Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Technical Overview
 access logs ( Index Term Link )
 Access Manager, overview ( Index Term Link )
 Access Manager information tree ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Access Manager installation modes, See installation modes
 Access Manager Repository Plug-in, identity repository plug-in ( Index Term Link )
 account federation ( Index Term Link )
 account locking ( Index Term Link )
  memory locking ( Index Term Link )
  physical locking ( Index Term Link )
 action, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 Active Directory authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 active session time, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 agent, See policy agent
 amLogging.xml ( Index Term Link )
 amSDK, identity repository plug-in ( Index Term Link )
 Anonymous authentication module ( Index Term Link )
  framework layer ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  plug-ins layer ( Index Term Link )
 auditing, See logging
 authentication chain, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 authentication chaining ( Index Term Link )
 authentication configuration ( Index Term Link )
 authentication configuration service ( Index Term Link )
 authentication domain ( Index Term Link )
 authentication level, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 authentication level-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
 authentication module instance, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 authentication modules ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Active Directory ( Index Term Link )
  Anonymous ( Index Term Link )
  Certificate ( Index Term Link )
  HTTP Basic ( Index Term Link )
  JDBC ( Index Term Link )
  Membership ( Index Term Link )
  MSISDN ( Index Term Link )
  RADIUS ( Index Term Link )
  SafeWord ( Index Term Link )
  SAML ( Index Term Link )
  SecurID ( Index Term Link )
  UNIX ( Index Term Link )
  Windows Desktop Single Sign-On ( Index Term Link )
  Windows NT ( Index Term Link )
 Authentication Service
  account locking ( Index Term Link )
  authentication chaining ( Index Term Link )
  authentication configuration ( Index Term Link )
  authentication configuration service ( Index Term Link )
  authentication level-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
  authentication plug-in ( Index Term Link )
  client detection ( Index Term Link )
  core component ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  distributed authentication user interface ( Index Term Link )
  FQDN name mapping ( Index Term Link )
  general authentication service ( Index Term Link )
  JAAS shared state ( Index Term Link )
  login URLs ( Index Term Link )
  module-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
  modules ( Index Term Link )
  organization-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  process flow ( Index Term Link )
  realm-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
  redirection URLs ( Index Term Link )
  role-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
  service-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
  session upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  user-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
  user interface ( Index Term Link )
  validation plug-in ( Index Term Link )
 Authentication Web Service ( Index Term Link )
  See Policy Service
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 CDSSO, See cross-domain single sign-on
 Certificate authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 circle of trust ( Index Term Link )
 client APIs, description ( Index Term Link )
 Client Detection Service
  and authentication ( Index Term Link )
  core component ( Index Term Link )
  in authentication process ( Index Term Link )
 components, See core components
 condition, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 cookies, and sessions ( Index Term Link )
 core components
  Authentication Service ( Index Term Link )
  descriptions ( Index Term Link )
 cross-domain single sign-on
  definition ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  process flow ( Index Term Link )
 current session properties, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 delegation plug-in, defining privileges ( Index Term Link )
 Discovery Service ( Index Term Link )
 distributed authentication
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  in authentication process ( Index Term Link )
  related Access Manager books ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Java Enterprise System ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Java System ( Index Term Link )
  files used ( Index Term Link )
  modifying files ( Index Term Link )
 error logs ( Index Term Link )
 federated identity ( Index Term Link )
 federation ( Index Term Link )
  core component ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 Federation Service, description ( Index Term Link )
 flat files, logging ( Index Term Link )
 FQDN name mapping, definition ( Index Term Link )
 framework, identity repository ( Index Term Link )
 framework layer, Access Manager architecture ( Index Term Link )
 general authentication service ( Index Term Link )
 General Policy Service ( Index Term Link )
 Glossary, Java ES ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP Basic authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP request, and authentication ( Index Term Link )
 identity federation
  See also Liberty Alliance Project
  account federation ( Index Term Link )
  authentication domain ( Index Term Link )
  circle of trust ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
 identity repository, framework ( Index Term Link )
 identity repository management, identity repository management plug-in ( Index Term Link )
 information tree, See Access Manager information tree
 installation modes
  legacy ( Index Term Link )
  legacy mode ( Index Term Link )
  realm ( Index Term Link )
  realm mode ( Index Term Link )
 IP address/DNS names, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 JAAS shared state, in authentication ( Index Term Link )
 JDBC ( Index Term Link )
 JDBC authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 LDAP authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 LDAP filter, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 LDAPv3, identity repository plug-in ( Index Term Link )
 legacy mode ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Liberty Alliance Project
  circle of trust ( Index Term Link )
  specifications ( Index Term Link )
 Liberty Personal Profile Service ( Index Term Link )
 local identity ( Index Term Link )
 log reading ( Index Term Link )
  access logs ( Index Term Link )
  amLogging.xmll ( Index Term Link )
  component log filenames ( Index Term Link )
  error logs ( Index Term Link )
  flat files ( Index Term Link )
  log reading ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  process flow ( Index Term Link )
  recorded events ( Index Term Link )
  relational databases ( Index Term Link )
  remote logging ( Index Term Link )
  secure logging ( Index Term Link )
 Logging Service
  core component ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 login URLs ( Index Term Link )
 Membership authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 module-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
 MSISDN authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 Naming Service
  and session validation ( Index Term Link )
  core component ( Index Term Link )
 normal policy ( Index Term Link )
  condition ( Index Term Link )
  rule ( Index Term Link )
  subject ( Index Term Link )
 organization-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
  Authentication Service ( Index Term Link )
  user session ( Index Term Link )
 PDP, in SAML ( Index Term Link )
 persistent cookie, definition ( Index Term Link )
 Platform Service, core component ( Index Term Link )
  Access Manager Repository Plug-in ( Index Term Link )
  amSDK ( Index Term Link )
  architecture ( Index Term Link )
   See authentication modules
  Authentication Service ( Index Term Link )
  delegation ( Index Term Link )
  identity repository management ( Index Term Link )
  LDAPv3 ( Index Term Link )
  policy response providers ( Index Term Link )
  Policy Service ( Index Term Link )
  service configuration ( Index Term Link )
  condition, in normal policy ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  General Policy Service ( Index Term Link )
  Policy Configuration Service ( Index Term Link )
  rule, in normal policy ( Index Term Link )
  subject, in normal policy ( Index Term Link )
 policy administrator ( Index Term Link )
 policy agent
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 Policy Configuration Service ( Index Term Link )
 Policy Decision Point, definition ( Index Term Link )
 Policy Enforcement Point, definition ( Index Term Link )
 policy evaluation ( Index Term Link )
 policy organization administrator ( Index Term Link )
 Policy Service
  authorization ( Index Term Link )
  core component ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  normal policy ( Index Term Link )
  policy evaluation ( Index Term Link )
  policy plug-in ( Index Term Link )
  policy response provider plug-in ( Index Term Link )
  referral policy ( Index Term Link )
 policy types
  normal policy ( Index Term Link )
  referral policy ( Index Term Link )
 privileges, and delegation plug-in ( Index Term Link )
 RADIUS authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 realm administrator ( Index Term Link )
 realm authentication, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 realm-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
 realm mode ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 realms ( Index Term Link )
  and access control ( Index Term Link )
 redirection URLs ( Index Term Link )
 referral policy ( Index Term Link )
 relational databases, logging ( Index Term Link )
 remote logging ( Index Term Link )
 resource, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 role-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
 roles, and delegation plug-in ( Index Term Link )
 rule, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 SafeWord authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 SAML, description ( Index Term Link )
 SAML authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 SAML Service
  core component ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 secure logging ( Index Term Link )
 SecurID authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 service-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
 service configuration plug-in ( Index Term Link )
 Service Management Service ( Index Term Link )
  Access Manager web services ( Index Term Link )
  Authentication Service ( Index Term Link )
  Federation Service ( Index Term Link )
  Identity Repository Service ( Index Term Link )
  internal ( Index Term Link )
  Logging Service ( Index Term Link )
  Policy Service ( Index Term Link )
  SAML Service ( Index Term Link )
 session, See user session
 session data structure, See session object
 session ID, See session token
 session management, See User Session Management
 Session Service, See User Session Management
 session termination ( Index Term Link )
 session token ( Index Term Link )
 session upgrade, definition ( Index Term Link )
 session validation ( Index Term Link )
 single sign-on
  definition ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  process flow ( Index Term Link )
 SOAP Binding ( Index Term Link )
 SSO, See single sign-on
 subject, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 subrealm administrator ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Java Enterprise System, documentation ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Java System, documentation ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Java System Directory Server
  as identity repository ( Index Term Link )
  legacy mode ( Index Term Link )
 time, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 UNIX authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 user authentication ( Index Term Link )
 user-based authentication ( Index Term Link )
 user session
  basic user session ( Index Term Link )
  cookies ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  initial HTTP request ( Index Term Link )
  logging results ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  policy evaluation ( Index Term Link )
  session objects ( Index Term Link )
  session token ( Index Term Link )
  session validation ( Index Term Link )
  user authentication ( Index Term Link )
 User Session Management
  core component ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  session termination ( Index Term Link )
 validation plug-in, in authentication ( Index Term Link )
 value, in policy ( Index Term Link )
 web services
  architecture ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  implemented services ( Index Term Link )
  process ( Index Term Link )
 Windows Desktop Single Sign-On authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 Windows NT authentication module ( Index Term Link )
 XML, files used ( Index Term Link )