Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.0 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Back Up the Access Manager Configuration in Directory Server

Backing up your Access Manager configuration ensures that if you run into problems later in the deployment, you can revert to this configuration without having to re-install Access Manager.

  1. On Directory Server 1, in the slapd-am-config directory, run the db2ldif script.

    # cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-am-config/
    # ./stop  
    # ./db2ldif -n userroot  
    ldiffile: /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-am-config/ldif/2006_03_14_111537.ldif  
    [14/Mar/2006:11:15:40 -0800] - export userRoot: Processed 112 entries (31%).  
    [14/Mar/2006:11:15:41 -0800] - export userRoot: Processed 224 entries (62%).  
    [14/Mar/2006:11:15:42 -0800] - export userRoot: Processed 338 entries (94%).  
    [14/Mar/2006:11:15:42 -0800] - export userRoot: Processed 360 entries (100%).  
  2. (Optional) You can create a readme file that describes the contents of the new ldif file.

    # cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-am-config/ldif 
    # ls  
    2006_03_14_111537.ldif	Example-Plugin.ldif	Example.ldif  
    European.ldif	Example-roles.ldif  
    # cat > README
    2006_03_14_111537.ldif: backup after post-am install, 
    pre-patch application
    # ls -l 
    2006_03_14_111537.ldif  Example-Plugin.ldif     
    Example.ldif  European.ldif    Example-roles.ldif  README