man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions
 absolute value function - fabs ( Index Term Link )
 access a table property - picl_get_next_by_col ( Index Term Link )
 access a table property - picl_get_next_by_row ( Index Term Link )
 access CPU performance counters in other processes - cpc_pctx_bind_event ( Index Term Link )
 access CPU performance counters in other processes - cpc_pctx_invalidate ( Index Term Link )
 access CPU performance counters in other processes - cpc_pctx_rele ( Index Term Link )
 access CPU performance counters in other processes - cpc_pctx_take_sample ( Index Term Link )
 aclcheck - check the validity of an ACL ( Index Term Link )
 aclfrommode - convert an ACL to or from permission bits ( Index Term Link )
 aclfromtext - convert internal representation to or from external representation ( Index Term Link )
 aclsort - sort an ACL ( Index Term Link )
 acltomode - convert an ACL to or from permission bits ( Index Term Link )
 acltotext - convert internal representation to or from external representation ( Index Term Link )
 acos - arc cosine function ( Index Term Link )
 acosh - inverse hyperbolic functions ( Index Term Link )
 add or delete node to or from tree - ptree_add_node ( Index Term Link )
 add or delete node to or from tree - ptree_delete_node ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a backward compatible version - wsreg_add_compatible_version ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a backward compatible version - wsreg_get_compatible_versions ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a backward compatible version - wsreg_remove_compatible_version ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a child component - wsreg_add_child_component ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a child component - wsreg_get_child_components ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a child component - wsreg_remove_child_component ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a dependent component - wsreg_add_dependent_component ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a dependent component - wsreg_get_dependent_components ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a dependent component - wsreg_remove_dependent_component ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a required component - wsreg_add_required_component ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a required component - wsreg_get_required_components ( Index Term Link )
 add or remove a required component - wsreg_remove_required_component ( Index Term Link )
 add or retrieve a key-value pair - wsreg_get_data_pairs ( Index Term Link )
 add or retrieve a key-value pair - wsreg_get_data ( Index Term Link )
 add or retrieve a key-value pair - wsreg_set_data ( Index Term Link )
 add, remove, or return a localized display name - wsreg_add_display_name ( Index Term Link )
 add, remove, or return a localized display name - wsreg_get_display_languages ( Index Term Link )
 add, remove, or return a localized display name - wsreg_get_display_name ( Index Term Link )
 add, remove, or return a localized display name - wsreg_remove_display_name ( Index Term Link )
 advance - regular expression compile and match routines ( Index Term Link )
 allocate or deallocate a buffer for trace data
  - tnfctl_buffer_alloc ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_buffer_dealloc ( Index Term Link )
 allow or disallow a memory segment to be imported by other nodes - rsm_memseg_export_publish ( Index Term Link )
 allow or disallow a memory segment to be imported by other nodes - rsm_memseg_export_republish ( Index Term Link )
 allow or disallow a memory segment to be imported by other nodes - rsm_memseg_export_unpublish ( Index Term Link )
 annotate source code with info for tools
  - NOTE ( Index Term Link )
  - _NOTE ( Index Term Link )
 arc cosine function - acos ( Index Term Link )
 arc sine function - asin ( Index Term Link )
 arc tangent function - atan2 ( Index Term Link )
 arc tangent function - atan ( Index Term Link )
 asin - arc sine function ( Index Term Link )
 asinh - inverse hyperbolic functions ( Index Term Link )
 associate callbacks with process events - pctx_set_events ( Index Term Link )
 atan - arc tangent function ( Index Term Link )
 atan2 - arc tangent function ( Index Term Link )
 atanh - inverse hyperbolic functions ( Index Term Link )
 au_close - construct audit records ( Index Term Link )
 au_open - construct audit records ( Index Term Link )
 au_preselect - preselect an audit record ( Index Term Link )
 au_to - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_arg - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_attr - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_data - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_groups - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_in_addr - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_ipc - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_ipc_perm - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_iport - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_me - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_new_in_addr - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_new_process - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_new_socket - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_new_subject - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_opaque - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_path - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_process - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_return - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_socket - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_subject - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_to_text - create audit record tokens ( Index Term Link )
 au_user_mask - get user's binary preselection mask ( Index Term Link )
 au_write - write audit records ( Index Term Link )
 audit control file information
  - endac ( Index Term Link )
  - getacdir ( Index Term Link )
  - getacflg ( Index Term Link )
  - getacinfo ( Index Term Link )
  - getacmin ( Index Term Link )
  - getacna ( Index Term Link )
  - setac ( Index Term Link )
 audit record tokens, manipulating
  - au_close ( Index Term Link )
  - au_open ( Index Term Link )
  - au_preselect ( Index Term Link )
  - au_write ( Index Term Link )
 authentication information routines for PAM
  - pam_get_item ( Index Term Link )
  - pam_set_item ( Index Term Link )
 authentication transaction routines for PAM
  - pam_end ( Index Term Link )
  - pam_start ( Index Term Link )
 base 10 logarithm function - log10 ( Index Term Link )
 Basic Security Module functions
  - au_close ( Index Term Link )
  - au_open ( Index Term Link )
  - au_preselect ( Index Term Link )
  - au_user_mask ( Index Term Link )
  - au_write ( Index Term Link )
 Bessel functions of the first kind
  - j0 ( Index Term Link )
  - j1 ( Index Term Link )
  - jn ( Index Term Link )
 Bessel functions of the second kind
  - y0 ( Index Term Link )
  - y1 ( Index Term Link )
  - yn ( Index Term Link )
 bgets - read stream up to next delimiter ( Index Term Link )
 buffer, split into fields - bufsplit ( Index Term Link )
 cbrt - cube root function ( Index Term Link )
 ceil - ceiling value function ( Index Term Link )
 ceiling value function - ceil ( Index Term Link )
 change or add a value to the PAM environment - pam_putenv ( Index Term Link )
 check the validity of an ACL - aclcheck ( Index Term Link )
 check whether or not Volume Management is managing a pathname - volmgt_inuse ( Index Term Link )
 check whether specific Volume Management features are enabled - volmgt_feature_enabled ( Index Term Link )
 chkauthattr - verify user authorization ( Index Term Link )
 class-dependent data translation
  - elf32_xlatetof ( Index Term Link )
  - elf64_xlatetof ( Index Term Link )
  - elf32_xlatetom ( Index Term Link )
  - elf64_xlatetom ( Index Term Link )
 clone a component - wsreg_clone_component ( Index Term Link )
 close a tnfctl handle - tnfctl_close ( Index Term Link )
 commands, open, close to and from a command - p2open, p2close ( Index Term Link )
 compile - regular expression compile and match routines ( Index Term Link )
 compute natural logarithm - log1p ( Index Term Link )
 computes exponential functions - expm1 ( Index Term Link )
 config_admin - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_ap_id_cmp - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_change_state - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_list - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_list_ext - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_private_func - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_stat - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_strerror - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_test - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_unload - configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_admin ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_ap_id_cmp ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_change_state ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_list_ext ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_list ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_private_func ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_stat ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_strerror ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_test ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface - config_unload ( Index Term Link )
 connect to a DMI service provider
  - ConnectToServer ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records - ea_get_creator ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records - ea_get_hostname ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records - ea_get_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records - ea_next_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records - ea_pack_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records - ea_previous_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records - ea_unpack_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records - ea_write_object ( Index Term Link )
 control kernel tracing and process filtering
  - tnfctl_filter_list_add ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_filter_list_delete ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_filter_list_get ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_filter_state_set ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_trace_state_set ( Index Term Link )
 control probes of another process where caller provides /proc functionality
  - tnfctl_check_libs ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_indirect_open ( Index Term Link )
 convert an ACL to or from permission bits - aclfrommode ( Index Term Link )
