Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

Chapter 8 Tips and Tricks

This chapter describes some hints and tips for using DiskSuite.

Use the following to proceed directly to the section that provides the information you need.

State Database Replicas and Trans Metadevices

Creating a trans metadevice (UFS logging) is an easy way to increase availability of UFS. Here's a tip that makes efficient use of slices when using trans metadevices:

For more information on adding a state database replica or creating a trans metadevice, refer to Chapter 2, Creating DiskSuite Objects.

DiskSuite and Prestoserve

PrestoserveTM is a hardware/software product that speeds response time in disk write-bound applications. The product accelerates performance by selectively caching disk block device write operations in non-volatile memory, reducing disk I/O bottlenecks.

Prestoserve improves NFSTM server performance, many disk I/O bound applications, and many file systems.

DiskSuite is fully compatible with Prestoserve, with the following restrictions.

DiskSuite Objects Compatible With Prestoserve

DiskSuite Objects Incompatible With Prestoserve

Why is Using Prestoserve With Mirrors Discouraged?

The simple reason is that using Prestoserve together with mirors introduces a single point of failure into the I/O subsystem, which is exactly what mirrors are designed to avoid. The use of Prestoserve lowers the MTBF of a mirror to approximately the same as a single disk.

Why is Using Prestoserve With Trans Metadevices Discouraged?

Prestoserve cannot be used on trans metadevices. Using Prestoserve on a logging UFS can cause system hangs or panics. Prestoserve operates by redirecting I/O from a device to NVRAM. This redirection interferes with the communication protocol between a logging UFS and a metadevice.

How to Configure Prestoserve With DiskSuite (Command Line)

The following steps describe how to load and enable Prestoserve for use with DiskSuite. Basically, you edit the /etc/system file to load Prestoserve after the DiskSuite driver.

  1. Add the following line to the /etc/system file.

    exclude: drv/pr
  2. Edit the /etc/init.d/lvm.init file and add the following lines to the end of the "start" clause.

    	rm -f /tmp/.mdlock
    	if [ -x "$METAINIT" -a -c "$METADEV" ]; then
    		#echo "$METAINIT -r"
    		$METAINIT -r
    		#echo "$error"
    		case "$error" in
    		0|1)	;;
    echo "Insufficient metadevice database replicas located."
    echo ""
    echo "Use metadb to delete databases which are broken."
    echo "Ignore any \"Read-only file system\" error messages."
    echo "Reboot the system when finished to reload the metadevice
    echo "After reboot, repair any broken database replicas which
    were deleted."
    			/sbin/sulogin < /dev/console
    echo "Resuming system initialization. Metadevice database will
    remain stale."
    		*)	echo "Unknown $METAINIT -r failure $error."
        modload /kernel/drv/pr
        presto -p >/dev/null
  3. Edit the /etc/init.d/prestoserve file.

    Replace the following line:

    presto -u

    with the line:

    presto -u /filesystem...

    In this command, filesystem... is a list of every file system to be accelerated with Prestoserve. Do not include any of the following:

    • root (/)

    • /usr

    • /usr/kvm

    • /var

    • /var/adm

DiskSuite Configuration Guidelines

A poorly designed DiskSuite configuration can degrade performance. This section offers tips for getting good performance from DiskSuite.

General Guidelines

# metainit d1 3 1 c0t0d0s2 1 c0t0d1s2 c0t0d2s2
d1: Concat/Stripe is setup
# metainit d2 3 1 c0t2d0s2 1 c0t2d1s2 c0t2d2s2
d2: Concat/Stripe is setup
# metainit d0 -m d1
d0: Mirror is setup
# metattach d0 d2
d0: Component d2 is attached

Strings t0 and t1 are contained in tray 1, t2 and t3 in tray 2, and t4 and t5 are in tray 3. Hence, in the above commands, to create submirrors in different trays, we use string t0 for one submirror, and t2 for the second submirror.

State Database Replica Guidelines

Striping Guidelines

Concatenation Guidelines

Concatenated Stripe Guidelines

Read the guidelines for stripes and concatenations above.

Mirror Guidelines

RAID5 Metadevice Guidelines

UFS Logging Guidelines

Hot Spare Guidelines

File System Guidelines

Labeled Partitions

Security Considerations


Working With Disk Drives

If you need to repartition a disk drive, for example, after a disk replacement, you can create a script using the fmthard(1M) command to quickly recreate the VTOC (Volume Table of Contents) information on the disk.

