Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Policy Element

Policy is the root element that defines the permissions or rules of a policy and to whom/what the rule applies or the subject. It also defines whether or not the policy is a referral (delegated) policy and whether there are any restrictions (or conditions) to the policy. It may contain one or more of the following sub-elements: Rule, Conditions, Subjects,Referrals, or response providers. The required XML attribute is name which specifies the name of the policy. The referralPolicy attribute identifies whether or not the policy is a referral policy; it defaults to a normal policy if not defined. Optional XML attributes include name and description.

Note –

When tagging a policy as referral, subjects and conditions are ignored during policy evaluation. Conversely, when tagging a policy as normal, any Referrals are ignored during policy evaluation.