Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Create a Hot Spare Pool (DiskSuite Tool)

You can create an empty hot spare pool, and add hot spares later if necessary. If you choose to do so, skip Step 4 and Step 5 in this task.

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites ("Prerequisites for Creating DiskSuite Objects") and have read the preliminary information ("Preliminary Information for Creating Hot Spare Pools").

  2. Click the Hot Spare Pool template.

    An unassigned and uncommitted Hot Spare Pool object appears on the canvas. The metadevice name is automatically assigned.

  3. [Optional] Change the default hot spare pool name.

    Display the object's pop-up menu and choose Info. Type the new metadevice name in the Device Name field and click Attach. Then click Close.

  4. Click Slices to open the Slice Browser.

  5. Select the slices and drag them into the Hot Spare Pool object.

    Use Control-click to select multiple slices.

  6. Click the top rectangle of the Hot Spare Pool object then click Commit.

  7. To verify that the hot spare pool was committed, display the Configuration Log.

Example -- Committed Hot Spare Pool Object

This example shows a committed hot spare pool object, hsp000, consisting of slice c0t1d0s2.


Where to Go From Here

To add hot spares to the hot spare pool, refer to "How to Add a Hot Spare Slice to a Hot Spare Pool (DiskSuite Tool)". After creating the hot spare pool, you need to associate it with a submirror or RAID5 metadevice. See "How to Associate a Hot Spare Pool (DiskSuite Tool)".