Solaris 8 (SPARC 平台版本) 安装指南


  1. 您想通过 tip(1) 行来安装 Solaris 软件吗?

    • 如果不想,请转到下一步。

    • 如果想,请确保您的窗口显示至少宽为 80 列和长为 24 行。


      要确定当前 tip 窗口的尺寸,请用 stty(1) 命令。

  2. 将标记为 Solaris 8 安装英语 SPARC 平台版本 或 Solaris 8 安装多语言 SPARC 平台版本 的 CD 插入系统的 CD-ROM 驱动器。

    CD-ROM 驱动器 - 盘式 

    CD-ROM 驱动器 - 盒式 

    1. 按下 CD-ROM 驱动器前面板上的弹出按钮。托盘滑出。

    2. 将标记为 Solaris 8 安装英语 SPARC 平台版本 或 Solaris 8 安装多语言 SPARC 平台版本 (徽标面向上) CD 插入托盘。

    3. 将托盘推入 CD-ROM 驱动器。

    1. 要打开 CD 盒,请向内按压盒角,同时从中央掀起盖子。

    2. 插入标记为 Solaris 8 安装英语 SPARC 平台版本 或 Solaris 8 安装多语言 SPARC 平台版本 (徽标面向上) CD 并关闭盒子。

    3. 让盒子上的箭头指向 CD-ROM 驱动器,然后插入盒子。


  3. 通过显示确定提示 (以超级用户身份通过键入 halt 命令,或通过同时按下 Stop 键和 A 键) 来引导系统,然后请键入:

    boot cdrom

    • 如果您正在使用标记为 Solaris 8 安装英语 SPARC 平台版本 CD,请会显示类似如下的信息:

      Boot device: /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@6,0:f  
      File and args:
      SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
      Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
      Configuring /dev and /devices
      Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
      Stand by...
      Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer
      English has been selected as the language in which to perform the 
      Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer
      Solaris installer is searching the system's hard disks for a 
      location to place the Solaris installer software.
      Your system appears to be upgradeable.
      Do you want to do a Initial Install or Upgrade?
        1) Initial Install
        2) Upgrade
        Please Enter 1 or 2 > 
    • 如果您正在使用标记为 Solaris 8 安装多语言 SPARC 平台版本 CD,请会显示类似如下的信息:

      Boot device: /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@6,0:f  
      File and args:
      SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
      Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
      Configuring /dev and /devices
      Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
      Stand by...
      Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer
      The Solaris Installer can be run in English, or any of the 
      following languages:
        1) English           6) Japanese
        2) German            7) Korean
        3) Spanish           8) Swedish
        4) French            9) Simplified_Chinese
        5) Italian          10) Traditional_Chinese
       Select the language you want to use to run the installer:

  4. 您正在使用哪个 CD?

    • 如果是 Solaris 8 安装英语 SPARC 平台版本 CD,请转到下一步。

    • 如果是 Solaris 8 安装多语言 SPARC 平台版本 CD,请键入您想选择语言的编号并用该语言来显示提示、消息以及其它的安装信息。


    language_you_selected has been selected as the language in which to perform 
    the install.
    Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer
    Solaris installer is searching the system's hard disks for a 
    location to place the Solaris installer software.
    Your system appears to be upgradeable.
    Do you want to do a Initial Install or Upgrade?
      1) Initial Install
      2) Upgrade
      Please Enter 1 or 2 > 
  5. 得到提示后,请键入 2 选择升级并按回车键。

    Solaris Web Start 搜索磁盘,以查找能满足最低容量需要的交换片。然后会显示类似如下的信息:

    Since swap slices are usually erased at each reboot,
    the Solaris Installer would prefer to place the Solaris install image
    on a slice labeled swap.
    The Installer would like to use the disk slice c0t0d0s1, labeled as swap.
    WARNING: All information will be lost.
    Can the Solaris Installer use this slice?  [y,n,?] 
  6. 您想使用屏幕上所显示的磁盘片吗?

    • 如果想用,请键入 y 并转到 步骤 14

    • 如果不想用,请键入 n 并按回车键。

    Solaris Web Start 搜索磁盘,以查找能满足最低容量需要的片并且不在 /etc/vfstab 中列出的任何"可升级的"根片中的片 (在表 3-1中所讲述的)。显示类似如下的信息:

    1) c0t0d0s1
    2) Find Another
    "Find Another" allows the Solaris Installer to find other
    slices that may meet the criteria found in the Solaris
    install guide.
    Please make a selection. > 
  7. 您想使用屏幕上所显示的磁盘片吗?

    • 如果想用,请键入 1 并转到 步骤 14

    • 如果不想用,请键入 2 并按回车键。

    Solaris Web Start 继续查找另一磁盘片。如果未找到另一磁盘片,则在缺省情况下会使用屏幕上所显示的最初的交换片。如果找到了另一磁盘片,则会显示类似如下的信息:

    The following slices were found to meet the 
    criteria in the Solaris Install Guide.
    WARNING: If one of the listed slices is chosen
             to be used by the Solaris Installer
             all information on the slice will be
    1) c0t0d0s7 last mounted on /export/home
    2) None
    "None" will skip these disk slices and present
    you with a listing of all disks on the system
    Please make a selection from the choices above > 
  8. 您想使用所显示的片中之一还是"全不用"?



    • 如果您想使用所显示的片之一,请键入您想使用的片的编号并转到步骤 14

    • 如果是"全不用",请键入 2 并按回车键。


    The default root disk is /dev/dsk/c0t0d0.
    The Solaris installer needs to format
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 to install Solaris.
    Do you want to format /dev/dsk/c0t0d0?  [y,n,?,q] 
  9. 得到提示后,请键入 y 并按回车键。


    NOTE: The swap size cannot be changed during filesystem layout.
    Enter a swap slice size between 478MB and 2028MB, default = 512MB [?] 
  10. 得到提示后,请按回车键以输入缺省的交换片大小,或者键入您想要的交换片大小并按回车键。


    The Installer prefers that the swap slice is at the beginning of the
    disk. This will allow the most flexible filesystem partitioning later 
    in the installation.
    Can the swap slice start at the beginning of the disk  [y,n,?,q] 
  11. 您想把交换空间放置在磁盘开始部分 (这样可以提高对文件系统进行分区的灵活性以及访问磁盘的效率) 吗?

    • 如果想,请键入 y 并转到 步骤 14

    • 如果不想,请键入 n 并按回车键。


    WARNING: Placing the swap slice at a cylinder location other than 
    cylinder 0 requires expert knowledge about disk layout. This choice may 
    affect disk layout choices later in the installation.
    Enter a starting cylinder between 0 and 2043, default = 0 [?]  
  12. 按回车键以输入缺省的起始柱面 (0),或者输入您想要的起始柱面并按回车键。


    You have selected the following to be used by the Solaris installer:
            Disk Slice  : /dev/dsk/c0t0d0
            Size        : 512 MB
            Start Cyl.  : 0
    Is this OK  [y,n,?,q] 
  13. 得到提示后,请键入 y

  14. 按回车键。


    The Solaris installer will use disk slice, /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1.
    After files are copied, the system will automatically reboot, and
    installation will continue.
    Please Wait...
    Copying mini-root to local disk....done.
    Copying platform specific files....done.
    Preparing to reboot and continue installation.
    Syncing file systems... 10 done
    Resetting ...
                 Sun Ultra 1 SBus (UltraSPARC 143MHz), Keyboard Present
                 OpenBoot 3.5, 64 MB memory installed, Serial #9999999.
                 Ethernet address 8:0:20:8d:35:a5, Host ID: 808d35a5.
    Rebooting with command: boot /sbus@1f,0/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,
    Boot device: /sbus@1f,0/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@0,0:b  
    File and args:
    SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
    Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Configuring /dev and /devices
    Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
    Stand by...