How to Use fmthard(1M)

  1. Use the prtvtoc(1M) command to get a listing of partitioning information for a disk.

    # prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s0 > /tmp/vtoc

    In this example, the information for disk c2t0d0 is redirected to a file on disk.

  2. Create and run a script similar to the following, making use of the fmthard(1M) command.

    for i in 1 2 3 5
    fmthard -s /tmp/vtoc /dev/rdsk/c2t${i}d0s2

Trans Metadevices (UFS Logging) and Disk Quotas

You can set up quotas to limit the amount of disk space and number of inodes (roughly equivalent to the number of files) available to users. (This is a feature of Solaris, not of DiskSuite.) These quotas are activated automatically each time a file system is mounted.

To create a trans metadevice, refer to Chapter 2, Creating DiskSuite Objects. For more information on quotas, refer to System Administration Guide, Volume II.

Using DiskSuite Tool

This section describes some advanced uses (and limitations) of DiskSuite Tool.


Using the Metadevice Editor

Here are three tips to help manage screen real estate on the Metadevice Editor's canvas:

Using the Slice View, Disk View, and Filters

Setting filters within DiskSuite Tool on the Slice View and Disk View windows can help you quickly locate suitable slices for the task at hand.

How to Filter for Slice Size (DiskSuite Tool)

If you have a system with many disks (and slices), searching for available slices of a certain size can be a chore. Using the Slice Filter window can save you time in this activity.

This task describes how to create a filter in the Slice View window for available slices larger than 200 Mbytes, then drag and drop these slices to the Disk View window to see where they are located.

  1. Click Slices to display the Slice View window.

    The Slice View window appears.

  2. Select Set Filters from the Filters menu in the Slice View window.

    The Slice Filters window appears.

  3. To search for available slices, make sure the "Available for use as" radio button as is checked, and that "Anything" is selected in the pull-down.

  4. To filter for slices greater than 200 Mbytes, check the "Size" radio button, select "greater than" in the first pull-down, type 200 in the text box, and select Mbytes in the second pull-down.

  5. Click Apply and view the results in the Slice Browser window.

    If necessary, change values in the Slice Filters window and click Apply to change the filtering scheme.

  6. After adjusting the filtering scheme to your satisfaction, close the Slice Filters window by clicking OK.

  7. Click Disk View to display the Disk View window.

    The Disk View window appears.

  8. In the Slice Browser window, click Select All. Then drag the selected slices to a color drop site in the Disk View window.

  9. View the results in the Disk View window.

    DiskSuite Tool uses the selected drop site's color for all slices dragged to the Disk View window. You can now make your slice selection (for example to create a submirror) following the considerations outlined in "General Guidelines".

How to Filter for Slice Replacement (DiskSuite Tool)

This task shows how to use DiskSuite Tool to find a suitably sized replacement slice for an errored slice in a submirror.

Note -

This approach is not limited to mirrors. You can use this task to find replacement slices for any type of metadevice.

  1. Click Disk View to display the Disk View window.

    The Disk View window appears.

  2. Drag the errored Mirror object from the Objects list to the canvas.

  3. Select one submirror (a Concat/Stripe object) within the mirror and drag it to the Disk View window. Then do the same for the second submirror (and third submirror if this is a three-way mirror).

    The Disk View window colors the slices with a different color corresponding to the submirrors in the Mirror object. This helps you see where the slices are located, for example, across controllers.

  4. Click Slices to display the Slice View window.

    The Slice View window appears.

  5. Click Set Filters in the Slice View window.

    The Slice Filters window appears.

  6. To search for available slices, make sure the "Available for use as" radio button is checked, and that "Metadevice Component" is selected in the pull-down.

  7. Filter for slices to replace the errored slice.

    One way to do this is to set up a filter that finds slices greater than a size that is slightly smaller than the errored slice. This will display a larger range of slices than if you set up a filter that searches for slices equal to the errored slice size.

  8. Check the "Size" radio button, select "greater than" in the first pull-down, type the size of the slice (in Mbytes, and slightly smaller than the errored slice's size) in the text box, and select Mbytes in the second pull-down.

  9. Click Apply and view the results in the Slice Browser window.

    If necessary, change values in the Slice Filters window and click Apply to change the filtering scheme.

