man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions
 scalb — load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number ( Index Term Link )
 scalbn — load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Card_exchangeAPDU — send a command APDU to a card and read the card's response ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Card_getInfo — retrieve information about a session, terminal, or card ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Card_lock — perform mutex locking on a card ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Card_reset — perform a reset of a smartcard ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Card_unlock — perform mutex locking on a card ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Card_waitForCardRemoved — wait for a card to be inserted or removed ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Session_close — close a smartcard session, terminal, or card ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Session_getInfo — retrieve information about a session, terminal, or card ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Session_getSession — establish a context with a system's smartcard framework ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Session_getTerminal — establish a context with a smartcard terminal (reader) ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_strerror — get a string describing a status code ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Terminal_addEventListener — receive asychronous event notification ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Terminal_close — close a smartcard session, terminal, or card ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Terminal_getCard — establish a context with a smartcard ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Terminal_getInfo — retrieve information about a session, terminal, or card ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Terminal_removeEventListener — receive asychronous event notification ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Terminal_updateEventListener — receive asychronous event notification ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Terminal_waitForCardAbsent — wait for a card to be inserted or removed ( Index Term Link )
 SCF_Terminal_waitForCardPresent — wait for a card to be inserted or removed ( Index Term Link )
 send a command APDU to a card and read the card's response — SCF_Card_exchangeAPDU ( Index Term Link )
 send a file — sendfilev ( Index Term Link )
 send files over sockets or copy files to files — sendfile ( Index Term Link )
 sendfile — send files over sockets or copy files to files ( Index Term Link )
 sendfilev — send a file ( Index Term Link )
 Service Provider functions for components
  — DmiOriginateEvent ( Index Term Link )
  — DmiRegisterCi ( Index Term Link )
  — DmiUnRegisterCi ( Index Term Link )
 service provider implementation for pam_acct_mgmt — pam_sm_acct_mgmt ( Index Term Link )
 service provider implementation for pam_authenticate — pam_sm_authenticate ( Index Term Link )
 service provider implementation for pam_chauthtok — pam_sm_chauthtok ( Index Term Link )
 Service provider implementation for pam_open_session and pam_close_session
  — pam_sm_close_session ( Index Term Link )
  — pam_sm_open_session ( Index Term Link )
 service provider implementation for pam_setcred — pam_sm_setcred ( Index Term Link )
 set or get mode for barrier scoping — rsm_memseg_import_get_mode ( Index Term Link )
 set or get mode for barrier scoping — rsm_memseg_import_set_mode ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the instance of a component — wsreg_get_instance ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the instance of a component — wsreg_set_instance ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the instance of a query — wsreg_query_get_instance ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the instance of a query — wsreg_query_set_instance ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the location of a component — wsreg_get_location ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the location of a component — wsreg_set_location ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the location of a query — wsreg_query_get_location ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the location of a query — wsreg_query_set_location ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the parent of a component — wsreg_get_parent ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the parent of a component — wsreg_set_parent ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the type of a component — wsreg_get_type ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the type of a component — wsreg_set_type ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uninstaller of a component — wsreg_set_uninstaller ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uninstaller of a Wsreg_component — wsreg_set_uninstaller ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the unique name of a component — wsreg_get_unique_name ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the unique name of a component — wsreg_set_unique_name ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the unique name of a query — wsreg_query_get_unique_name ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the unique name of a query — wsreg_query_set_unique_name ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uuid of a component — wsreg_get_id ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uuid of a component — wsreg_set_id ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uuid of a query — wsreg_query_get_id ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the uuid of a query — wsreg_query_set_id ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the vendor of a componentt — wsreg_get_vendor ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the vendor of a componentt — wsreg_set_vendor ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the version of a component — wsreg_get_version ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the version of a component — wsreg_set_version ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the version of a query — wsreg_query_get_version ( Index Term Link )
 set or get the version of a query — wsreg_query_set_version ( Index Term Link )
 set the value of a property to the specified value — picl_set_propval ( Index Term Link )
 set the value of a property to the specified value — picl_set_propval_by_name ( Index Term Link )
 set layout values of a LayoutObject — m_setvalues_layout ( Index Term Link )
 setac — get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 setauclass — rewind audit_class database file ( Index Term Link )
 setauuser — rewind audit_event database file ( Index Term Link )
 setauthattr — get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setauuser — get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setexecattr — get execution attribute database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setprofattr — get profile description database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setprojent — project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 setuserattr — get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 shell global pattern matching — gmatch ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown the session with the PICL daemon — picl_shutdown ( Index Term Link )
 signal or wait for an event — rsm_intr_signal_post ( Index Term Link )
 signal or wait for an event — rsm_intr_signal_wait ( Index Term Link )
 significand — significand function ( Index Term Link )
 significand function — significand ( Index Term Link )
 simple difference and accumulate operations — cpc_event_accum ( Index Term Link )
 simple difference and accumulate operations — cpc_event_diff ( Index Term Link )
 sin — sine function ( Index Term Link )
 sine function — sin ( Index Term Link )
 sinh — hyperbolic sine function ( Index Term Link )
 sort an ACL — aclsort ( Index Term Link )
 sqrt — square root function ( Index Term Link )
 square root function — sqrt ( Index Term Link )
 SSAAgentIsAlive — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAGetTrapPort — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidCmp — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidCpy — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidDup — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidFree — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidInit — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidNew — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidString — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidStrToOid — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAOidZero — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSARegSubagent — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSARegSubtable — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSARegSubtree — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSASendTrap — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAStringCpy — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAStringInit — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAStringToChar — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSAStringZero — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 SSASubagentOpen — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions ( Index Term Link )
 step — regular expression compile and match routines ( Index Term Link )
 strcadd — copy strings, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
 strccpy — copy strings, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
 streadd — copy strings, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
  determine whether a buffer of characters is encrypted — isencrypt ( Index Term Link )
  read stream up to next delimiter — bgets ( Index Term Link )
  split buffer into fields — bufsplit ( Index Term Link )
 strecpy — copy strings, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
 strfind — string manipulations ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 string manipulations — strfind ( Index Term Link )
  strrspn ( Index Term Link )
  strtrns ( Index Term Link )
 string manipulations
  — strfind ( Index Term Link )
  — strrspn ( Index Term Link )
  — strtrns ( Index Term Link )
 string operation, get PAM error message string — pam_strerror ( Index Term Link )
 strings, copy, compressing or expanding C language escape codes ( Index Term Link )
 Sun::Solaris::Kstat — tied hash interface to the kstat facility ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent OID helper functions
  — SSAOidCmp ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAOidCpy ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAOidDup ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAOidFree ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAOidInit ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAOidNew ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAOidString ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAOidStrToOid ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAOidZero ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent registration and communication helper functions
  — SSAAgentIsAlive ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAGetTrapPort ( Index Term Link )
  — SSARegSubagent ( Index Term Link )
  — SSARegSubtable ( Index Term Link )
  — SSARegSubtree ( Index Term Link )
  — SSASendTrap ( Index Term Link )
  — SSASubagentOpen ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent string helper functions
  — SSAStringCpy ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAStringInit ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAStringToChar ( Index Term Link )
  — SSAStringZero ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_free — free memory for sysevent handle ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_attr_list — get attribute list pointer ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_class_name — get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_event_id — get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_pid — get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_pub_name — get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_size — get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_subclass_name — get class name, subclass name, ID or buffer size of event ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent_get_vendor_name — get vendor name, publisher name or processor ID of event ( Index Term Link )