0Tag								= 0x70736430L,	/* 'psd0' */					
 	icSigPs2CRD1Tag								= 0x70736431L,	/* 'psd1' */
 	icSigPs2CRD2Tag								= 0x70736432L,	/* 'psd2' */
 	icSigPs2CRD3Tag								= 0x70736433L,	/* 'psd3' */
 	icSigPs2CSATag								= 0x70733273L,	/* 'ps2s' */
 	icSigPs2RenderingIntentTag								= 0x70733269L,	/* 'ps2i' */
 	icSigRedColorantTag								= 0x7258595AL,	/* 'rXYZ' */
 	icSigRedTRCTag								= 0x72545243L,	/* 'rTRC' */
 	icSigScreeningDescTag								= 0x73637264L,	/* 'scrd' */
 	icSigScreeningTag								= 0x7363726EL,	/* 'scrn' */
 	icSigTechnologyTag								= 0x74656368L,	/* 'tech' */
 	icSigUcrBgTag								= 0x62666420L,	/* 'bfd ' */
 	icSigViewingCondDescTag								= 0x76756564L,	/* 'vued' */
 	icSigViewingConditionsTag								= 0x76696577L,	/* 'view' */
 	icSigNamedColor2Tag								= 0x6E636C32L,	/* 'ncl2' */
 	icSigCrdInfoTag								= 0x63726469L,	/* 'crdi' */
 	icMaxEnumTag					= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icTagSignature;