Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.1 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Create the Access Manager Configuration Data Instance for Directory Server 2

After installing the binaries, create an instance of Directory Server 2 named am-config on the DirectoryServer–2 host machine. The instance uses the default ports for non-root users: 1389 for LDAP and 1636 for LDAPS. It will be populated with Access Manager configuration data in To Configure Access Manager 2.

Note –

By default, Directory Server always creates a secure LDAP port when creating an instance. We do not use this port.

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes you have just completed To Install Directory Server 2.

  1. As a root user on the DirectoryServer–2 host machine, run dsadm create to create the instance.

    # cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/ds6/bin
    # ./dsadm create -p 1389 -P 1636 /var/opt/mps/am-config
    Choose the Directory Manager password: d1rm4n4ger
    Confirm the Directory Manager password: d1rm4n4ger
    use 'dsadm start /var/opt/mps/am-config' to start the instance
  2. Run dsadm start to start the instance.

    # ./dsadm start /var/opt/mps/am-config
    Server started: pid=10381
  3. Run netstat to verify that the new instance is up and running.

    # netstat -an | grep 1389
    .1389		*.*		0		0  49152		0 LISTEN
  4. Run ldapsearch to verify that you can read the root DSE of the new instance.

    # ldapsearch -h 
    -p 1389 -b "" -s base "(objectclass=*)"
    version: 1
    objectClass: top
    supportedLDAPVersion: 3
    vendorname: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    vendorVersion: Sun-Java(tm)-System-Directory/6.0