 convert an ACL to or from permission bits - acltomode ( Index Term Link )
 convert internal representation to or from external representation - aclfromtext ( Index Term Link )
 convert internal representation to or from external representation - acltotext ( Index Term Link )
 convert a supplied name into an absolute pathname that can be used to access removable media - media_findname ( Index Term Link )
 convert between Volume Management symbolic names, and the devices that correspond to them
  - volmgt_symdev ( Index Term Link )
  - volmgt_symname ( Index Term Link )
 coordinate CPC library and application versions - cpc_version ( Index Term Link )
 copysign - return magnitude of first argument and sign of second argument ( Index Term Link )
 cos - cosine function ( Index Term Link )
 cosh - hyperbolic cosine function ( Index Term Link )
 cosine function - cos ( Index Term Link )
 cpc - hardware performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_access - test access CPU performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_bind_event - use CPU performance counters on lwps ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_count_sys_events - enable and disable performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_count_usr_events - enable and disable performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_event - data structure to describe CPU performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_event_accum - simple difference and accumulate operations ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_event_diff - simple difference and accumulate operations ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_eventtostr - translate strings to and from events ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getcciname - determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getcpuref - determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getcpuver - determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getnpic - determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getusage - determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_pctx_bind_event - access CPU performance counters in other processes ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_pctx_invalidate - access CPU performance counters in other processes ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_pctx_rele - access CPU performance counters in other processes ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_pctx_take_sample - access CPU performance counters in other processes ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_rele - use CPU performance counters on lwps ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_strtoevent - translate strings to and from events ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_take_sample - use CPU performance counters on lwps ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_version - coordinate CPC library and application versions ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_walk_names - determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cplus_demangle - decode a C++ encoded symbol name ( Index Term Link )
 create a new query - wsreg_query_create ( Index Term Link )
 create a new query - wsreg_query_free ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_arg ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_attr ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_data ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_groups ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_in_addr ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_ipc_perm ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_ipc ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_iport ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_me ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_new_in_addr ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_new_process ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_new_socket ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_new_subject ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_opaque ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_path ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_process ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_return ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_socket ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_subject ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens - au_to_text ( Index Term Link )
 create or break logical commection between import and export segments - rsm_memseg_import_connect ( Index Term Link )
 create or break logical commection between import and export segments - rsm_memseg_import_disconnect ( Index Term Link )
 create or destroy barrier for imported segment - rsm_memseg_import_destroy_barrier ( Index Term Link )
 create or destroy barrier for imported segment - rsm_memseg_import_init_barrier ( Index Term Link )
 create or free local memory handle - rsm_create_localmemory_handle ( Index Term Link )
 create or free local memory handle - rsm_free_localmemory_handle ( Index Term Link )
 create or release a component - wsreg_create_component ( Index Term Link )
 create or release a component - wsreg_free_component_array ( Index Term Link )
 create or release a component - wsreg_free_component ( Index Term Link )
 create DmiOctetString in dynamic memory, - newDmiOctetString ( Index Term Link )
 create DmiString in dynamic memory, - newDmiString ( Index Term Link )
 create handle for internal process probe control - tnfctl_internal_open ( Index Term Link )
 create handle for kernel probe control - tnfctl_kernel_open ( Index Term Link )
 cube root function - cbrt ( Index Term Link )
 data structure to describe CPU performance counters - cpc_event ( Index Term Link )
 decode a C++ encoded symbol name
  - cplus_demangle ( Index Term Link )
  - demangle ( Index Term Link )
 demangle - decode a C++ encoded symbol name ( Index Term Link )
 destroy a layout object - m_destroy_layout ( Index Term Link )
 determine CPU performance counter configuration - cpc_getcciname ( Index Term Link )
 determine CPU performance counter configuration - cpc_getcpuref ( Index Term Link )
 determine CPU performance counter configuration - cpc_getcpuver ( Index Term Link )
 determine CPU performance counter configuration - cpc_getnpic ( Index Term Link )
 determine CPU performance counter configuration - cpc_getusage ( Index Term Link )
 determine CPU performance counter configuration - cpc_walk_names ( Index Term Link )
 determine access to product install registry - wsreg_can_access_registry ( Index Term Link )
 determine equality of two components - wsreg_components_equal ( Index Term Link )
 device ID interfaces for user applications - devid_compare ( Index Term Link )
 device ID interfaces for user applications - devid_deviceid_to_nmlist ( Index Term Link )
 device ID interfaces for user applications - devid_free_nmlist ( Index Term Link )
 device ID interfaces for user applications - devid_free ( Index Term Link )
 device ID interfaces for user applications - devid_get_minor_name ( Index Term Link )
 device ID interfaces for user applications - devid_get ( Index Term Link )
 device ID interfaces for user applications - devid_sizeof ( Index Term Link )
 devid_compare - device ID interfaces for user applications ( Index Term Link )
 devid_deviceid_to_nmlist - device ID interfaces for user applications ( Index Term Link )
 devid_free - device ID interfaces for user applications ( Index Term Link )
 devid_free_nmlist - device ID interfaces for user applications ( Index Term Link )
 devid_get - device ID interfaces for user applications ( Index Term Link )
 devid_get_minor_name - device ID interfaces for user applications ( Index Term Link )
 devid_sizeof - device ID interfaces for user applications ( Index Term Link )
 directories, create, remove them in a path - mkdirp, rmdirp ( Index Term Link )
 dmi_error - print error in string form ( Index Term Link )
 DmiAddComponent - Management Interface database administration functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiAddGroup - Management Interface database administration functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiAddLanguage - Management Interface database administration functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiAddRow - Management Interface operation functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiDeleteComponent - Management Interface database administration functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiDeleteGroup - Management Interface database administration functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiDeleteLanguage - Management Interface database administration functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiDeleteRow - Management Interface operation functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiGetAttribute - Management Interface operation functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiGetConfig - Management Interface initialization functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiGetMultiple - Management Interface operation functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiGetVersion - Management Interface initialization functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiListAttributes - Management Interface listing functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiListClassNames - Management Interface listing functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiListComponents - Management Interface listing functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiListComponentsByClass - Management Interface listing functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiListGroups - Management Interface listing functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiListLanguages - Management Interface listing functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiOriginateEvent - Service Provider functions for components ( Index Term Link )
 DmiRegister - Management Interface initialization functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiRegisterCi - Service Provider functions for components ( Index Term Link )
 DmiSetAttribute - Management Interface operation functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiSetConfig - Management Interface initialization functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiSetMultiple - Management Interface operation functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiUnregister - Management Interface initialization functions ( Index Term Link )
 DmiUnRegisterCi - Service Provider functions for components ( Index Term Link )
 ea_attach_to_group - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_attach_to_object - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_close - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_error - error interface to extended accounting library ( Index Term Link )
