Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.0 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Install Application Server 1 on Protected Resource 1

  1. Obtain the Application Server installer from the BEA .

  2. Start the installer.

    # /download_directory/export/weblogic/server910_solaris32.bin
  3. Provide the following information when prompted:

    You may quit the installer at any time by 
    typing "Exit."
    Enter [Exit][Next]

    Enter Next.

    Select Option:
    1. Yes, I agree with the terms of 
    the license.
    2. No, I do not agree with the terms 
    of the license.

    Enter 1.

    Choose BEA Home Directory [/usr/local/bea]:

    Press Enter to accept the default value and continue. 

    Choose Install Type :

    Enter 2.

    		WebLogic Server [1]
    			Server [1.1]
    			Server Examples [1.2]
    			Web Server Plug-ins [1.3]
    Choose Componenets to install:

    Press Enter to continue. 

    Choose Product Directory [/usr/local/bea/weblogic91]:

    Press Enter to accept the default value and continue. 

    Choose Product Directory 
    [Yes, use this product directory]:

    Press Enter to confirm the default value and continue. 

    Installation Complete
    Press [Enter] to continue...

    Press Enter. 

  4. Create a new domain.

    1. Start the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard.

      # cd /usr/local/bea/weblogic91/common/bin
      # ./
    2. Provide the following information:

      ->1| Create a new WebLogic domain.
        2| Extend an existing WebLogic domain.

      Press Enter to accept the default value 1.

      Select Domain Source:
      ->1| Choose WebLogic Platform components
        2| Choose custom template

      Press Enter to accept the default value 1.

      Application Template Selection:
      Avaliable Templates
      			WebLogic Server (Required)x
      			Appache Behive [2]

      Press Enter to accept the default value and continue. 

      Configure Administrator Username and Password:
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "user name"
      2- Modify "user password"
      3- Modify "Confirm user password"
      4- Modify "Description'
      5- Discard changes	

      Enter 2 to modify the user password.

      Input User password : 

      Enter w3bl0g1c.

      Configure Adminstrator Username and Password:
      1- *User name:  weblogic
      2- *User password:	  ********
      3- *Confirm user password:  ******
      4- Description:  This user is the 
      default administrator
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "user name"
      2- Modify "user password"
      3- Modify "Confirm user password"
      4- Modify "Description'
      5- Discard changes	

      Enter 3 to confirm user password.

      Confirm user password:

      Enter w3bl0g1c.

      Configure Adminstrator Username and Password:
      1- *User name:  weblogic
      2- *User password:  ********
      3- *Confirm user password:  ********
      4- Description:  This user is the 
      default administrator
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "user name"
      2- Modify "user password"
      3- Modify "Confirm user password"
      4- Modify "Description'
      5- Discard changes	

      Press Enter to accept the values and continue. 

      Domain Mode Configuration:
      ->1| Development Mode
        2| Production Mode

      Enter 2 to select Production Mode.

      Java SDK Selection:
      ->1| Sun SDK 1.5.0_04 @ /usr/local/bea/jdk150_04
        2| Other Java SDK

      Press Enter to accept the default value and continue. 

      Choose Configuration Option:

      Enter 1 .

      Configure the Adminstration Server:
      Select Option:
      1- *Name:	AdminServer
      2- Listen address:		All Local Addresses
      3- Listen port:	7001
      4- SSL listen port	:  N/A
      5- SSl enabled:	false
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "Name"
      2- Modify "Listen address"
      3- Modify "Listen port"
      4- Modify "SSL enabled"

      Press Enter to Continue.  

      Configure Managed Servers:
      Add or delete configuration information for 
      Managed Servers...
      Enter name for a new...

      Enter ApplicationServer-1.

      Configure Managed Servers:
      Add or delete configuration information for 
      Managed Servers...
      Name:  ApplicationServer-1
      Listen address:  All Local Addresses
      Listen port:  7001
      SSL listen port:  N/A
      SSL enabled:  false
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "Name"
      2- Modify "Listen address"
      3- Modify "Listen port"
      4- Modify "SSL enabled"
      5- Done

      Enter 3 to modify the Listen port.

