Technical Note: Sun Java System Access Manager Localization Guide

ProcedureTo Prepare the Directory Structure

  1. Open a terminal window on the server where an instance of Access Manager is installed (if necessary).

  2. As superuser change to the authentication interface templates base directory.

    # cd AM_INS/web-src/services/config/auth

  3. Create a directory for the top-level organization.

    # mkdir -p example

  4. Copy the contents of the default directory to a new directory for the bookshop sub-realm.

    # cp -rp default example/bookshop

  5. Create a directory to contain the Dutch localization of the bookshop sub-realm.

    # mkdir -p example_nl/bookshop

  6. Copy the default authentication interface templates for the bookshop sub-realm to this new directory.

    # cp -rp example/bookshop/* example_nl/bookshop