Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Configure DiskSuite SNMP Support (Command Line)

This task assumes you have installed the DiskSuite SNMP packages, SUNWmdnr and SUNWmdnu.

The steps to configure DiskSuite for SNMP support are:

For more information, refer to the mdlogd(4) man page.

When you reboot the system after installing the SUNWmdnr and SUNWmdnu packages, the following message appears:

Starting mdlogd ...
        /etc/lvm/ no configuration information

DiskSuite displays this message because you have not yet configured the file.

  1. Make sure that the mdlogd daemon is configured to load automatically at boot.

    (A postinstall script should have taken care of this when you added the package.)

  2. Edit and save the SNMP trap configuration file,

    1. Change the line ENTERPRISE = to the SNMP identifier for the enterprise to which the host running the daemon belongs.

    2. Change the line OBJECTID = to the SNMP identifier of the host running the daemon.

    3. Configure the SubStrings the daemon will look for. These are messages generated by DiskSuite.

    4. Change the trap destination tuple to the name of the host to receive the SNMP trap; the port; and the protocol.

      Most likely you will always use port 162 and protocol udp, as these are the defaults for SNMP traps.

    5. Leave the Generic SNMP Trap # set to 6.

    6. You can use your own coding scheme for Specific Trap #.

      For example, use number 1 for a low priority message, number 2 for medium priority, and 3 for high priority.

Example -- File

##ident "@(#) 1.1 96/02/15"
# DiskSuite SNMP Trap configuration file.
# SubString	Trap Destination      SNMP Trap #   Specific Trap #
#              (host:port:protocol)   0 < n <= 6       0 < n
"NOTICE: md:"  "spin:162:udp"            6             1
"WARNING: md:" "spin:162:udp"            6             2

This example dispatches SNMP traps for DiskSuite errors written to /dev/console to a host named spin.

Here's what the trap generated by the error message "WARNING: md: d6: /dev/dsk/c3t3d0s7 needs maintenance" would look like when received by a SunNet Manager console:

Wed Feb 21 15:40:41 1996 [ spin ] : Trap:
    receive-time=Wed Feb 21 15:40:41 1996
    enterprise=Sun Microsystems
    trap-type=enterprise specific trap: 2 = Feb 21 15:40:41 1996 spin WARNING:
            md: d6: /dev/dsk/c3t3d0s7 needs maintenance