Sun Java System SAML v2 Plug-in for Federation Services User's Guide

ProcedureTo Generate Dual Purpose Metadata Configuration Files

This procedure creates one standard metadata file and one extended metadata file that contains configuration information for one provider that, when imported, will define it as capable of both functions. See The saml2meta Command-line Reference for more information on the saml2meta command line interface.

  1. Generate the dual purpose standard and extended metadata configuration files.

    saml2meta [-i staging-directory] template -u amadmin -w password -e dual -s /sp1 -d /idp1 -m dualMeta.xml -x dualExtended.xml

  2. Import the generated standard and extended metadata configuration files.

    saml2meta [-i staging-directory] import -u amadmin -w password -m dualMeta.xml -x dualExtended.xml