Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 Reference Guide

Dialog Box Error Messages

DiskSuite displays the following messages in Error dialog boxes. When these messages are displayed, the only choice on the dialog box is OK. The action you attempted will not be performed. Use the information here to correct the error.

A RAID can only have one operation that causes a resync per commit

You have tried to commit two separate changes to a RAID device at the same time. While the changes may be valid, only one can be performed at a time. For example, if you replace a slice and add a new slice, this message is displayed. You must perform one change and click on the Commit button, then perform the other change and click on the Commit button.

Concat dn has no stripes

You have tried to commit a concatenation that has no stripes. You must add stripes to the concatenation.

You cannot delete a metadevice that is in use.

You have tried to delete a metadevice that contains a mounted file system, is being swapped on, or is open as a raw device.

dn has no components.

You have tried to commit a Concat/Stripe template that has no slices. You must add slices to the object before clicking on the Commit button.

Mirror dn has no submirrors

You have tried to commit a mirror that has no submirrors. You must add submirrors before clicking on Commit.

RAID dn must have at least three slices.

You have tried to commit a RAID metadevice that has fewer than three slices. Add the necessary slices and commit the RAID metadevice.

Slices added to a RAID device must be at least
as large as the smallest original slice.

You have tried to add a slice to a RAID device that is smaller than the slices that are already part of the RAID device.

Slice slice is mounted. You cannot add it to Concat/Stripe dn, it
is not the first mounted slice to be added.

You have tried to add a slice that has a mounted file system to a Concat/Stripe and there is already at least one slice in the Concat/Stripe. The slice with the mounted file system must be the first one added to the Concat/Stripe.

Slice slice is mounted. You cannot add it to dn, it already has a
mounted slice.

You have tried to add a slice that contains a mounted file system to a Concat/Stripe template. The slice that contains the mounted file system must be the first slice added.

Slice slice is mounted. You cannot add a mounted slice to a RAID
device, doing so would corrupt the file system.

You have tried to add a slice that contains a mounted file system to a RAID template. Choose another slice that does not contain any data.

Slice slice is too small to be used in a RAID device.

You have tried to add a slice that is too small. The slice being added is either smaller than the slices already in the RAID device or is too small to be used in a RAID device.

Submirror dn has a mounted file system, it should be the first
submirror added.

You have tried to add a submirror that contains a mounted file system to an existing mirror. To mirror this file system, create a one-way mirror using this submirror then attach another submirror that does not contain data.

Submirror dn is too small.

You have tried to add a new submirror that is smaller than the current size of the Mirror. The submirror must be as large as the existing submirror.

Mirror dn has a component with a file system mounted. You cannot
add another submirror.

You have tried to add a submirror that contains a mounted file system and the Mirror already has a mounted file system on the other submirror. You must add an unassigned slice.

The root file system may not be mounted on
a concat with more than one stripe.

You have tried to drop the slice that contains the root file system into a Concat/Stripe template. Remove one of the existing stripes.

The root file system may not be mounted on a trans device.

You have tried to drop the slice that contains the root file system into a Trans device template. The root file system cannot be placed in a Trans device.

Trans dn has no master

You have tried to commit a Trans device that has no master device. Add the master device and commit the device.

You cannot add device to a RAID device while it is initializing 

You have tried to add a slice or hot spare pool to a RAID device that has been committed and is initializing. Wait until the device is initialized.

You cannot replace a slice in a RAID device while it is

You have tried to add a slice to a RAID device that has been committed and is initializing. Wait until the device is initialized.

The value you entered value is too large.
You should use a value less than new value, which is the
maximum possible device size.

You tried to enter an unacceptably large value in one of the Slice Filter window`s size fields.

Your attempt to change the name of Hot Spare Pool hspnnn
to hspnnn failed for the following reason:

You tried to change the name of a hot spare pool to a name that already exists, or the name is not valid.

RAID component component is not the same size as component
component. Extra space on the larger component will be wasted.

You tried to add a slice to a RAID5 metadevice that is not the same size as the existing slices in the RAID device.

You cannot change the hot spare pool for a RAID device while it
is initializing.

You tried to change the current hot spare pool for a RAID5 metadevice during its initialization. Wait for the initialization to complete before attempting to change the hot spare pool again.

The RAID device has failed to initialize. It cannot be repaired
and should be deleted.

There was an error when trying to initialize the RAID5 metadevice. The only recourse left is to delete the device and recreate it, after repairing any errored slices.

A slice in a created stripe may not be replaced unless the stripe
is part of a submirror with redundancy.

