Solaris 8 (SPARC 平台版) 2/04 版次注意事項


awknawk 欄位限制可能會導致額外軟體的安裝作業失敗 (4533901)

awknawk 公用程式的 200 欄位限制可能會導致額外軟體的安裝作業失敗。此問題會在下列情況中產生。


Installing VxVM for Solaris 8
awk: record `Patch: 108528-13 Obs...' has too many fields
 record number 12

        Alternate Pathing (AP) version 2.3.1 has been detected.

        This version of VxVM requires the following patch(es) 
        to co-existwith AP 2.3.1:


        Install the above patch(es) before you continue the VxVM
        installation. This installation will now be aborted.

pkgadd: ERROR: request script did not complete successfully

Installation of <VRTSvxvm> failed.
No changes were made to the system.

解決方法: 請聯繫您的支援管道,取得能增加 awknawk 欄位限制的 Solaris 修補程式。