Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Sun Java System Application Server 9.0/Web Services

ProcedureTo Configure for a Custom Keystore

  1. Export the certificate for the alias amserver using the following command:

    keytool -list -keystore keystore_file -alias amserver -rfc

  2. Store the exported X509 certificate, using the RFC format, in a file named server.txt.

  3. Export the certificate from your custom keystore using the following command:

    keytool -list -keystore custom_keystore_file -alias key alias -rfc

    key alias is the alias of the private key used by the WSC to sign SOAP messages.

  4. Store the exported X509 certificate, using the RFC format, in a file named client.txt.

  5. Import the stored amserver certificate into the agent's custom keystore file using the following command:

    keytool -import -keystore custom_keystore_file -alias custom_alias -file server.txt

  6. Import the stored custom keystore's certificate into the Access Manager keystore file using the following command:

    keytool -import -keystore custom_keystore_file -alias custom_alias -file client.txt

  7. Generate a Discovery Service token for the WSC that will use the custom keystore with the following command:

    keytool -import -keystore custom_keystore.jks -alias amserver -file server.txt

    This allows the WSP which uses the custom keystore to trust the Access Manager Discovery Service.

  8. Edit the following properties in the client's


      This certificate is used by the Liberty X509/SAML profiles for signing the SOAP messages.

    • is located in javaee.home/domains/domain_name/config when the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5 SDK is installed and in javaee.home/addons/amserver when the Java EE 5 Tools Bundle is installed.