You can only replace a slices if data redundancy exists.

A slice in a stripe may not be enabled unless the stripe is part
of a submirror with redundancy.

You can only enable slices if data redundancy exists.

The metadevice state database has not been committed since slice
slice was added. You cannot restore replicas on the slice.

You need to commit the MetaDB object before enabling any broken slices.

There is no device with a mounted file system which matches
the path name path.

You tried to drag a file name from Storage Manager to the Metadevice Editor canvas and DiskSuite Tool could not locate the device containing the file system.

Disk Set Released
host no longer owns the setname disk set.
setname cannot continue; you must exit.

Disk Set Changed
An external change has occurred to the setname disk set.

Disk Set Load Failed
Unable to load disk set setname.

The above three messages indicate that changes were made to the diskset from the command line while DiskSuite Tool was running on that diskset.

Statistics sheets are not available for controllers, trays or

You tried to display the Device Statistics window for a controller, tray, or slice. The Device Statistics window is only available for metadevices or disks.

Sync NVRAM is only available for SPARCstorage Array controllers,
trays and disks with working batteries.

You tried to sync NVRAM on a non-SPARCstorage Array device, or you tried to sync NVRAM on a SPARCstorage Array whose battery has failed.

Fast Write is only available for SPARCstorage Array controllers,
trays and disks with working batteries.

You tried to enable Fast Write on a SPARCstorage Array device whose battery has failed.

Reserve Disks is only available for SPARCstorage Array
controllers, trays and disks.

You tried to perform a disk reservation on a non-SPARCstorage Array device.

Release Disks is only available for SPARCstorage Array
controllers, trays and disks.

You tried to release a disk reservation on a non-SPARCstorage Array device.

Start Disks is not available for slices.

Slices by themselves cannot be started, only disks.

Stop Disks is not available for slices.

Slices by themselves cannot be stopped, only disks.

You may not detach a submirror while it is resyncing.

You cannot detach a submirror in the process of resyncing.

Error while trying to reserve lock for metaset setname.

The lock for setname could not be acquired. Either another instance of DiskSuite Tool or the command line currently has the lock.

Interlace value is out of range.

You entered an invalid interlace value for the striped metadevice or RAID5 metadevice.

Failed trying to exchange metadevices dn and dn.

You cannot exchange metadevice names of a metadevice that is in use.

Failure trying to rename dn to dn.

You cannot rename a metadevice that is in-use, nor can you rename a metadevice to a name that already exists.

Metadevice name not in range dn - dn.

You tried to give a name to a metadevice outside the current defined range. If necessary, increase the value of nmd in the /kernel/drv/md.conf file.

The hot spare pool name not in the range hsp000 - hsp999.

Hot spare pools must be named hspnnn, where nnn is a number between 000 and 999.

The hot spare pool hspnnn already exists.

You tried to create a hot spare pool with an existing hot spare pool's name.

You cannot delete a mounted trans device that has an attached
logging device.

To delete a trans metadevice, first detach the logging device.

The metadevice dn is currently either opened, swapped on, or
mounted. Deleting it will cause the name to be pushed down.

The mirror or trans metadevice you are trying to delete is currently in-use. The deleted device name will be switched with one of its subdevices names. In the case of a mirror, the mirror name is switched with one of its submirror names. In the case of a trans metadevice, the trans name and the master device name are switched.

You cannot delete a mounted mirror with more than one submirror.

To delete the mirror, make it into a one-way mirror.

You cannot delete a mounted trans device whose master is not a

You are attempting to delete a mounted trans device whose master device is a slice. Unmount the trans metadevice to be able to delete it.

Cannot purge the NVRAM for device. Disk is reserved by another host.

Cannot sync the NVRAM for device. Disk is reserved by another host.

Cannot reserve device. Disk is reserved by another host.

Cannot release device. Disk is reserved by another host.

Cannot start device. Disk is reserved by another host.

Cannot stop device. Disk is reserved by another host.

Cannot disable fast write for device. Disk is reserved by another

Cannot enable fast write for device. Disk is reserved by another

Cannot enable fast write for synchronous writes for device. Disk
is reserved by another host.

The above messages indicate that another host has a reservation on device. To perform the desired action, first release the reservation.

You cannot detach an existing submirror while a replace, enable
or attach is pending.

You tried to detach a submirror that is currently be replaced, enabled, or attached. Wait for the operation to complete before attempting the detach again.

You cannot enable a slice in a mirror while the mirror is

You tried to enable a slice in a submirror while the mirror is being resynced. Wait for the operation to complete before attempting the enable again.