Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Configuring Access Manager

After you have completed Access Manager installation on the target system’s local drive, you need to manually configure Access Manager with either WebLogic 8.1 or WebSphere 5.1. This is a three-step process:

ProcedureTo Configure Access Manager

  1. Edit the configuration script input file

  2. Run the configuration script

  3. Restart the web container

Creating the Configuration Script Input File

The Access Manager configuration script input file contains all of the deployment level, Access Manager, web container, and Directory Server variable definitions. Access Manager contains a sample configuration script input file template (amsamplesilent) which is available in the AccessManager-base /SUNWam/bin directory on Solaris systems or the AccessManager-base /identity/bin directory on Linux systems.

You can use the amsamplesilent template to construct your configuration script input file. Instructions for editing the file, as well as the variable definitions, are described in Access Manager Sample Configuration Script Input File.

Before you edit the file, make sure that you have the following information available from your web container installation:

BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere

BEA WebLogic only

IBM WebSphere only

Running the Configuration Script

When you have saved the configuration script input file, you run the amconfig script to complete the configuration process. For example:

AccessManager-base/SUMWam/bin/amconfig -s silentfile

silentfile should be the absolute path to the configuration input file.

Running this script performs the following functions:

  1. Loads the Access Manager schema to the active Directory Server instance.

  2. Loads the Access Manager service data to the Directory Server instance.

  3. Generates the Access Manager configuration files used by the active Access Manager instance.

  4. Deploys the Access Manager web application data to the web container.

  5. Customizes the web container configuration to match the Access Manager requirements.