  10. In the Slice Browser window, click Select All. Then drag the selected slices to a color drop site in the Disk View window.

  11. View the results in the Disk View window.

    DiskSuite Tool uses the color for all slices dragged to the Disk View window.

  12. Select a replacement slice.

    You can now make your slice selection for a DiskSuite object following the guidelines outlined in "General Guidelines". Pick a replacement that is large enough and follows mirror guidelines (on different controller, or at least a different disk.)

  13. Drag the replacement slice from the Disk View window to the rectangle of the Concat/Stripe object with the errored slice.

  14. Commit the mirror.

    Click inside the top of the Mirror object then click Commit. A mirror resync begins.

Changing DiskSuite Tool's Colors and Fonts

By default, DiskSuite Tool uses colors and fonts that are compatible with the OpenWindowsTM desktop applications. This section describes how to change these colors and fonts.

DiskSuite Tool and Colors

DiskSuite Tool uses a variety of colors:

The X Window System RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color specification mechanism enables you to specify a nearly infinite variety of colors. Of course, many of these colors will appear similar, varying only slightly in shade or intensity.

To aid in selecting and specifying colors, the X Window System provides a standard default set of colors that you can specify by name instead of RGB values. This "database" of color names can be examined using the standard X utility showrgb. It shows the RGB values and a corresponding descriptive alias. For example:

# showrgb
		199  21 133	medium violet red
		176 196 222	light steel blue
		102 139 139	paleturquoise4
		159 121 238	mediumpurple2
		141 182 205	lightskyblue3
		  0 238 118	springgreen2
		255 160 122	light salmon
		154 205  50	yellowgreen
		178  58 238	darkorchid2
		 69 139 116	aquamarine4
 		107 107 107	gray42
 		 71  71  71	gray28
 		 61  61  61	gray24
 		255 255 255	white
 		  0 205 205	cyan3
 		  0   0   0	black

You can also examine the default color name database by looking at the /usr/openwin/lib/X11/rgb.txt file.

Unfortunately, there are no standard applications for browsing colors. If you don't have access to a public domain color browser, experiment by trial and error.

DiskSuite Tool's Default Colors

DiskSuite Tool's default colors are shown in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 DiskSuite Tool's Default Colors

Color Type 


Standard Foreground 


Standard Background 


Canvas Background 


Mapping Colors:




















Status Colors:








DiskSuite Tool and Fonts

DiskSuite Tool uses four different fonts:

Available Fonts in DiskSuite

The available fonts depend on which X Window System server you use to display the application. The standard X utility, xlsfonts(1), displays the available fonts on a server. For example:

# xlsfonts

Another helpful utility for displaying available fonts is xfontsel(1). Refer to the man pages for these utilities for more information.

DiskSuite Tool's Default Fonts

DiskSuite Tool's default fonts all come from the Lucida font family:

Table 8-2 DiskSuite Tool's Default Fonts

Font Type 


Standard Font 


Mono-spaced Font 


Bold Font 


Small Font 


DiskSuite Tool uses the X Window System's resource database mechanism to determine which fonts to use. The default resource specifications are:

Table 8-3 DiskSuite Tool's Default Font Resource Specifications

















How to Change DiskSuite Tool's Default Colors and Fonts

You can change DiskSuite Tool's default colors and fonts by using one of the following four methods.

Example -- Changing Fonts

This example changes the standard font to lucidasans16 for a single invocation of DiskSuite Tool.

# metatool -xrm 'Metatool*fontList: lucidasans16'

Metadevice Naming Conventions

Using a naming convention for your metadevices can help with your DiskSuite administration, and enable you at a glance to easily identify the metadevice type. Here are a few suggestions:

Note -

The metarename command enables you to reorganize your metadevice names. Refer to the metarename(1M) man page for more information.

Metadevice Name Switching

In addition to renaming metadevices, DiskSuite's metarename command also provides the ability to switch "layered" metadevices. When used with the -x option, metarename switches (exchanges) the names of an existing layered metadevice and one of its subdevices. This includes a mirror and one of its submirrors, or a trans metadevice and its master device.

Note -

You must use the command line to exchange metadevices. This functionality is currently unavailable in DiskSuite Tool, although you can rename a metadevice with either the command line or DiskSuite Tool.

