Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Enable DiskSuite to Launch Storage Manager (Command Line)

This task assumes you have installed the Storage Manager packages. Refer to Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 Installation and Product Notes for more information.

Enabling DiskSuite to launch Storage Manager's tools, involves configuring the /usr/lib/lvm/metatool-toolsmenu file. For more information, refer to the metatool-toolsmenu(4) man page.

The supplied metatool-toolsmenu file has two lines already configured to use File System Manager and Disk Manager. Uncomment (remove the leading # sign) the two lines and save the file.

Example -- metatool-toolsmenu File

Here is a sample metatool-toolsmenu file, with two entries that enable File System Manager and Disk Manager to be launched from DiskSuite Tool.

# metatool `Tools' menu registry file...
# Entries are of the form:
# :0:<name>:<command>:
# 0 is a format specifier.  `0' is the only valid specifier for metatool.
# <name> becomes a menu item1.5 in the Metadevice Editor and DiskView Tools menu
# <command> is passed to system() when item is chosen from the menu.
# ':' is a field delimiter, one of: `+' `|' `:' `^'
# sample entries:
	+0+File System Manager...+/opt/SUNWadm/2.2/bin/stomgr -F+
	:0:Disk Manager...:/opt/SUNWadm/2.2/bin/stomgr -D: