Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Enable NVRAM on a Controller, Tray, or Disk (DiskSuite Tool)

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites ("Prerequisites for Managing the System") and have read the preliminary information ("Preliminary Information For Enabling and Disabling NVRAM").

  2. Refer to "How to Stop a Disk (DiskSuite Tool)" to quiesce all I/O.

    Be sure that no I/O is active on metadevices defined that exist on disks within a SPARCstorage Array. In particular, ensure that ownership of any diskset metadevices has been released since an implicit I/O stream exists while ownership of a diskset is maintained.

  3. Click Disk View.

    The Disk View window appears.

  4. In the Disk View window, select a controller, tray, or individual disk or disks.

  5. Choose Fast Write from the Object menu, then choose Enable.

  6. A Fast Write dialog box appears, reminding you that all I/O to the object should be stopped. Click Continue.

  7. A confirmation appears, indicating that fast write has been enabled. Click OK.

  8. Refer to "How to Start a Disk (DiskSuite Tool)" to restart the disks.