Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes

CR# 6460974 Default Distributed Authentication Application User should not be amadmin

If you are deploying a Distributed Authentication UI server, the Distributed Authentication administrator should not be amadmin. The default Distributed Authentication Application User in the Makefile.distAuthUI file is amadmin and subsequently in the file after the distAuth.war file is deployed on the client side. The amadmin user has an AppSSOToken that expires after the amadmin session time runs out, which can cause a FATAL ERROR in the amSecurity log file (located by default in the /tmp/distAuth directory).

Workaround. Specify UrlAccessAgent as the Distributed Authentication Application User. For example:

Before deploying the distAuth.war file in the client Web container, change the following parameters in the Makefile.distAuthUI file:

APPLICATION_PASSWORD=shared-secret-password or amldapuser-password


After deploying the distAuth.war file in the client Web container, change the following properties in the file for each Access Manager server: or amldapuser-password

See also CR# 6440697: Distributed Authentication should run as non-amadmin user.