Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide

ProcedureTo Build the amauthdistui.war File:

  1. Change to the directory on the server where you copied and unzipped the WAR file.

  2. Change the permissions on the appropriate setup script to allow the script to execute:

    • Solaris and Linux systems:

    • Windows systems: setup.bat

  3. Invoke the appropriate setup script, depending on your platform.

    For example, on Solaris systems:

    # ./
  4. When the setup script prompts you, enter values for the following items:

    • Debug directory where the debug files will be created

    • Application user name and password

    • Access Manager server protocol. For example: http or https

    • Access Manager server fully qualified host name

    • Access Manager server port

    • Access Manager server deployment URI. For example: amserver. Do not specify the slash (/).

    • Access Manager server naming URL to get the naming service

    • Distributed Authentication UI server protocol

    • Distributed Authentication UI server fully qualified host name

    • Distributed Authentication UI server port

    • Distributed Authentication UI server deployment URI. For example: distauth. Do not specify the slash (/).

    • Notification URL where notifications will be sent

    After you provide these values, the setup script updates the file in the amauthdistui.war file.

WAR File Name

Some web containers require the WAR file name to use the same name as the deployment URI. If so, rename the amauthdistui.war file to the Distributed Authentication UI server deployment URI that you provided when you ran the setup script in the previous Step 4.