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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Release Notes

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Installation Notes

What's New in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2?

Supported Operating Systems

Java Requirements

Supported Application Servers

Supported Locales

Software Environment Limitations and Recommendations

Related Documentation

Known Issues in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2

Known Issues When Using the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition Proxy

Issues Corrected in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2

Known Issues in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2

This section lists the directory server bugs that are known to exist at the time of the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 release.

Note - The issue numbers in this section refer to issues logged in Issue Tracker. Numbers that begin with “CR...” refer to issues logged in BugTraq.

Issue Number
With a small default heap, the Control Panel can generate an OutOfMemory error after performing a relatively small number of tasks.
Increase the default heap by updating the Java arguments for the control-panel command in the config/java.properties file. as follows:


control-panel.java-args=-client —Xms8m


control-panel.java-args=-client —Xms64m —Xmx128m

The performance of the rebuild-index command decreases as the database IDs become unordered over time.
Avoid reindexing large databases if possible.
If a client application provides a malformed RDN in a modifyDN request, the server accepts the request.
Ensure that input is validated on the client side.
When an attempt is made to add an entry in which an attribute has duplicate values, the server might generate a Null Pointer Exception and close the connection (after returning an appropriate error).
Searching using an ExtensibleMatch filter without a matching rule generates a Null Pointer Exception.
If you enable Sun OpenDS Standard Edition as a Windows service when the server is running, the newly created service cannot assess the status of the server instance.
4373 & 4378
After a long period of updates, replication initialization can cause the server startup time to be fairly long.
If multiple actions are performed in the Control Panel, the equivalent CLI commands are sometimes displayed on a single line, instead of as separate commands.
4371 & 4376
Running the setup with a PKCS12 certificate results in a Null Pointer Exception if the certificate has no alias. The error message provided by the server in this situation (“no available ciphers”) is insufficient.
Provide an alias for the PKCS12 certificate.
When you use the External Change Log in draft-compatible mode, the value of the last change number is temporarily incorrect after several thousand updates. The value is corrected as soon as the ECL is searched.
When you use the External Change Log in draft-compatible mode, resetting the change numbers after several updates can take a considerable amount of time.
When a replicated topology includes only two replication servers, which are not on the same JVM as the directory servers, stopping one of the replication servers can cause an out of memory error.
Use at least three replication servers in the topology.
The external change log establishes unnecessary connections between replication servers.
Running dsreplication pre-external-initialization then dsreplication initialize-all does not reset the change number on the peer server (when you use the External Change Log in draft-compatible mode).
The --skipDNValidation and --threadCount options of the import-ldif command are not available for data imports using the Control Panel.
The Control Panel cannot be used for large LDIF imports.
Use the import-ldif command with the -–skipDNValidation option for large imports.
On Windows systems, the CLI output of non-ASCII characters is garbled in all locales other than English.
Right-click on the title bar of the cmd.exe window and select Properties. On the Font tab, change the font to Lucida Console and click OK. In the cmd.exe window, run the following command: C:\> chcp 1252
Some error messages are not translated. Errors with level SEVERE and FATAL are available in English only.
Setup fails when adding a server to an existing replicated topology and importing a large volume of data. Because the new server uses the default JVM options, attempting to initialize the server with a large volume of data fails with an out of memory error. There is no way to configure the JVM options during the setup.
Set up the server in the topology, without initializing it with data, first. Configure the JVM options to be able to handle large volumes of data (see Configuring the JVM, Java Options, and Database Cache in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Installation Guide). Initialize the server with data by using dsreplication initialize (see Initializing a Replicated Server With Data in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Administration Guide).
On Windows systems no SNMP trap is sent if the server is stopped by using stop-ds with no credentials. The server is, however, stopped correctly. The SNMP trap is sent if the server is stopped by using stop-ds -D bindDN -p password.
The manage-account get-remaining-grace-login-count subcommand returns a value of one less than the actual number of remaining grace logins.
The output of the --help subcommand of all the command-line utilities is garbled in non-UTF-8 locales.
In rare cases, on particularly slow hardware, the default connection timeout of 10 seconds for some command-line tools is too short. This can result in these commands timing out before a connection has been established.
Running the ldif-diff command on LDIF files over a certain size (around 600 Kbytes on Windows systems, larger on UNIX systems) results in a memory error similar to the following: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
Increase the heap size and rerun the command. For more information, see Configuring the JVM, Java Options, and Database Cache in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Installation Guide
In a replicated topology, if a server crashes directly after receiving delete operations, the delete operations might not be replicated to the other servers in the topology.
The delete operations must be replayed manually on another server in the topology.