 ea_free_item - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_free_object - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_get_creator - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_get_hostname - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_get_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_match_object_catalog - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_next_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_open - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_pack_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_previous_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_set_group - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_set_item - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_unpack_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_write_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 elf - object file access library ( Index Term Link )
 elf, get entries from name list - nlist ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_checksum - return the checksum of an elf image, - elf64_checksum ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_checksum - return the checksum of an elf image, - elf32_checksum ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_fsize - return the size of an object file type ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_fsize - return the size of an object file type ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_getehdr - retrieve class-dependent object file header ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_getehdr - retrieve class-dependent object file header ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_getphdr - retrieve class-dependent program header table ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_getphdr - retrieve class-dependent program header table ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_getshdr - retrieve class-dependent section header ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_getshdr - retrieve class-dependent section header ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_newehdr - retrieve class-dependent object file header ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_newehdr - retrieve class-dependent object file header ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_newphdr - retrieve class-dependent program header table ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_newphdr - retrieve class-dependent program header table ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_xlatetof - class-dependent data translation ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_xlatetof - class-dependent data translation ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_xlatetom - class-dependent data translation ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_xlatetom - class-dependent data translation ( Index Term Link )
 elf_begin - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_cntl - control an elf file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 elf_end - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_errmsg - error handling ( Index Term Link )
 elf_errno - error handling ( Index Term Link )
 elf_fill - set fill byte ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagdata - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagehdr - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagelf - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagphdr - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagshdr - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getarhdr - retrieve archive member header ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getarsym - retrieve archive symbol table ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getbase - get the base offset for an object file ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getdata - get section data ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getident - retrieve file identification data ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getscn - get section information ( Index Term Link )
 elf_hash - compute hash value ( Index Term Link )
 elf_kind - determine file type ( Index Term Link )
 elf_memory - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_ndxscn - get section information ( Index Term Link )
 elf_newdata - get section data ( Index Term Link )
 elf_newscn - get section information ( Index Term Link )
 elf_next - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_nextscn - get section information ( Index Term Link )
 elf_rand - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_rawdata - get section data ( Index Term Link )
 elf_rawfile - retrieve uninterpreted file contents ( Index Term Link )
 elf_strptr - make a string pointer ( Index Term Link )
 elf_update - update an ELF descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 elf_version - coordinate ELF library and application versions ( Index Term Link )
 enable and disable performance counters - cpc_count_sys_events ( Index Term Link )
 enable and disable performance counters - cpc_count_usr_events ( Index Term Link )
 encryption, determine whether a buffer of characters is encrypted - isencrypt ( Index Term Link )
 endac - get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 endauclass - close audit_class database file ( Index Term Link )
 endauevent - close audit_event database file ( Index Term Link )
 endauthattr - get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endauuser - get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endexecattr - get execution attribute database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endprofattr - get profile description database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endprojent - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 enduserattr - get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 erf - error and complementary error functions ( Index Term Link )
 erfc - error and complementary error functions ( Index Term Link )
 error and complementary error functions
  - erf ( Index Term Link )
  - erfc ( Index Term Link )
 error interface to extended accounting library - ea_error ( Index Term Link )
 Euclidean distance function - hypot ( Index Term Link )
 Executable and Linking Format
  See elf
 exp - exponential function ( Index Term Link )
 expm1 - computes exponential functions ( Index Term Link )
 exponential function - exp ( Index Term Link )
 fabs - absolute value function ( Index Term Link )
 fgetprojent - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 files, search for named file in named directories - pathfind ( Index Term Link )
 floating-point remainder value function - fmod ( Index Term Link )
 floor - floor function ( Index Term Link )
 floor function - floor ( Index Term Link )
 fmod - floating-point remainder value function ( Index Term Link )
 free_authattr - release memory ( Index Term Link )
 free dynamic memory allocated for input DmiString structure, - freeDmiString ( Index Term Link )
 free_execattr - release memory ( Index Term Link )
 free memory for sysevent handle - sysevent_free ( Index Term Link )
 free_profattr - get profile description database entry ( Index Term Link )
 free_userattr - get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 freeDmiString- free dynamic memory allocated for input DmiString structure ( Index Term Link )
 functions to manage lockfile(s) for user's mailbox
  - maillock ( Index Term Link )
  - mailunlock ( Index Term Link )
  - touchlock ( Index Term Link )
 gamma - log gamma function ( Index Term Link )
 gamma_r - log gamma function ( Index Term Link )
 get a property handle of a node - picl_get_first_prop ( Index Term Link )
 get a property handle of a node - picl_get_next_prop ( Index Term Link )
 get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event - sysevent_get_class_name ( Index Term Link )
 get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event - sysevent_get_event_id ( Index Term Link )
 get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event - sysevent_get_size ( Index Term Link )
 get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event - sysevent_get_subclass_name ( Index Term Link )
 get or free interconnect topology - rsm_free_interconnect_topology ( Index Term Link )
 get or free interconnect topology - rsm_get_interconnect_topology ( Index Term Link )
 get or release a controller handle - rsm_get_controller_attr ( Index Term Link )
 get or release a controller handle - rsm_get_controller ( Index Term Link )
 get or release a controller handle - rsm_release_controller ( Index Term Link )
 get or release a poll descriptor - rsm_memseg_get_pollfd ( Index Term Link )
 get or release a poll descriptor - rsm_memseg_release_pollfd ( Index Term Link )
 get the value of a property - picl_get_propval_by_name ( Index Term Link )
 get the value of a property - picl_get_propval ( Index Term Link )
 get the value of a property - ptree_get_propval_by_name ( Index Term Link )
 get the value of a property - ptree_get_propval ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry - enduserattr ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry - free_userattr ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry - getuserattr ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry - getusernam ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry - getuseruid ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry - setuserattr ( Index Term Link )
 get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event - sysevent_get_pid ( Index Term Link )
 get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event - sysevent_get_pub_name ( Index Term Link )
 get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event - sysevent_get_vendor_name ( Index Term Link )
 get and set media attributes
  - media_getattr ( Index Term Link )
  - media_setattr ( Index Term Link )
 get attribute list pointer - sysevent_get_attr_list ( Index Term Link )
 get error message string - picl_strerror ( Index Term Link )
 get property information - ptree_get_propinfo ( Index Term Link )
 get segment ID range - rsm_get_segmentid_range ( Index Term Link )
 get the handle of the property by name - picl_get_prop_by_name ( Index Term Link )
 get the information about a property - picl_get_propinfo ( Index Term Link )
 get the root handle of the PICL tree - picl_get_root ( Index Term Link )
 get the root node handle - ptree_get_root ( Index Term Link )
 get the trace attributes from a tnfctl handle - tnfctl_trace_attrs_get ( Index Term Link )
