Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Access Manager 7.1 Using the Configurator

  1. Enter the following values for the Access Manager Settings (or accept the default values).

    The Server Settings are independent of the datastore that you select (File System or Directory Server) to store the Access Manager configuration data.

    Server Settings

    Server URL 

    Host server where you plan to deploy Access Manager. Can be one of the following: 

    • Host name. For example: amhost1

    • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example:

      If you plan to use the Access Manager client SDK or a policy agent, you must specify the FQDN.

    • localhost

    Default: Host where you are deploying Access Manager. 

    Cookie Domain 

    Name of the trusted DNS domain that Access Manager returns to a browser when it grants a SSO token to a user. Specify a value only if the FQDN is used as the Server URL. For example, if the FQDN for Server URL is, the default value is

    If you selected only the host name or localhost for the Server URL, Cookie Domain is set to blank, and any value you enter is ignored.



    amAdmin (read-only)


    Access Manager administrator (amAdmin) password. Enter and then retype to confirm the password. The password must be at least 8 characters long.

    General Settings

    Configuration Directory 

    Base directory where the Access Manager configuration data is stored. The base directory applies to either File System or Directory Server, which you select under Configuration Store Settings.

    For example: /am_configuration_data

    Access Manager creates the following files and directories under the Configuration Directory: 

    • file

    • serverconfig.xml file

    • LDIF files (if you select Directory Server to store the service configuration data)

    • deploy-uri directory

    • deploy-uri/log directory

    • deploy-uri/stats directory

    • deploy-uri/debug directory

    • deploy-uri/idRepo directory: All users are created under this directory, even if you select Directory Server to store the service configuration data, since it is the default data store.

    • /deploy-uri/sms/ directory: Directories for the service configuration schema XML files

    deploy-uri is the Access Manager server deployment URI. The default is /amserver.

    The Access Manager instance determines the location of the Configuration Directory using the Access Manager 7.1 Single WAR Bootstrap File.

    Platform Locale 

    Default language subtype for Access Manager. Default: en_US (US English)

    Encryption Key 

    Random number that is used to encrypt passwords. Either accept the default encryption key value or specify a new value. The encryption key should be at least 12 characters long. 

    Multiple server deployment: If you are using the same WAR file to deploy multiple Access Manager instances in a multiple server deployment, you must use the same password encryption key value for each instance.

    See Requirements for an Access Manager Single WAR File Deployment.

  2. Select either of the following options to store the Access Manager configuration data:

    Configuration Store Settings

    File System 

    Access Manager stores the service configuration data in directories under the ConfigurationDirectory/amserver/sms directory.

    For example: /am_configuration_data/amserver/sms

    Default is File System. 

    Note: If you use an Access Manager server deployment URI other than amserver, that value is used instead of amserver for the directory name.

    Directory Server 

    Access Manager stores the service configuration data in Sun Java System Directory Server 6. 

    Directory Server 6 must be installed and running before you deploy the Access Manager 7.1 WAR file. 

    Note: All users are created under the /idRepo directory, even if you select Directory Server 6 to store the service configuration data.

  3. If you selected Directory Server in Step 2, provide values for the following settings:

    Server Settings


    Fully qualified host name of Directory Server. For example:


    Port at which Directory Server is running. Default: 389

    Suffix to store configuration data 

    Initial or root suffix in the directory where Access Manager configuration data will be stored. This value must exist in the Directory Server you are using. For example: dc=ds,dc=example,dc=com

    Directory Server Administrator

    Directory Administrator DN 

    Distinguished Name (DN) of the Directory Server Administrator. Default: cn=Directory Manager


    Directory Server administrator password. Enter and then retype to confirm the password. The password must be at least eight characters long. 

    Load User Management Schema 

    Load Access Manager SDK Schema 

    If checked, the Configurator loads the Access Manager SDK schema object classes and attributes from sunone_schema2.ldif, ds_remote_schema.ldif, plugin.ldif, index.ldif and install.ldif into Directory Server.

    Otherwise, the Configurator loads only the Access Manager service management services (SMS) object classes and attributes from the am_sm_ds_schema.ldif file into Directory Server.

  4. Click Configure.

    (To reset all values, click Reset.)

Next Steps

The Configurator displays the configuration status:

Note –

If configuration was successful, you cannot reconfigure Access Manager using the Configurator. If you subsequently invoke the Configurator, Access Manager displays either the login page or the Console. If you are already logged in and have a valid session, you are redirected to the console. If you do not have a valid session, Access Manager displays the login page.