Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Remove a SPARCstorage Array Tray (Command Line)

Before removing a SPARCstorage Array tray, halt all I/O and spin down all drives in the tray. The drives automatically spin up if I/O requests are made. Thus, it is necessary to stop all I/O before the drives are spun down.

  1. Stop DiskSuite I/O activity.

    Refer to the metaoffline(1M) command, which takes the submirror offline. When the submirrors on a tray are taken offline, the corresponding mirrors will only provide one-way mirroring (that is, there will be no data redundancy), unless the mirror uses three-way mirroring. When the submirror is brought back online, an automatic resync occurs.

    Note -

    If you are replacing a drive that contains a submirror, use the metadetach(1M) command to detach the submirror.

  2. Use the metastat(1M) command to identify all submirrors containing slices on the tray to be removed. Also, use the metadb(1M) command to identify any replicas on the tray. Any available hot spare devices must also be identified and the associated submirror identified using the metahs(1M) command.

    With all affected submirrors offline, I/O to the tray will be stopped.

  3. Refer to "How to Stop a Disk (DiskSuite Tool)".

    Either using DiskSuite Tool or the ssaadm command, spin down the tray. When the tray lock light is out the tray may be removed and the required task performed.