      Modify “Listen port.”

      Enter 1081.

      Configure Managed Servers:
      Add or delete configuration information for 
      Managed Servers...
      Name:  ApplicationServer-1
      Listen address:  All Local Addresses
      Listen port:  1081
      SSL listen port:  N/A
      SSL enabled:  false
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "Name"
      2- Modify "Listen address"
      3- Modify "Listen port"
      4- Modify "SSL enabled"
      5- Done

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Configure Clusters:
      Enter name for a new Cluster

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Configure Machines:
      Enter name for a new Machine

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Configure Unix Machines:
      Enter name for a new Unix Machine

      Enter ProtectedResource-1.

      Configure Unix Machines:
      Add or delete configuration information for 
      1- Name:  ProtectedResource-1
      2- Post bind GID enabled:  false
      3- Post bind GID:  nobody
      4- Post bind UID enabled:  false
      5- Post bind UID:  nobody
      6- Node manager listen address:  localhost
      7- Node manager listen port:  5556

      Press Enter to accept these values. 

      Configure Unix machines:
      Name:  ProtectedResource-1
      Select Option:
      1- Add Unix machine
      2- Modify Unix machine
      3- Delete unix machine
      4- Discar Changes

      Enter 1 to add a Unix machine.

      Enter name for a new Unix Machine.

      Enter ProtectedResource-2.

      Configure Unix Machines:
      1- Name:  ProtectedResource-2
      2- Post bind GID enbled:  false
      2- Post bind GID:  nobody
      4- Post bind UID enabled:  false
      5- Post bind UID:  nobody
      6-	 Node manager listen address:  localhost
      7- Node manager listen port:  5556

      Press Enter to accept these values. 

      Assign Servers to Machines:			
      			Unix Machine
      						ProtectedResource-1 [1.1]
      						ProtectedResource-2	[1.2]

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Select the target domain directory for this domain:

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Edit Domain Information:
      Enter value for "Name."		

      Enter ProtectedResource-1.

      Edit Domain Information:
      1- Name:	ProtectedResource-1
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "Name"
      2- Discard Changes

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Installation Complete
      Press [Enter] to continue...

      Press Enter. 

  5. Create two files necessary to automate Application Server 1 startup.

    Create one file in the directory for the Application Server 1 administration server, and create one file in the Application Server 1 instance directory. The administrative user and password are stored in each file. Application Server 1 uses this information during server start-up. Without these files, Application Server 1 will fail to start. Application Server 1 encrypts the file, so there is no security risk even though you enter the user name and password in clear text.

    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/
    # mkdir security
    # cd security/
    # cat >
    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/
    # mkdir security
    # cd security/
    # cat >
  6. Start the servers.

    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/
    # nohup ./ &
    #tail -f nohup.out
    # netstat -an | grep 7001
    xxx.xx.72.151.7001		*.*		0		0 49152		0 LISTEN 	    *.*		0		0 49152		0 LISTEN
    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/ProtectedResource-1/bin/
    # nohup ./ ApplicationServer-1 &
    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/
    # netstat -an | grep    1081
    xxx.xx.72.151.1081		*.*		0		0 49152		0 LISTEN		  *.*		0		0 49152		0 LISTEN
    xxx.xx.72.151.33425  xxx.xx.72.151.1081	49152	0 49152      
    xxx.xx.72.151.1081	xxx.xx.72.151.33425	49152	0 49152      
  7. Verify that Application Server 1 is up and running.

    1. Go to the following URL:

    2. Log in to the Application Server 1 console using the following information:





      Verify that you can successfully log into the console.

    3. Under Domain Structure , expand the Environment object

    4. Click Servers.

      On the Summary of Servers page, verify that both AdminServer(admin) and ApplicationServer-1 are running and OK.