 getacdir - get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getacflg - get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getacinfo - get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getacmin - get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getacna - get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getauclassent - get audit_class database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauclassent_r - get audit_class database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauclassnam - get audit_class database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauclassnam_r - get audit_class database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauditflags() - generate process audit state ( Index Term Link )
 getauditflagsbin() - convert audit flag specifications ( Index Term Link )
 getauditflagschar() - convert audit flag specifications ( Index Term Link )
 getauevent - get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevent_r - get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnam - get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnam_r - get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnonam - get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnum - get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnum_r - get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauthattr - get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauthnam - get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauuserent - get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauuserent_r - get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauusernam - get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauusernam_r - get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getdefaultproj - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getexecattr - get execution attribute database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getexecuser - get many entries ( Index Term Link )
 getprofattr - get profile description database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getprofnam - get profile description database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getprojbyid - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getprojbyname - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getprojent - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getuserattr - get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 getusernam - get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 getuseruid - get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 gmatch - shell global pattern matching ( Index Term Link )
 hardware performance counters - cpc ( Index Term Link )
 have Volume Management check for media - volmgt_check ( Index Term Link )
 hyperbolic cosine function - cosh ( Index Term Link )
 hyperbolic sine function - sinh ( Index Term Link )
 hyperbolic tangent function - tanh ( Index Term Link )
 hypot - Euclidean distance function ( Index Term Link )
 ilogb - returns an unbiased exponent ( Index Term Link )
 initialize a layout object - m_create_layout ( Index Term Link )
 initialize kernel statistics facility
  - kstat_close ( Index Term Link )
  - kstat_open ( Index Term Link )
 initialize wsreg library - wsreg_initialize ( Index Term Link )
 initiate a session with the PICL daemon - picl_initialize ( Index Term Link )
 inproj - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces for direct probe and process control for another process
  - tnfctl_continue ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_exec_open ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_pid_open ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe
  - tnfctl_probe_connect ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_probe_disable ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_probe_disconnect_all ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_probe_enable ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_probe_state_get ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_probe_trace ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_probe_untrace ( Index Term Link )
 inverse hyperbolic functions
  - acosh ( Index Term Link )
  - asinh ( Index Term Link )
  - atanh ( Index Term Link )
 isencrypt - determine whether a buffer of characters is encrypted ( Index Term Link )
 isnan - test for NaN ( Index Term Link )
 iterate over probes
  - tnfctl_probe_apply ( Index Term Link )
  - tnfctl_probe_apply_ids ( Index Term Link )
 j0 - Bessel functions of the first kind ( Index Term Link )
 j1 - Bessel functions of the first kind ( Index Term Link )
 jn - Bessel functions of the first kind ( Index Term Link )
 kernel virtual memory functions
  copy data from kernel image or running system - kvm_read, kvm_kread, kvm_uread ( Index Term Link )
  copy data to kernel image or running system - kvm_write, kvm_kwrite, kvm_uwrite ( Index Term Link )
  get invocation argument for process - kvm_getcmd ( Index Term Link )
  get u-area for process - kvm_getu ( Index Term Link )
  get entries from kernel symbol table - kvm_nlist ( Index Term Link )
  kstat - kernel statistics facility ( Index Term Link )
  kstat_chain_update - update the kstat header chain ( Index Term Link )
  kstat_close - initialize kernel statistics facility ( Index Term Link )
  kstat_data_lookup - find a kstat by name ( Index Term Link )
  kstat_lookup - find a kstat by name ( Index Term Link )
  kstat_open - initialize kernel statistics facility ( Index Term Link )
  kstat_read - read or write kstat data ( Index Term Link )
  kstat_write - read or write kstat data ( Index Term Link )
  specify a kernel to examine - kvm_open, kvm_close ( Index Term Link )
 kstat - kernel statistics facility ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_chain_update - update the kstat header chain ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_close - initialize kernel statistics facility ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_data_lookup - find a kstat by name ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_lookup - find a kstat by name ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_open - initialize kernel statistics facility ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_read - read or write kstat data ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_write - read or write kstat data ( Index Term Link )
 kva_match - look up a key in a key-value array ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_close - specify kernel to examine ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_getcmd - get invocation arguments for process ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_getproc - read system process structures ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_getu - get u-area for process ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_kread - copy data from a kernel image or running system ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_kwrite - copy data to a kernel image or running system ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_nextproc - read system process structures ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_nlist - get entries from kernel symbol table ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_open - specify kernel to examine ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_read - copy data from kernel image or running system ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_setproc - read system process structures ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_uread - copy data from a kernel image or running system ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_uwrite - copy data to a kernel image or running system ( Index Term Link )
 kvm_write - copy data to kernel image or running system ( Index Term Link )
 layout transformation - m_transform_layout ( Index Term Link )
 layout transformation for wide character strings - m_wtransform_layout ( Index Term Link )
 lgamma - log gamma function ( Index Term Link )
 lgamma_r - log gamma function ( Index Term Link )
 libdevinfo - library of device information functions ( Index Term Link )
 libnvpair - library of name-value pair functions ( Index Term Link )
 libpicl - PICL interface library ( Index Term Link )
 libpicltree - PTree and Plug-in Registration interface library ( Index Term Link )
 library for TNF probe control in a process or the kernel - libtnfctl ( Index Term Link )
 library of device information functions - libdevinfo ( Index Term Link )
 library of name-value pair functions - libnvpair ( Index Term Link )
 libtnfctl - library for TNF probe control in a process or the kernel ( Index Term Link )
 load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number - scalbn ( Index Term Link )
 load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number - scalb ( Index Term Link )
 log - natural logarithm function ( Index Term Link )
 log gamma function
  - gamma ( Index Term Link )
  - gamma_r ( Index Term Link )
  - lgamma ( Index Term Link )
  - lgamma_r ( Index Term Link )
 log10 - base 10 logarithm function ( Index Term Link )
 log a message in system log - picld_log ( Index Term Link )
 log1p - compute natural logarithm ( Index Term Link )
 logb - radix-independent exponent ( Index Term Link )
 m_create_layout - initialize a layout object ( Index Term Link )
 m_destroy_layout - destroy a layout object ( Index Term Link )
 m_getvalues_layout - query layout values of a LayoutObject ( Index Term Link )
 m_setvalues_layout - set layout values of a LayoutObject ( Index Term Link )
 m_transform_layout - layout transformation ( Index Term Link )
 m_wtransform_layout - layout transformation for wide character strings ( Index Term Link )
 maillock - functions to manage lockfile(s) for user's mailbox ( Index Term Link )
 mailunlock - functions to manage lockfile(s) for user's mailbox ( Index Term Link )
 Management Interface database administration functions
  - DmiAddComponent ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiAddGroup ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiAddLanguage ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiDeleteComponent ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiDeleteGroup ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiDeleteLanguage ( Index Term Link )
 Management Interface initialization functions
  - DmiGetConfig ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiGetVersion ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiRegister ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiSetConfig ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiUnregister ( Index Term Link )
 Management Interface listing functions
  - DmiListAttributes ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiListClassNames ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiListComponents ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiListComponentsByClass ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiListGroups ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiListLanguages ( Index Term Link )
