Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference

Web Container Information: Portal Server with IBM WebSphere

This section describes the information that the installer needs when IBM WebSphere Application Server is the web container for Portal Server.

Table 1–35 Web Container Information for Portal Server with IBM WebSphere

Label and State File Parameter 


Installation Directory 


Path to the directory where IBM WebSphere Application Server is installed. 

The default value is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Express51/AppServer.

Virtual Host 


Name of the virtual host alias for the IBM WebSphere Application Server instance. 

The default value is default_host.



Name of the IBM WebSphere Application Server cell. 

The default value is DefaultNode.



Name of the IBM WebSphere Application Server node. 

The default value is DefaultNode

Server Instance 


Name of the IBM WebSphere Application Server instance. 

The default value is server1.

Server Instance Port 


Port on which the IBM WebSphere application instance listens for HTTP connections. Typically, these are configured to come from a front end web server. 

The default value is 9080.

Document Root Directory 


Directory where IBM WebSphere Application Server stores content documents. 

The default value is /opt/IBM/WebsSphere/Express51/Appserver/web/docs

If you are using a language other than English, change the final part of the path name. 

Java Home Directory 


Path to the Java installation that IBM WebSphere Application Server uses. 

The default is /opt/IBM/WebsSphere/Express51/Appserver/java.

Secure server instance 


Specify whether the Server Instance Port is a secure port. A secure port uses the HTTPS protocol. A non-secure port uses HTTP. 

In a state file, specify https for a secure port or http for a non-secure port. The default value is http.