Prerequisites for Using Metadevice Name Switching

Creating a Metadevice Using Name Switching

If you have an existing stripe, you can use the metarename -x command to create a compound metadevice. This includes creating a mirror from a concat/stripe, or a trans device with a metadevice as the master device.

How to Create a Mirror From an Existing Concat/Stripe (Command Line)

This example begins with a concatenation, d1, with a mounted file system, and ends up with the file system mounted on a two-way mirror named d1.

# metastat d1
d1: Concat/Stripe
    Size: 5600 blocks
    Stripe 0:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase
        c0t0d0s1                   0     No
# metainit d2 1 1 c1t3d0s1
d2: Concat/Stripe is setup
# metainit -f d20 -m d1
d20: Mirror is setup
# umount /fs2
# metarename -x d20 d1
d20 and d1 have exchanged identities
# metastat d1
d1: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d20
      State: Okay
d20: Submirror of d1
    State: Okay
# metattach d1 d2
d1: submirror d2 is attached
# metastat d1
d1: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d20
      State: Okay
    Submirror 1: d2
      State: Okay
# mount /fs2

The metastat command confirms that the concatenation d1 is in the "Okay" state. You use the metainit command to create a second concatenation (d2), and then to force (-f) the creation of mirror d20 from d1. You must unmount the file system before using metarename -x to switch d20 for d1; d1 becomes the top-level device (the mirror), which metastat confirms. You attach d2 as the second submirror, verify the state of the mirror with metastat, then remount the file system. Note that because the mount device for /fs2 did not change, you do not have to edit the /etc/vfstab file.

How to Create a Trans Metadevice From an Existing Metadevice (Command Line)

This example begins with a mirror, d1, with a mounted file system, and ends up with the file system mounted on a trans device named d1.

# metastat d1
d1: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d20
      State: Okay        
    Submirror 1: d2
      State: Okay        
# umount /fs2
# metainit d21 -t d1
d21: Trans is setup
# metarename -f -x d21 d1
d21 and d1 have exchanged identities
# metastat d1
d1: Trans
    State: Detached
    Size: 5600 blocks
    Master Device: d21
# metattach d1 d0
d1: logging device d0 is attached
# mount /fs2

The metastat command confirms that the mirror d1 is in the "Okay" state. You must unmount the file system before using the metainit command to create the trans device d21, with d1 as the master. The metarename -f -x command forces the switch of d21 and d1; d1 is now the top-level trans metadevice, as confirmed by the metastat command. A logging device d0 is attached with the metattach command. You then remount /fs2. Note that because the mount device for /fs2 has not changed (it is still d1), you do not have to edit the /etc/vfstab file.

Removing a Metadevice Using Name Switching

If you have an existing mirror or trans metadevice, you can use the metarename -x command to remove the mirror or trans metadevice and keep data on an underlying metadevice. For a trans metadevice, as long as the master device is a metadevice (stripe/concat, mirror, or RAID5 metadevice), you keep data on that metadevice.

When you use metarename -x as part of this process, the mount point of the file system remains the same.

How to Unmirror a File System and Retain the Mount Device (Command Line)

This example begins with a mirror, d1, containing a mounted file system, and ends up with the file system mounted on a stripe named d1.

# metastat d1
d1: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d20
      State: Okay        
    Submirror 1: d2
      State: Okay        
    Pass: 1
# umount /fs2
# metarename -x d1 d20
d1 and d20 have exchanged identities
# metastat d20
d20: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d1
      State: Okay        
    Submirror 1: d2
      State: Okay        
# metadetach d20 d1
d20: submirror d1 is detached
# metaclear -r d20
d20: Mirror is cleared
d2: Concat/Stripe is cleared
# mount /fs2

The metastat command confirms that mirror d1 is in the "Okay" state. This file system is unmounted before exchanging the mirror d1 and its submirror d20. This makes the mirror d20, as confirmed by metastat. Next, d1 is detached from d20, then mirror d20 and the other submirror, d2 are deleted. Finally, /fs2 is remounted. Note that because the mount device for /fs2 did not change, the /etc/vfstab file does not require editing.

How to Remove a Trans Metadevice and Retain the Mount Device (Command Line)

This example begins with a trans metadevice, d1, containing a mounted file system, and ends up with the file system mounted on the trans metadevice`s underlying master device, which will be d1.

