Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Developer's Guide

Redeploying Modified Access Manager WAR Files

Once updated, the WARs must be redeployed to their web container. The web container provides services such as request dispatching, security, concurrency, and life cycle management. The web container also gives the web components access to the J2EE APIs.

The BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 and Sun Java System Application Server web containers do not require WARs to be exploded. The servers themselves are deployed as WARs. After WAR files are installed on these servers, you must restart all related servers.

To Redeploy a WAR On BEA WebLogic Server 6.1

Run the Java command on the BEA WebLogic 6.1 Server using the following form:

java weblogic.deploy -url protocol://server_host:server_port
-component amconsole:WL61 _server_name 
deploy WL61_admin_password deployment_URI AccessManager-base/SUNWam/WARname.war

where the following variables are used:


The protocol [http | https] and fully-qualified name of the Access Manager server.

WL61 _server_name

The name of the WebLogic server.


The WebLogic administrator password.


For console.war, the deployment URI is amconsole.

For services.war, the deployment URI is amserver.

For password.war, the deployment UIR is ampassword.


The directory where the Access Manager server is installed.


The name of the WAR file to deploy.

[console.war | server.war | password.war]

For more complete information on the Java utility weblogic.deploy and its options, see the

To Redeploy a WAR File on Sun Java System Application Server 7.0

On the Application Server, run the asadmin command using the following form:

asadmin deploy -u S1AS_administrator 
-w  S1AS_administrator_password -H console_server_host
-p S1AS_server_port --type web secure_flag 
--contextroot deploy_uri --name deploy_uri 
--instance S1AS_instanceAccessManager-base/SUNWam/WARname

where the following variables are used:


Application Server administrator


Application Server administrator password


Access Manager server host name


Application Server port number


For console.war, the deployment URI is amconsole.

For password.war, the deployment URI is ampassword.

For services.war, the deployment URI is amservices.


Application Server directory where Access Manager server is installed


The name of the WAR file to deploy.

[console.war | services.war | password.war]

For more information on the asadmin deploy command and its options, see the Sun Java System Application Server 7.0 Developer’s Guide.

Redeploying an Access Manager WAR on IBM WebSphere Application Server

For detailed instructions on how to deploy WARs in an IBM WebSphere Application Server container, see the documentation that comes with the product: