Common Desktop Environment: Application Builder User's Guide

Spin Box Property Editor

Only properties unique to a spin box object are described here. See "Property Editor: Universal Properties" for descriptions of Object Type, Objects, Object Name, Initial State, and Color. See "Property Editor: Common Properties" for descriptions of Label Type, Position (Label), Label, Items, Item Label, and Geometry.

Spin Box Type

Specifies the type of spin box. If Numeric is chosen, the Items, Label, Add Item, Edit, and Selected properties are inactive. If String List is chosen, the Value Range, Initial Value, and Decimal Points properties are inactive.

Arrow Style

Specifies the style of arrow to be displayed on the spin box. Choices are Flat Beginning, Flat End, Beginning, End, and Split.

Value Range

Specifies Min(imum), Max(imum, and Incr(ement) values for a spin box object. All values must be integers. The increment value is used when you click with the mouse on one of the spin box arrows (in the compiled application or in test mode). Value Range is inactive if Spin Box Type is String List. See Decimal Points.

Initial Value

Specifies the starting value in the spin box in the compiled application. Initial Value is inactive if Spin Box Type is String List.

Decimal Points

Specifies the number of decimal places to shift the spin box value when displaying it. For example, a spin box value of 250 with a Decimal Points value of 1 would display as 25.0; a spin box value of 250 with a Decimal Points value of 2 would display as 2.50. Decimal Points is inactive if Spin Box Type is String List.


Specifies whether the item selected in the Items list will be selected when the compiled application is opened. Only one item can be selected. Selected is inactive if Spin Box Type is Numeric.