# metastat d1
d1: Trans
    State: Okay        
    Size: 5600 blocks
    Master Device: d21
    Logging Device: d0
d21: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d20
      State: Okay        
    Submirror 1: d2
      State: Okay        
d0: Logging device for d1
    State: Okay        
    Size: 5350 blocks
# umount /fs2
# metadetach d1
d1: logging device d0 is detached
# metarename -f -x d1 d21
d1 and d21 have exchanged identities
# metastat d21
d21: Trans
    State: Detached    
    Size: 5600 blocks
    Master Device: d1
d1: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d20
      State: Okay        
    Submirror 1: d2
      State: Okay
# metaclear 21
# fsck /dev/md/dsk/d1
** /dev/md/dsk/d1
** Last Mounted on /fs2
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
3 files, 10 used, 2493 free (13 frags, 310 blocks, 0.5%
# mount /fs2

The metastat command confirms that the trans metadevice, d1, is in the "Okay" state. The file system is unmounted before detaching the trans metadevice's logging device. The trans metadevice and its mirrored master device are exchanged using the -f (force) flag. Running metastat again confirms that the exchange occurred. The trans metadevice and the logging device (if desired) are cleared, in this case, d21 and d0, respectively. Next, the the fsck command is run on the mirror, d1, and the prompt is answered with a y. After the fsck command is done, the file system is remounted. Note that because the mount device for /fs2 did not change, the /etc/vfstab file does not require editing.

Working With Stripes

This section describes a technique for regaining access to a metadevice that is defined on a failing controller, causing sporadic system panics. If there is another available controller on the system, the metadevice can in effect be "moved" to the new controller by moving the disks to the controller and redefining the metadevice. This technique does away with the need to back up and restore data to the metadevice.

How to Move a Stripe to a Different Controller (Command Line)

This example consists of a disk that has two slices that are each part of two separate striped metadevices, d100 and d101, containing file systems /user6 and /maplib1, respectively. The affected controller was c5; the disks will be moved to a free controller (c4). This example also uses the file.

  1. Stop access to the affected stripes.

    For example, unmount any file systems associated with the striped metadevice.

    # umount /user6
    # umount /maplib1
  2. Use metaclear to clear the striped metadevice.

    # metaclear d100
    d100: Concat/Stripe is cleared
    # metaclear d101
    d101: Concat/Stripe is cleared
  3. Shut down the server and move the disks to the new controller.

  4. Edit the file to indicate the new controller in the metadevice names. This example uses "c4" not "c5" for the disk, because the disk was moved to controller 4.

    Lines from the file before change:
    # Stripe /user6
    /dev/md/dsk/d100 1 2 /dev/dsk/c5t0d0s3 /dev/dsk/c2t2d0s3
    # Stripe /maplib1
    /dev/md/dsk/d101 1 2 /dev/dsk/c5t0d0s0 /dev/dsk/c2t2d0s0
    after change:
    # Stripe /user6
    /dev/md/dsk/d100 1 2 /dev/dsk/c4t0d0s3 /dev/dsk/c2t2d0s3
    # Stripe /maplib1
    /dev/md/dsk/d101 1 2 /dev/dsk/c4t0d0s0 /dev/dsk/c2t2d0s0
  5. Use metainit to initialize that striped metadevices and mount it, without reinitializing the file system with newfs.

    # metainit d100
    d100: Concat/Stripe is setup
    # metainit d101
    d101: Concat/Stripe is setup
  6. Run mountall to remount the file systems.

  7. Run metastat to verify that the metadevices are online.

    Caution - Caution -

    Don't run the newfs command on the metadevice or its associated file system. It will result in a massive data loss, and the need to restore from tape.

Working With Mirrors

This section describes some tips regarding mirrors and their operation.

Advanced Mirror Techniques

The following two tasks show how to change the interlace value of submirrors without destroying a mirror, and how to use a mirror for an online backup.

How to Change the Interlace Value of Stripes in Mirrors (DiskSuite Tool)

Use this task to change the interlace value of a mirror's underlying submirrors which are composed of striped metadevices. Using this method does away with the need to recreate the mirror and submirrors and restore data.

Note -

To use the command line to perform this task, refer to the metadetach(1M), metainit(1M), and metattach(1M)man pages.

The high-level overview of the steps in this task are:

  1. Make sure DiskSuite Tool is started.

  2. Double-click the Mirror object in the Objects list.

    The object appears on the canvas.

