Traditional Chinese Solaris User's Guide

Checking Your User Environment

Before you log in, your system administrator should set your required user environment variables and corresponding entries in the .cshrc file in your home directory. These system environment variables are essential to using Traditional Chinese features.

.cshrc File

System environment variables need to be set by your system administrator in your .cshrc file. Therefore, the first time you log in, before you start OpenWindows for the first time, check to make sure there are lines such as the following in the .cshrc file in your home directory:

setenv LANG zh_TW
setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin

set path=( /usr/SUNWale/bin $OPENWINHOME/bin $path )


if ($?USER != 0 && $?prompt != 0) then
   /bin/stty cs8 -istrip defeucw

Make sure the LANG variable is set to C (ASCII) or zh_TW (Chinese) before the if...endif statement and that no prompt is set before the if...endif.

If these lines are not present or are different, contact your system administrator. If you are your own system administrator or an advanced user, refer to Traditional Chinese Solaris System Administrator's Guide for further information on setting up your system.

.openwin-init File

If you have a .openwin-init file in your home directory and might use the Traditional Chinese character input facilities, make sure this file contains an htt command, as described in "How and When htt Is Started" on page 15.

.xinitrc File

If your system has a .xinitrc file in your home directory, make sure it contains at least the lines provided in Traditional Chinese Solaris $OPENWINHOME/lib/Xinitrc file.