Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

Example -- Checking Status of a Specified Diskset

red# metaset -s relo-red
Set name = relo-red, Set number = 1
Host                Owner
  red                Yes
Drive               Dbase
  c1t2d0             Yes
  c1t3d0             Yes
  c2t2d0             Yes
  c2t3d0             Yes
  c2t4d0             Yes
  c2t5d0             Yes

The metaset(1M) command with the -s option followed by the name of the relo-red diskset displays status information for that diskset. By issuing the metaset command from the owning host, red, it is determined that red is in fact the diskset owner. The metaset command also displays drives in the diskset.