 Management Interface operation functions
  - DmiAddRow ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiDeleteRow ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiGetAttribute ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiGetMultiple ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiSetAttribute ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiSetMultiple ( Index Term Link )
 map or unmap imported segment - rsm_memseg_import_map ( Index Term Link )
 map or unmap imported segment - rsm_memseg_import_unmap ( Index Term Link )
 map a tnfctl error code to a string - tnfctl_strerror ( Index Term Link )
 getexecuser - find one entry ( Index Term Link )
 math library exception-handling - matherr ( Index Term Link )
 mathematical functions
  - gamma ( Index Term Link )
  - gamma_r ( Index Term Link )
  - lgamma ( Index Term Link )
  - lgamma_r ( Index Term Link )
 matherr - math library exception-handling ( Index Term Link )
 MD5 hashing functions - md5_calc ( Index Term Link )
 MD5 hashing functions - MD5Final ( Index Term Link )
 MD5 hashing functions - MD5Init ( Index Term Link )
 MD5 hashing functions - md5 ( Index Term Link )
 MD5 hashing functions - MD5Update ( Index Term Link )
 md5 - MD5 hashing functions ( Index Term Link )
 md5_calc - MD5 hashing functions ( Index Term Link )
 MD5Final - MD5 hashing functions ( Index Term Link )
 MD5Init - MD5 hashing functions ( Index Term Link )
 MD5Update - MD5 hashing functions ( Index Term Link )
 media_findname - convert a supplied name into an absolute pathname that can be used to access removable media ( Index Term Link )
 media_getattr - get and set media attributes ( Index Term Link )
 media_setattr - get and set media attributes ( Index Term Link )
 memory management, copy a file into memory - copylist ( Index Term Link )
 mkdirp - create directories in a path ( Index Term Link )
 modify/delete user credentials for an authentication service - pam_setcred ( Index Term Link )
 mp - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_gcd - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_itom - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_madd - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_mcmp - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_mdiv - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_mfree - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_min - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_mout - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_msub - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_mtox - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_mult - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_pow - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_rpow - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 mp_xtom - multiple precision integer arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
 multiple precision integer arithmetic
  - mp ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_gcd ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_itom ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_madd ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_mcmp ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_mdiv ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_mfree ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_min ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_mout ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_msub ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_mtox ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_mult ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_pow ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_rpow ( Index Term Link )
  - mp_xtom ( Index Term Link )
 natural logarithm function - log ( Index Term Link )
 newDmiOctetString - create DmiOctetString in dynamic memory ( Index Term Link )
 newDmiString - create DmiString in dynamic memory ( Index Term Link )
 next representable double-precision floating-point number - nextafter ( Index Term Link )
 nextafter - next representable double-precision floating-point number ( Index Term Link )
 NOTE - annotate source code with info for tools ( Index Term Link )
 _NOTE - annotate source code with info for tools ( Index Term Link )
 NOTE - annotate source code with info for tools
  NOTE vs _NOTE ( Index Term Link )
  NoteInfo Argument ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_attach_to_group ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_attach_to_object ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_close ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_free_item ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_free_object ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_match_object_catalog ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_open ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_set_group ( Index Term Link )
 open or close exacct files - ea_set_item ( Index Term Link )
 p2close - close pipes to and from a command ( Index Term Link )
 p2open - open pipes to and from a command ( Index Term Link )
 PAM - PAM Service Module APIs ( Index Term Link )
 PAM - Pluggable Authentication Module ( Index Term Link )
 pam - Pluggable Authentication Module
  Administrative Interface ( Index Term Link )
  Interface Overview ( Index Term Link )
  Stacking Multiple Schemes ( Index Term Link )
  Stateful Interface ( Index Term Link )
 pam_acct_mgmt - perform PAM account validation procedures ( Index Term Link )
 pam_authenticate - perform authentication within the PAM framework ( Index Term Link )
 pam_chauthtok - perform password related functions within the PAM framework ( Index Term Link )
 pam_close_session - perform PAM session creation and termination operations ( Index Term Link )
 pam_end - authentication transaction routines for PAM ( Index Term Link )
 PAM error messages, get string - pam_strerror ( Index Term Link )
 pam_get_data - PAM routines to maintain module specific state ( Index Term Link )
 pam_get_item - authentication information routines for PAM ( Index Term Link )
 pam_getenv - returns the value for a PAM environment name ( Index Term Link )
 pam_getenvlist - returns a list of all the PAM environment variables ( Index Term Link )
 pam_open_session - perform PAM session creation and termination operations ( Index Term Link )
 pam_putenv - change or add a value to the PAM environment ( Index Term Link )
 PAM routines to maintain module specific state
  - pam_get_data ( Index Term Link )
  - pam_set_data ( Index Term Link )
 PAM Service Module APIs, - PAM ( Index Term Link )
 pam_set_data - PAM routines to maintain module specific state ( Index Term Link )
 pam_set_item - authentication information routines for PAM ( Index Term Link )
 pam_setcred - modify/delete user credentials for an authentication service ( Index Term Link )
 pam_sm - PAM Service Module APIs
  Interaction with the User ( Index Term Link )
  Interface Overview ( Index Term Link )
  Stateful Interface ( Index Term Link )
 pam_sm_acct_mgmt - service provider implementation for pam_acct_mgmt ( Index Term Link )
 pam_sm_authenticate - service provider implementation for pam_authenticate ( Index Term Link )
 pam_sm_chauthtok - service provider implementation for pam_chauthtok ( Index Term Link )
 pam_sm_close_session - Service provider implementation for pam_open_session and pam_close_session ( Index Term Link )
 pam_sm_open_session - Service provider implementation for pam_open_session and pam_close_session ( Index Term Link )
 pam_sm_setcred - service provider implementation for pam_setcred ( Index Term Link )
 pam_start - authentication transaction routines for PAM ( Index Term Link )
 pathfind - search for named file in named directories ( Index Term Link )
 pctx_capture - process context library ( Index Term Link )
 pctx_create - process context library ( Index Term Link )
 pctx_release - process context library ( Index Term Link )
 pctx_run - process context library ( Index Term Link )
 pctx_set_events - associate callbacks with process events ( Index Term Link )
 perform authentication within the PAM framework - pam_authenticate ( Index Term Link )
 perform PAM account validation procedures - pam_acct_mgmt ( Index Term Link )
 perform PAM session creation and termination operations
  - pam_close_session ( Index Term Link )
  - pam_open_session ( Index Term Link )
 perform password related functions within the PAM framework - pam_chauthtok ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_first_prop - get a property handle of a node ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_next_by_col - access a table property ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_next_by_row - access a table property ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_next_prop - get a property handle of a node ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_prop_by_name - get the handle of the property by name ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_propinfo - get the information about a property ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_propval - get the value of a property ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_propval_by_name - get the value of a property ( Index Term Link )
 picl_get_root - get the root handle of the PICL tree ( Index Term Link )
 picl_initialize - initiate a session with the PICL daemon ( Index Term Link )
 PICL interface library - libpicl ( Index Term Link )
 picl_set_propval - set the value of a property to the specified value ( Index Term Link )
 picl_set_propval_by_name - set the value of a property to the specified value ( Index Term Link )
 picl_shutdown - shutdown the session with the PICL daemon ( Index Term Link )
 picl_strerror - get error message string ( Index Term Link )
 picl_wait - wait for PICL tree to refresh ( Index Term Link )
 picld_log - log a message in system log ( Index Term Link )
 picld_plugin_register - register plug-in with the daemon ( Index Term Link )
 pipes, open, close to and from a command - p2open, p2close ( Index Term Link )
 Pluggable Authentication Module, - PAM ( Index Term Link )
 pow - power function ( Index Term Link )
 power function - pow ( Index Term Link )
 print a DmiString, - printDmiString ( Index Term Link )
 print data in DmiAttributeValues list, - printDmiAttributeValues ( Index Term Link )
 print data in input data union, - printDmiDataUnion ( Index Term Link )
 print error in string form, - dmi_error ( Index Term Link )
 printDmiAttributeValues- print data in DmiAttributeValues list ( Index Term Link )
 printDmiDataUnion- print data in input data union ( Index Term Link )
 printDmiString- print a DmiString ( Index Term Link )
 probe insertion interface
