Solaris DHCP Administration Guide

DHCP Manager

DHCP Manager is a graphical interface you can use to perform administration tasks on the DHCP service.

The DHCP Manager Window

The DHCP Manager window's appearance differs, depending on whether the server on which it is running was configured as a DHCP server or a BOOTP relay agent.

When the server is configured as a DHCP server, DHCP Manager uses a tab-based window, in which you select a tab for the type of information you want to work with. DHCP Manager features the following tabs:

The following figure shows the DHCP Manager window as it appears when you start it on a DHCP server.

Figure 4–1 DHCP Manager on a DHCP Server System


When the server is configured as a BOOTP relay agent, the DHCP Manager window does not show these tabs because the BOOTP relay agent does not need any of this information. You can only modify the BOOTP relay agent's properties and stop/start the DHCP daemon with DHCP Manager. The following figure shows the DHCP Manager window as it appears when you start it on a system configured as a BOOTP relay agent.

Figure 4–2 DHCP Manager on a BOOTP Relay Agent System


DHCP Manager Menus

DHCP Manager menus include:

When DHCP Manager runs on a BOOTP relay agent, the Edit and View menus are disabled.

All DHCP service management activities are accomplished through the Edit and Service menus. You use the commands in the Edit menu to create, delete, and modify networks, addresses, macros, and options, depending on which tab is selected. When the Addresses tab is selected, the Edit menu also lists wizards, which are sets of dialogs that make it easy to create networks and multiple IP addresses. The Service menu lists commands that enable you to manage the DHCP daemon. You can start/stop, enable/disable, modify the server configuration, and unconfigure the server. The Service menu also lists commands that enable you to convert the data store and export and import data on the server.

Starting and Stopping DHCP Manager

You must run DHCP Manager on a DHCP server system as superuser, but you can display it remotely on another UNIX system using the X Window remote display feature.

How to Start DHCP Manager

  1. (Optional) Become superuser on the DHCP server system.

  2. If you are logged in to the DHCP server system remotely, you can display DHCP Manager on your local system as follows.

    1. Type the following on the local system:

      # xhost +server-name
    2. Type the following on the remote DHCP server system:

      # DISPLAY=local-hostname;export DISPLAY
  3. Type the following command:

    # /usr/sadm/admin/bin/dhcpmgr &

    The DHCP Manager window opens, displaying the Addresses tab if the server is configured as a DHCP server, or no tabs if the server is configured as a BOOTP relay agent.

How to Stop DHCP Manager

    Choose Exit from the File menu.

    The DHCP Manager window closes.