  3. Click inside the submirror to be detached.

  4. Drag the submirror out of the Mirror object to the canvas.

    If this is a two-way mirror, the mirror's status changes to "Urgent."

  5. Click the top rectangle of the Mirror object then click Commit.

  6. Create a new submirror with the desired interlace value.

    Refer to "How to Create a Striped Metadevice (DiskSuite Tool)".

  7. Drag the new Submirror object to the Mirror object. Then click Commit to commit the mirror.

    A mirror resync begins.

  8. The Configuration Log shows that the mirror was committed.

  9. Repeat Step 3 through Step 7 for the second (and possibly third) submirror in the mirror.

How to Use a Mirror to Make an Online Backup (Command Line)

Although DiskSuite is not meant to be a "backup product," it does provide a means for backing up mirrored data without unmounting the mirror or taking the entire mirror offline, and without halting the system or denying users access to data. This happens as follows: one of the submirrors is taken offline--temporarily losing the mirroring--and backed up; that submirror is then placed online and resynced as soon as the backup is complete.

You can use this procedure on any file system except root (/). Be aware that this type of backup creates a "snapshot" of an active file system. Depending on how the file system is being used when it is write-locked, some files and file content on the backup may not correspond to the actual files on disk.


Note -

If you use these procedures regularly, put them into a script for ease of use.

The high-level steps in this procedure are:

  1. Before beginning, run the metastat(1M) command to make sure the mirror is in the "Okay" state.

    A mirror that is in the "Maintenance" state should be repaired first.

  2. For all file systems except root (/), lock the file system from writes.

    # /usr/sbin/lockfs -w mount point

    Only a UFS needs to be write-locked. If the metadevice is set up as a raw device for database management software or some other specific application, running lockfs(1M) is not necessary. (You may, however, want to run the appropriate vendor-supplied utility to flush any buffers and lock access.)

    Caution - Caution -

    Write-locking root (/) causes the system to hang, so it should never be performed.

  3. Take one submirror offline from the mirror.

    # metaoffline mirror submirror

    In this command,


    Is the metadevice name of the mirror. 


    Is the metadevice name of the submirror (metadevice) being taken offline. 

    Reads will continue to be made from the other submirror. The mirror will be out of sync as soon as the first write is made. This inconsistency is corrected when the offlined submirror is brought back online in Step 6.

    There is no need to run fsck(1M) on the offlined file system.

  4. Unlock the file system and allow writes to continue.

    # /usr/sbin/lockfs -u mount point

    You may need to perform necessary unlocking procedures based on vendor-dependent utilities used in Step 2 above.

  5. Perform a backup of the offlined submirror. Use ufsdump(1M) or your usual backup utility.

    Note -

    To ensure a proper backup, use the raw metadevice, for example, /dev/md/rdsk/d4. Using "rdsk" allows greater than 2 Gbyte access.

  6. Place the mirror back online.

    # metaonline mirror submirror

    DiskSuite automatically begins resyncing the submirror with the mirror.

Example -- Using a Mirror to Make an Online Backup

This example uses a mirror named d1, consisting of submirrors d2 and d3. d3 is taken offline and backed up while d2 stays online. The file system on the mirror is /home1.

# /usr/sbin/lockfs -w /home1
# metaoffline d1 d3
d1: submirror d3 is offlined
# /usr/sbin/lockfs -u /home1
(Perform backup using /dev/md/rdsk/d3)
# metaonline d1 d3
d1: submirror d3 is onlined

How Booting Into Single-User Mode Affects Mirrors

If a system with mirrors for root (/), /usr, and swap--the so-called "boot" file systems--is booted into single-user mode (boot -s), these mirrors and possibly all mirrors on the system will appear in the "Needing Maintenance" state when viewed with the metastat command. Furthermore, if writes occur to these slices, metastat shows an increase in dirty regions on the mirrors.

Though this appears potentially dangerous, there is no need for concern. The metasync -r command, which normally occurs during boot to resync mirrors, is interrupted when the system is booted into single-user mode. Once the system is rebooted, metasync -r will run and resync all mirrors.

If this is a concern, run metasync -r manually.

Hot Spares

A hot spare pool can contain 0 to n hot spares. A hot spare pool can be associated with multiple submirrors and RAID5 metadevices. You can define one hot spare pool with a variety of different size slices, and associate it with all the submirrors or RAID 5 metadevices. DiskSuite knows how to use the correctly sized hot spare when necessary.