  - TNF_DEBUG ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_0 ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_1 ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_2 ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_3 ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_4 ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_5 ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_2_DEBUG ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_3_DEBUG ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_4_DEBUG ( Index Term Link )
  - TNF_PROBE_5_DEBUG ( Index Term Link )
 process context library - pctx_capture ( Index Term Link )
 process context library - pctx_create ( Index Term Link )
 process context library - pctx_release ( Index Term Link )
 process context library - pctx_run ( Index Term Link )
 project database entry functions - endprojent ( Index Term Link )
 project database entry functions - fgetprojent ( Index Term Link )
 project database entry functions - getdefaultproj ( Index Term Link )
 project database entry functions - getprojbyid ( Index Term Link )
 project database entry functions - getprojbyname ( Index Term Link )
 project database entry functions - getprojent ( Index Term Link )
 project database entry functions - inproj ( Index Term Link )
 project database entry functions - setprojent ( Index Term Link )
 provide a transient program number, - reg_ci_callback ( Index Term Link )
 ptree_add_node - add or delete node to or from tree ( Index Term Link )
 PTree and Plug-in Registration interface library - libpicltree ( Index Term Link )
 ptree_delete_node - add or delete node to or from tree ( Index Term Link )
 ptree_get_propinfo - get property information ( Index Term Link )
 ptree_get_propval - get the value of a property ( Index Term Link )
 ptree_get_propval_by_name - get the value of a property ( Index Term Link )
 ptree_get_root - get the root node handle ( Index Term Link )
 ptree_update_propval - update a property value ( Index Term Link )
 ptree_update_propval_by_name - update a property value ( Index Term Link )
 query layout values of a LayoutObject - m_getvalues_layout ( Index Term Link )
 radix-independent exponent - logb ( Index Term Link )
 read and write a disk's VTOC - read_vtoc ( Index Term Link )
 read from a segment - rsm_memseg_import_get16 ( Index Term Link )
 read from a segment - rsm_memseg_import_get32 ( Index Term Link )
 read from a segment - rsm_memseg_import_get64 ( Index Term Link )
 read from a segment - rsm_memseg_import_get8 ( Index Term Link )
 read from a segment - rsm_memseg_import_get ( Index Term Link )
 read system process structures
  - kvm_getproc ( Index Term Link )
  - kvm_nextproc ( Index Term Link )
  - kvm_setproc ( Index Term Link )
 read and write a disk's VTOC - read_vtoc, write_vtoc ( Index Term Link )
 read or write kstat data
  - kstat_read ( Index Term Link )
  - kstat_write ( Index Term Link )
 read_vtoc - read and write a disk's VTOC ( Index Term Link )
 regexpr - regular expression compile and match routines ( Index Term Link )
 register a component in the product install registry - wsreg_register ( Index Term Link )
 register callbacks for probe creation and destruction - tnfctl_register_funcs ( Index Term Link )
 register plug-in with the daemon - picld_plugin_register ( Index Term Link )
 regular expression compile and match routines
  - advance ( Index Term Link )
  - compile ( Index Term Link )
  - regexpr ( Index Term Link )
  - step ( Index Term Link )
 release removable media device reservation - volmgt_release ( Index Term Link )
 remainder - remainder function ( Index Term Link )
 remainder function - remainder ( Index Term Link )
 remote memory access error detection functions - rsm_memseg_import_close_barrier ( Index Term Link )
 remote memory access error detection functions - rsm_memseg_import_open_barrier ( Index Term Link )
 remote memory access error detection functions - rsm_memseg_import_order_barrier ( Index Term Link )
 remove a component from the product install registry - wsreg_unregister ( Index Term Link )
 reserve removable media device - volmgt_acquire ( Index Term Link )
 resource allocation and management functions for export memory segments - rsm_memseg_export_create ( Index Term Link )
 resource allocation and management functions for export memory segments - rsm_memseg_export_destroy ( Index Term Link )
 resource allocation and management functions for export memory segments - rsm_memseg_export_rebind ( Index Term Link )
 retrieve archive symbol table - elf_getarsym ( Index Term Link )
 retrieve class-dependent object file header
  - elf32_getehdr ( Index Term Link )
  - elf64_getehdr ( Index Term Link )
  - elf32_newehdr ( Index Term Link )
  - elf64_newehdr ( Index Term Link )
 retrieve class-dependent program header table
  - elf32_getphdr ( Index Term Link )
  - elf64_getphdr ( Index Term Link )
  - elf32_newphdr ( Index Term Link )
  - elf64_newphdr ( Index Term Link )
 retrieve class-dependent section header
  - elf32_getshdr ( Index Term Link )
  - elf64_getshdr ( Index Term Link )
 returns a list of all the PAM environment variables - pam_getenvlist ( Index Term Link )
 return magnitude of first argument and sign of second argument - copysign ( Index Term Link )
 return the size of an object file type
  - elf32_fsize ( Index Term Link )
  - elf64_fsize ( Index Term Link )
 returns the value for a PAM environment name - pam_getenv ( Index Term Link )
 return the Volume Management root directory - volmgt_root ( Index Term Link )
 return whether or not Volume Management is running - volmgt_running ( Index Term Link )
 returns an unbiased exponent - ilogb ( Index Term Link )
 rint - round-to-nearest integral value ( Index Term Link )
 rmdirp - remove directories in a path ( Index Term Link )
 round-to-nearest integral value - rint ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_create_localmemory_handle - create or free local memory handle ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_free_interconnect_topology - get or free interconnect topology ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_free_localmemory_handle - create or free local memory handle ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_get_controller - get or release a controller handle ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_get_controller_attr - get or release a controller handle ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_get_interconnect_topology - get or free interconnect topology ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_get_segmentid_range - get segment ID range ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_intr_signal_post - signal or wait for an event ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_intr_signal_wait - signal or wait for an event ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_export_create - resource allocation and management functions for export memory segments ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_export_destroy - resource allocation and management functions for export memory segments ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_export_publish - allow or disallow a memory segment to be imported by other nodes ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_export_rebind - resource allocation and management functions for export memory segments ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_export_republish - allow or disallow a memory segment to be imported by other nodes ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_export_unpublish - allow or disallow a memory segment to be imported by other nodes ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_get_pollfd - get or release a poll descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_close_barrier - remote memory access error detection functions ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_connect - create or break logical commection between import and export segments ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_destroy_barrier - create or destroy barrier for imported segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_disconnect - create or break logical commection between import and export segments ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_get - read from a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_get8 - read from a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_get16 - read from a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_get32 - read from a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_get64 - read from a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_get_mode - set or get mode for barrier scoping ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_getv - write to a segment using a list of I/O requests ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_init_barrier - create or destroy barrier for imported segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_map - map or unmap imported segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_open_barrier - remote memory access error detection functions ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_order_barrier - remote memory access error detection functions ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_put - write to a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_put8 - write to a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_put16 - write to a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_put32 - write to a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_put64 - write to a segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_putv - write to a segment using a list of I/O requests ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_set_mode - set or get mode for barrier scoping ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_import_unmap - map or unmap imported segment ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_memseg_release_pollfd - get or release a poll descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 rsm_release_controller - get or release a controller handle ( Index Term Link )
 scalb - load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number ( Index Term Link )
 scalbn - load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number ( Index Term Link )
 send a file - sendfilev ( Index Term Link )
 send files over sockets or copy files to files - sendfile ( Index Term Link )
 sendfile - send files over sockets or copy files to files ( Index Term Link )
 sendfilev - send a file ( Index Term Link )
 Service Provider functions for components
  - DmiOriginateEvent ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiRegisterCi ( Index Term Link )
  - DmiUnRegisterCi ( Index Term Link )
 service provider implementation for pam_acct_mgmt - pam_sm_acct_mgmt ( Index Term Link )
 service provider implementation for pam_authenticate - pam_sm_authenticate ( Index Term Link )
 service provider implementation for pam_chauthtok - pam_sm_chauthtok ( Index Term Link )
