Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes

Changes to Performance Tuning Scripts

Patch 5 includes these changes to the performance tuning scripts:

See also CR# 6527663: Default value for com.sun.identity.log.resolveHostName property should be false instead of true.

Tuning scripts support a password file

Patch 5 allows you to specify passwords for the tuning scripts in a text file. Previously, you could enter passwords only as a command-line argument, which could cause security issues. To use a password file, set the following variables, as needed, in the file:


For example, to tune Application Server 8:

# ./amtune-as8 password-file

where password-file contains AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD set to the Application Server 8 administrator password.

The tuning scripts use the -j password-file option when they call the ldapmodify, ldapsearch, db2index, and dsconf Directory Server utilities.

Tuning script removes unnecessary ACIs from Directory Server

If Access Manager 7 2005Q4 is installed in Realm Mode, delegation privileges are used to determine access permissions, and therefore some Directory Server ACIs are not needed. Access Manager 7 2005Q4 patch 5 allows you to remove the unnecessary ACIs by running the amtune-prepareDSTuner script. This script reads a list of ACIs from the remacis.ldif file and then calls the ldapmodify utility to remove them.

You can run the amtune-prepareDSTuner script to remove the unnecessary ACIs on Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, and Windows systems. For more information, including how to run the script, see Technical Note: Sun Java System Access Manager ACI Guide.

Tuning scripts can tune the Distributed Authentication UI server web container

After you deploy the Distributed Authentication UI server on a web container, you can tune the web container by running the Access Manager tuning scripts. The following tuning scripts set the JVM and other tuning options for the respective web container:

Table 2 Access Manager Web Container Tuning Scripts

Web Container 

Tuning Script 


Web Server 6.1 


Application Server 7 


Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 

To tune a web container for a Distributed Authentication UI server:

  1. Because Access Manager server is not installed on the system where the Distributed Authentication UI server is deployed, copy the appropriate web container tuning script (shown in the previous table), amtune-env configuration file, and amtune-utils script from an Access Manager server installation. If you want to tune the Solaris or Linux operating system, copy the amtune-os script too.

  2. Edit the parameters in the amtune-env configuration file to specify the web container and tuning options. To run the script in REVIEW mode, set AMTUNE_MODE=REVIEW in the amtune-env file.

  3. Run the web container tuning script in REVIEW mode. In REVIEW mode, the script suggests tuning changes based on values in the amtune-env file but does not make any actual changes to the deployment.

  4. Review the tuning recommendations in the debug log file. If needed, make changes to the amtune-env file based on this run.

  5. To make tuning changes, set AMTUNE_MODE=CHANGE in the amtune-env file.

  6. Run the tuning script in CHANGE mode to make the tuning changes to the deployment.

For more information about running the tuning script to tune an Access Manager web container, see Chapter 2, Access Manager Tuning Scripts, in Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Performance Tuning Guide.

Single amtune-os script tunes both Solaris OS and Linux OS

Patch 5 includes a single amtune-os script to tune both the Solaris OS and Linux OS. The script determines the OS type from the uname -s command. Previously, Access Manager provided separate amtune-os scripts to tune each OS.

Tuning scripts run to completion in a Solaris 10 local zone

If Access Manager is installed in a Solaris 10 local zone, all tuning scripts except amtune-os can run in the local zone. In a local zone, the amtune-os script displays a warning message but does not tune the OS. The script then continues running any other tuning scripts that you have requested. Previously, in a local zone, the amtune-os script would abort, and any subsequent tuning scripts that you requested would not run.

In a Solaris 10 global zone, the amtune script invokes amtune-os to tune the OS as well as any other scripts that you have requested to run.

Tuning scripts are available for Windows systems

Patch 5 includes tuning scripts for Windows systems. Running the tuning scripts on a Windows system is similar to running the scripts on a Solaris system or Linux system, with these differences:

Tuning Considerations for Sun Fire T1000 and T2000 Servers

If Access Manager is installed on a Sun Fire T1000 or T2000 server, the Patch 5 tuning scripts for Web Server 6.1 and Application Server 8 set the JVM GC ParallelGCThreads parameter to 8:


This parameter reduces the number of garbage collection threads, which could be unnecessarily high on a 32–thread capable system. However, you can increase the value to 16 or even 20 for a 32 virtual CPU machine such as a Sun Fire T1000 or T2000 server, if it minimizes full garbage collection activities.

Also, for Solaris SPARC systems with a CMT processor with CoolThreads technology, in the /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ file, it is recommended that you add the following property at the end of the file:

The default value is 16, but you can set this property to a lower value, depending on the number of cores in the Sun Fire T1000 or T2000 server.