Place hot spares in the same hot spare pool across controllers, to preserve lines of failure. In this respect, follow the same guidelines as you would for creating submirrors.

Working With Disksets

This section provides tips for configuring disksets.

Note -

Currently, DiskSuite only supports disksets on SPARCstorage Array disks.

How to Configure Disk Drive Device Names for a Diskset (Command Line)

Configuring the hardware for use in diskset configuration can be problematic. The disk drives must be symmetric; that is, the shared drives must have the same device number, which implies the same device name and number (controller/target/drive). This task explains how to configure this setup.

Note -

On a set of new machines, where the hardware was pre-configured, the desired symmetry occurs by default. You do not need to perform this task.

You must configure device names done before creating any metadevices in the diskset. Any other drives that are on non built-in controllers will also be affected.

  1. Make sure that the disk controllers are located in slots that will be found in the same order.

    This is best achieved by having the controllers for a given SPARCstorage Array in the same slots on identical processor models. If this is not possible, then you must make sure that the order of the slots will probe out identically on both processors. Because the probing of the Sbus is conducted in an orderly fashion, this can be achieved, but not easily. It is also recommended that slots be used in order from lowest to highest numbered slot leaving all the unused slots at the high end.

    Note -

    The configuration system numbers controllers of the same type in sequence. In this case, "disk drive" is the type, so all controllers for disk drives will affect the order that devices are found. To this end, all the devices that are to be shared should probably be placed before any other disk controllers in the system to make sure that they will be found and accounted for in the correct order.

    Once this has been done, you can do one of two things: a complete install on both host machines, or continue with this task. The latter is considerably faster.

  2. One at a time, become root on each host and perform the following:

    # rm /etc/path_to_inst*
    # reboot -- '-rav'
    reboot: rebooted by root
    syncing file systems... [1] done
    Resetting ...
    Rebooting with command: -rav
    Boot device: /iommu/sbus/espdma@f,400000/esp@f,800000/sd@3,0  
    File and args: -rav
    Enter filename [kernel/unix]:
    Size: 253976+126566+39566 Bytes
    Enter default directory for modules [/kernel /usr/kernel]:
    SunOS Release 5.4 Generic [UNIX(R) System V Release 4.0]
    Copyright (c) 1983-1995, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Name of system file [etc/system]:
    The /etc/path_to_inst on your system does not exist or is empty.
    Do you want to rebuild this file [n]? y
    Using default device instance data
    root filesystem type [ufs]:
    Enter physical name of root device
    The system is ready.
    console login: root
    # /usr/bin/rm -r /dev/*dsk/*
    # /usr/sbin/disks
    # ^D

    Given that the hardware is set up correctly, this will ensure that the software reflects that setup. Because the /etc/path_to_inst file is used to keep things from sliding, which will occur generally when controllers are moved around, it is removed to make sure that controllers slide to the correct location. The '-rav' option with reboot makes sure that the kernel will interact with the user during boot and do a reconfigure reboot. The removal of /dev/*dsk/* is used to make sure that the sym-links get created correctly when the /usr/sbin/disks program is run.

    Note -

    Because the SPARCstorage Array controller contains a unique World Wide Name, which identifies it to Solaris, special procedures apply for SPARCstorage Array controller replacement. Contact your service provider for assistance.

How to Change State Database Replica Size in a Diskset (Command Line)

If you want to change the size of your state database replicas in a diskset, the basic steps are adding two disks to the diskset, deleting one of the new disk's state database replicas, then deleting the other disk from the diskset. You then add the deleted disk back to the diskset, along with any other disks you want added to the diskset. The state database replicas will automatically resize themselves to the new size.

Example -- Changing State Database Replica Size in a Diskset

# metadb -s rimtic -d c1t0d0s7
# metadb -s rimtic -a -l 2068 c1t0d0s7
# metaset -s rimtic -d c1t1d0
# metaset -s rimtic -a c1t1d0
# metadb -s rimtic

This example assumes you have already added two disks to the diskset, rimtic, and that there is no data on the rest of the disk to which the replica will be added. The new size of the state database replica is 2068 blocks, as specified by the -l 2068 option. The metadb command confirms the new size of the state database replicas.