 Service provider implementation for pam_open_session and pam_close_session
  - pam_sm_close_session ( Index Term Link )
  - pam_sm_open_session ( Index Term Link )
 service provider implementation for pam_setcred - pam_sm_setcred ( Index Term Link )
 set or get mode for barrier scoping - rsm_memseg_import_get_mode ( Index Term Link )
 set or get mode for barrier scoping - rsm_memseg_import_set_mode ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the instance of a component - wsreg_get_instance ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the instance of a component - wsreg_set_instance ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the instance of a query - wsreg_query_get_instance ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the instance of a query - wsreg_query_set_instance ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the location of a component - wsreg_get_location ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the location of a component - wsreg_set_location ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the location of a query - wsreg_query_get_location ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the location of a query - wsreg_query_set_location ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the parent of a component - wsreg_get_parent ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the parent of a component - wsreg_set_parent ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the type of a component - wsreg_get_type ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the type of a component - wsreg_set_type ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uninstaller of a component - wsreg_set_uninstaller ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uninstaller of a Wsreg_component - wsreg_set_uninstaller ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the unique name of a component - wsreg_get_unique_name ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the unique name of a component - wsreg_set_unique_name ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the unique name of a query - wsreg_query_get_unique_name ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the unique name of a query - wsreg_query_set_unique_name ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uuid of a component - wsreg_get_id ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uuid of a component - wsreg_set_id ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uuid of a query - wsreg_query_get_id ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uuid of a query - wsreg_query_set_id ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the vendor of a componentt - wsreg_get_vendor ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the vendor of a componentt - wsreg_set_vendor ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the version of a component - wsreg_get_version ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the version of a component - wsreg_set_version ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the version of a query - wsreg_query_get_version ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the version of a query - wsreg_query_set_version ( Index Term Link )
 set the value of a property to the specified value - picl_set_propval_by_name ( Index Term Link )
 set the value of a property to the specified value - picl_set_propval ( Index Term Link )
 set layout values of a LayoutObject - m_setvalues_layout ( Index Term Link )
 setac - get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 setauclass - rewind audit_class database file ( Index Term Link )
 setauuser - rewind audit_event database file ( Index Term Link )
 setauthattr - get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setauuser - get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setexecattr - get execution attribute database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setprofattr - get profile description database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setprojent - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 setuserattr - get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 shell global pattern matching - gmatch ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown the session with the PICL daemon - picl_shutdown ( Index Term Link )
 signal or wait for an event - rsm_intr_signal_post ( Index Term Link )
 signal or wait for an event - rsm_intr_signal_wait ( Index Term Link )
 significand - significand function ( Index Term Link )
 significand function - significand ( Index Term Link )
 simple difference and accumulate operations - cpc_event_accum ( Index Term Link )
 simple difference and accumulate operations - cpc_event_diff ( Index Term Link )
 sin - sine function ( Index Term Link )
 sine function - sin ( Index Term Link )
 sinh - hyperbolic sine function ( Index Term Link )
 sort an ACL - aclsort ( Index Term Link )
 sqrt - square root function ( Index Term Link )
 square root function - sqrt ( Index Term Link )
 SSAAgentIsAlive - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAGetTrapPort - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidCmp - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidCpy - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidDup - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidFree - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidInit - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidNew - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidString - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidStrToOid - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidZero - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSARegSubagent - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSARegSubtable - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSARegSubtree - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSASendTrap - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAStringCpy - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAStringInit - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAStringToChar - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAStringZero - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSASubagentOpen - Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 step - regular expression compile and match routines ( Index Term Link )
 strcadd - copy strings, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
 strccpy - copy strings, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
 streadd - copy strings, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
  determine whether a buffer of characters is encrypted - isencrypt ( Index Term Link )
  read stream up to next delimiter - bgets ( Index Term Link )
  split buffer into fields - bufsplit ( Index Term Link )
 strecpy - copy strings, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
 strfind - string manipulations ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 string manipulations - strfind ( Index Term Link )
  strrspn ( Index Term Link )
  strtrns ( Index Term Link )
 string manipulations
  - strfind ( Index Term Link )
  - strrspn ( Index Term Link )
  - strtrns ( Index Term Link )
 string operation, get PAM error message string - pam_strerror ( Index Term Link )
 strings, copy, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
 Sun::Solaris::Kstat - tied hash interface to the kstat facility ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions
  - SSAOidCmp ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAOidCpy ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAOidDup ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAOidFree ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAOidInit ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAOidNew ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAOidString ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAOidStrToOid ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAOidZero ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions
  - SSAAgentIsAlive ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAGetTrapPort ( Index Term Link )
  - SSARegSubagent ( Index Term Link )
  - SSARegSubtable ( Index Term Link )
  - SSARegSubtree ( Index Term Link )
  - SSASendTrap ( Index Term Link )
  - SSASubagentOpen ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions
  - SSAStringCpy ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAStringInit ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAStringToChar ( Index Term Link )
  - SSAStringZero ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_free - free memory for sysevent handle ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_attr_list - get attribute list pointer ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_class_name - get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_event_id - get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_pid - get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_pub_name - get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_size - get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_subclass_name - get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_vendor_name - get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event ( Index Term Link )
 tan - tangent function ( Index Term Link )
 tangent function - tan ( Index Term Link )
 tanh - hyperbolic tangent function ( Index Term Link )
 test access CPU performance counters - cpc_access ( Index Term Link )
 test for NaN - isnan ( Index Term Link )
 tied hash interface to the kstat facility - Sun::Solaris::Kstat ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_DEBUG - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE - probe insertion interface
  arg_name_n ( Index Term Link )
  arg_type_n ( Index Term Link )
  arg_value_n ( Index Term Link )
  detail ( Index Term Link )
  keys ( Index Term Link )
  name ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_0 - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_1 - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_2 - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_3 - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_4 - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_5 - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_2_DEBUG - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_3_DEBUG - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_4_DEBUG - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_5_DEBUG - probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 tnf_process_disable() - disables probing for the process ( Index Term Link )
 tnf_process_enable() - enables probing for the process ( Index Term Link )
 tnf_thread_disable() - disables probing for the calling thread ( Index Term Link )
 tnf_thread_enable() - enables probing for the calling thread ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_buffer_alloc - allocate or deallocate a buffer for trace data ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_buffer_dealloc - allocate or deallocate a buffer for trace data ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_check_libs - control probes of another process where caller provides /proc functionality ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_close - close a tnfctl handle ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_continue - interfaces for direct probe and process control for another process ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_exec_open - interfaces for direct probe and process control for another process ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_filter_list_add - control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_filter_list_delete - control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_filter_list_get - control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_filter_state_set - control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_indirect_open - control probes of another process where caller provides /proc functionality ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_internal_open - create handle for internal process probe control ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_kernel_open - create handle for kernel probe control ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_pid_open - interfaces for direct probe and process control for another process ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_apply - iterate over probes ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_apply_ids - iterate over probes ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_connect - interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_disable - interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_disconnect_all - interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_enable - interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_state_get - interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_trace - interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_untrace - interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_register_funcs - register callbacks for probe creation and destruction ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_strerror - map a tnfctl error code to a string ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_trace_attrs_get - get the trace attributes from a tnfctl handle ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_trace_state_set - control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 touchlock - functions to manage lockfile(s) for user's mailbox ( Index Term Link )
 translate strings to and from events - cpc_eventtostr ( Index Term Link )
 translate strings to and from events - cpc_strtoevent ( Index Term Link )
 update a property value - ptree_update_propval_by_name ( Index Term Link )
 update a property value - ptree_update_propval ( Index Term Link )
 use CPU performance counters on lwps - cpc_bind_event ( Index Term Link )
 use CPU performance counters on lwps - cpc_rele ( Index Term Link )
 use CPU performance counters on lwps - cpc_take_sample ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_acquire - reserve removable media device ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_check - have Volume Management check for media ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_feature_enabled - check whether specific Volume Management features are enabled ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_inuse - check whether or not Volume Management is managing a pathname ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_release - release removable media device reservation ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_root - return the Volume Management root directory ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_running - return whether or not Volume Management is running ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_symdev - convert between Volume Management symbolic names, and the devices that correspond to them ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt_symname - convert between Volume Management symbolic names, and the devices that correspond to them ( Index Term Link )
 VTOC, disk's
  read a disk's VTOC - read_vtoc ( Index Term Link )
  write a disk's VTOC - write_vtoc ( Index Term Link )
 wait for PICL tree to refresh - picl_wait ( Index Term Link )
 write to a segment - rsm_memseg_import_put16 ( Index Term Link )
 write to a segment - rsm_memseg_import_put32 ( Index Term Link )
 write to a segment - rsm_memseg_import_put64 ( Index Term Link )
 write to a segment - rsm_memseg_import_put8 ( Index Term Link )
 write to a segment - rsm_memseg_import_put ( Index Term Link )
 write to a segment using a list of I/O requests - rsm_memseg_import_getv ( Index Term Link )
 write to a segment using a list of I/O requests - rsm_memseg_import_putv ( Index Term Link )
 write_vtoc - read and write a disk's VTOC ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_add_child_component - add or remove a child component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_add_compatible_version - add or remove a backward compatible version ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_add_dependent_component - add or remove a dependent component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_add_display_name - add, remove, or return a localized display name ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_add_required_component - add or remove a required component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_can_access_registry - determine access to product install registry ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_clone_component - clone a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_components_equal - determine equality of two components ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_create_component - create or release a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_free_component - create or release a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_free_component_array - create or release a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_child_components - add or remove a child component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_compatible_versions - add or remove a backward compatible version ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_data - add or retrieve a key-value pair ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_data_pairs - add or retrieve a key-value pair ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_dependent_components - add or remove a dependent component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_display_languages - add, remove, or return a localized display name ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_display_name - add, remove, or return a localized display name ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_id - set or get the uuid of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_instance - set or get the instance of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_location - set or get the location of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_parent - set or get the parent of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_required_components - add or remove a required component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_type - set or get the type of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_unique_name - set or get the unique name of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_vendor - set or get the vendor of a componentt ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_get_version - set or get the version of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_initialize - initialize wsreg library ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_create - create a new query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_free - create a new query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_get_id - set or get the uuid of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_get_instance - set or get the instance of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_get_location - set or get the location of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_get_unique_name - set or get the unique name of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_get_version - set or get the version of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_set_id - set or get the uuid of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_set_instance - set or get the instance of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_set_location - set or get the location of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_set_unique_name - set or get the unique name of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_query_set_version - set or get the version of a query ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_register - register a component in the product install registry ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_remove_child_component - add or remove a child component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_remove_compatible_version - add or remove a backward compatible version ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_remove_dependent_component - add or remove a dependent component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_remove_display_name - add, remove, or return a localized display name ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_remove_required_component - add or remove a required component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_data - add or retrieve a key-value pair ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_id - set or get the uuid of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_instance - set or get the instance of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_location - set or get the location of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_parent - set or get the parent of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_type - set or get the type of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_uninstaller - set or get the uninstaller of a component ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_unique_name - set or get the unique name of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_vendor - set or get the vendor of a componentt ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_set_version - set or get the version of a component ( Index Term Link )
 wsreg_unregister - remove a component from the product install registry ( Index Term Link )
 y0 - Bessel functions of the second kind ( Index Term Link )
 y1 - Bessel functions of the second kind ( Index Term Link )
 yn - Bessel functions of the second kind ( Index Term Link )